How to access PORTABLE MEDIA PLAYER with DOS command lines?
Posted: 03 Sep 2012 14:11
After plug-in a SAMSUNG Galaxy S or Galaxy S2 (by USB cable), I get a simple removable drive. This volume was accessible by MS-DOS command line or .CMD script. So I was able to use my MS-DOS script to backup/restore some files/settings in my smart-phone.
When I plug-in a SAMSUNG Galaxy S3, I get a PORTABLE MEDIA PLAYER. Inside this one there is a volume named "Phone" that I can access with Windows Explorer. But it doesn't look to be accessible by DOS command lines.
So, how to access "Phone" by DOS command lines?
Thanks and regards.
CONFIG: MS Windows7 SP1 Aero disabled
DOS script to check available volumes:
After plug-in a SAMSUNG Galaxy S or Galaxy S2 (by USB cable), I get a simple removable drive. This volume was accessible by MS-DOS command line or .CMD script. So I was able to use my MS-DOS script to backup/restore some files/settings in my smart