Moderator: DosItHelp
Hello everyone...
I think this has been posted before, if so I am sorry.
I am batch file hat has to process big chunks of operations. So when it does with the processing, I would like to say duration: 54 seconds. So I would need a time stamp on that start of the program and the end and show the result.
Any help would be great.
Thanks for your time .
I think this has been posted before, if so I am sorry.
I am batch file hat has to process big chunks of operations. So when it does with the processing, I would like to say duration: 54 seconds. So I would need a time stamp on that start of the program and the end and show the result.
Any help would be great.
Thanks for your time .
Re: Timestamp
getTimestamp.bat is a helper batch file to manipulate and measure all sorts of time and date variables and can be found here - viewtopic.php?p=27422#p27422
Here is how to calculate time elapsed:
Here is how to calculate time elapsed:
Code: Select all
@echo off
call getTimestamp -f {ums} -r t1
:: Some long running process here
call getTimestamp -f {ums} -r t2
:: This computes the elapsed time as decimal hours.
:: It supports both positive and negative intervals.
call getTimestamp -d %t2%-%t1% -f "{uhd} hours"
:: This computes the elapsed time as days, hours, mins, secs, ms
:: It only supports positive intervals
call getTimestamp -d %t2%-%t1% -f "{ud} days {hh}:{nn}:{ss}.{fff}" -u
Re: Timestamp
All that code just for a simple function? No thanks. Correct me if I am wrong but hell no< I cannot have that overflow my batch file.
Re: Timestamp
All that code does a hell of a lot more.
You put it on your path and you call it. That's simple.
It's like having sed, awk, gawk, and even your text editor on your path.
There are two other very helpful batch programs called repl.bat and findrepl.bat too.
You put it on your path and you call it. That's simple.
It's like having sed, awk, gawk, and even your text editor on your path.
There are two other very helpful batch programs called repl.bat and findrepl.bat too.
Re: Timestamp
Isn't there a few liner way of doing it, could narrow it down for me?
If you don't want to, it's fine I don't need the Duration label then
If you don't want to, it's fine I don't need the Duration label then
Re: Timestamp
Not a one liner... you have to store the start time, store the end time, and then calculate the difference and adjust for minutes overflowing, hours overflowing, crossing midnight etc.
To simply list the two times you can use this:
You will find prebuilt routines if you look for them in google though, also on alt.msdos.batch.nt the Usenet newsgroup.
To simply list the two times you can use this:
Code: Select all
echo %time%
call batchroutine.bat
echo %time%
You will find prebuilt routines if you look for them in google though, also on alt.msdos.batch.nt the Usenet newsgroup.
Re: Timestamp
Adrianvdh wrote:All that code just for a simple function? No thanks. Correct me if I am wrong but hell no< I cannot have that overflow my batch file.
Two thirds of it is comments explaining the options it can do.
Re: Timestamp
foxidrive wrote:All that code does a hell of a lot more.
You put it on your path and you call it. That's simple.
It's like having sed, awk, gawk, and even your text editor on your path.
There are two other very helpful batch programs called repl.bat and findrepl.bat too.
it would be nice if there is a pin-it function so all these wonderful script could be displayed
otherwise they disappear into the forum
Re: Timestamp
some of them do make it into the library. I don't know the last time it has been updated with anything new.
Re: Timestamp
that would be a great addition indeed. thanks.
that would be a great addition indeed. thanks.
Re: Timestamp
Hey everyone...
I have this code as a function...
for /f "tokens=1,2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\International"^|find "REG_SZ" ') do set "%%a=%%c"
exit /b
:GetSecs "dateIn" "timeIn" secondsOut
set "dateIn=%~1"
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ("%dateIn%") do set "dateIn=%%i"
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=%sDate%" %%a in ("%dateIn%") do (
if %iDate%==0 set /a mm=100%%a%%100,dd=100%%b%%100,yy=10000%%c%%10000
if %iDate%==1 set /a dd=100%%a%%100,mm=100%%b%%100,yy=10000%%c%%10000
if %iDate%==2 set /a yy=10000%%a%%10000,mm=100%%b%%100,dd=100%%c%%100
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=%sTime%%sDecimal% " %%a in ("%~2") do (
set "hh=%%a"
set "nn=%%b"
set "ss=%%c"
if 1%hh% lss 20 set hh=0%hh%
if "%nn:~2,1%" equ "p" if "%hh%" neq "12" (set "hh=1%hh%" &set /a hh-=88)
if "%nn:~2,1%" equ "a" if "%hh%" equ "12" set "hh=00"
if "%nn:~2,1%" geq "a" set "nn=%nn:~0,2%"
set /a hh=100%hh%%%100,nn=100%nn%%%100,ss=100%ss%%%100
set /a z=14-mm,z/=12,y=yy+4800-z,m=mm+12*z-3,j=153*m+2,j=j/5+dd+y*365+y/4-y/100+y/400-2472633,j=j*86400+hh*3600+nn*60+ss
endlocal &set "%~3=%j%"
exit /b
and you would use it like this...
set "versionreleasedate1=2013/07/28"
set "versionreleasetime1=00:00:00.00"
call :GetInternational
call :GetSecs "%versionreleasedate1%" "%versionreleasetime1%" startsec
call :GetSecs "%date%" "%time%" stopsec
set /a versionday=(%stopsec%-%startsec%)/86400
Since I am not advanced with batch files like this, I do not know how to modify this code to help me with...
Then a function to calculate the difference. Any help?
I have this code as a function...
for /f "tokens=1,2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\International"^|find "REG_SZ" ') do set "%%a=%%c"
exit /b
:GetSecs "dateIn" "timeIn" secondsOut
set "dateIn=%~1"
for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ("%dateIn%") do set "dateIn=%%i"
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=%sDate%" %%a in ("%dateIn%") do (
if %iDate%==0 set /a mm=100%%a%%100,dd=100%%b%%100,yy=10000%%c%%10000
if %iDate%==1 set /a dd=100%%a%%100,mm=100%%b%%100,yy=10000%%c%%10000
if %iDate%==2 set /a yy=10000%%a%%10000,mm=100%%b%%100,dd=100%%c%%100
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=%sTime%%sDecimal% " %%a in ("%~2") do (
set "hh=%%a"
set "nn=%%b"
set "ss=%%c"
if 1%hh% lss 20 set hh=0%hh%
if "%nn:~2,1%" equ "p" if "%hh%" neq "12" (set "hh=1%hh%" &set /a hh-=88)
if "%nn:~2,1%" equ "a" if "%hh%" equ "12" set "hh=00"
if "%nn:~2,1%" geq "a" set "nn=%nn:~0,2%"
set /a hh=100%hh%%%100,nn=100%nn%%%100,ss=100%ss%%%100
set /a z=14-mm,z/=12,y=yy+4800-z,m=mm+12*z-3,j=153*m+2,j=j/5+dd+y*365+y/4-y/100+y/400-2472633,j=j*86400+hh*3600+nn*60+ss
endlocal &set "%~3=%j%"
exit /b
and you would use it like this...
set "versionreleasedate1=2013/07/28"
set "versionreleasetime1=00:00:00.00"
call :GetInternational
call :GetSecs "%versionreleasedate1%" "%versionreleasetime1%" startsec
call :GetSecs "%date%" "%time%" stopsec
set /a versionday=(%stopsec%-%startsec%)/86400
Since I am not advanced with batch files like this, I do not know how to modify this code to help me with...
Code: Select all
set startTime=%time%
:: a big process
set endTime=%time%
Then a function to calculate the difference. Any help?
Re: Timestamp
There's also this utility from microsoft, to get elapsed time.
Code: Select all
TIMETHIS : Command Timing Utility : by kevina@microsoft.com
Usage : TIMETHIS "command"
TimeThis executes the command specified by its arguments, then reports its
run time in HH:MM:SS.TTT format. Quotes around the command are required only
when the command involves redirection via <, >, >>, or |, etc. Quotes ensure
that the redirection is applied to the command being timed, rather than the
TimeThis command itself.
Examples :
TimeThis "DIR C:\WINNT | MORE"
Re: Timestamp
If you want to use the difference of timestamps with the procedures you gave this is done by:
PS: If you want to measure how good or bad your code is in seconds then you should use timethis.
Code: Select all
call :GetSecs "%date%" "%time%" startTime
:: a big process
call :GetSecs "%date%" "%time%" endTime
set /a diff=(%endTime%-%startTime%)
echo Duration: %diff% seconds
PS: If you want to measure how good or bad your code is in seconds then you should use timethis.
Re: Timestamp
Thanks man, you made my day...
I just realised after a few minutes try to figure out why it wouldn't work is, you need to add this code...
I just realised after a few minutes try to figure out why it wouldn't work is, you need to add this code...
Code: Select all
call :GetInternational
call :GetSecs "%date%" "%time%" startTime
:: a big process
call :GetSecs "%date%" "%time%" endTime
set /a diff=(%endTime%-%startTime%)
echo Duration: %diff% seconds
Re: Timestamp
a much shorter version by penpen from http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4759
this will give
or in milliseconds
in pure batch would be here
the script below within the same url above is probably corrected answer -accurate version. The same reference made by dave in
this will give
Code: Select all
2013-07-13 03:04:27:953
Code: Select all
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* Harmless hybrid line that begins a JScript comment
::************ Batch portion ***********
@echo off
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0"
exit /b 0
*** JScript part ***/
var n = new Date ();
WScript.echo ("" + ("" + (10000 + n.getYear ())).substring (1)
+ "-"
+ ("" + (100 + (n.getMonth () + 1))).substring (1)
+ "-"
+ ("" + (100 + n.getDate ())).substring (1)
+ " "
+ ("" + (100 + n.getHours ())).substring (1)
+ ":"
+ ("" + (100 + n.getMinutes ())).substring (1)
+ ":"
+ ("" + (100 + n.getSeconds ())).substring (1)
+ ":"
+ ("" + (1000 + n.getMilliseconds ())).substring (1)
+ " "
or in milliseconds
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* Harmless hybrid line that begins a JScript comment
::************ Batch portion ***********
@echo off
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0"
exit /b 0
*** JScript part ***/
WScript.echo (new Date().getTime());
in pure batch would be here
the script below within the same url above is probably corrected answer -accurate version. The same reference made by dave in
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
@echo off
set TA=%time% & echo %time%--A
echo Put Your Code Here...
set TB=%time% & echo %time%--B
call:Timediff %TA% %TB% Tab
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=:" %%a in ("%TAB%")do echo Time difference: %%a hours %%b minutes and %%c seconds
:: /* ---------- Timediff ---------------
:Timediff [%t1%] [%t2%] [par|0]
for %%a in (+%1 +%2 +%3)do if "%%a"=="+" echo No Parameters!!&exit/b
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set P2=%~1&set "P2=!P2::=!"
set/a P2=%P2:.=%-4000*(%P2:~,4%+60*%P2:~,2%)
if not "%3"=="" set P1=!P2!&shift&goto:timediff_1
if !P2! geq !P1! (set/a df=!P2!-!P1!) else set/a df=!P2!-!P1!+8640000
set/a h=df/360000,m=df%%360000/6000,s=df%%6000/100,pt=df%%100
if %pt% leq 9 set pt=0%pt%
endlocal&if %2.==0. (echo\%h%:%m%:%s%.%pt%) else set %2=%h%:%m%:%s%.%pt%&goto:eof
:: ------------- Timediff ------------- */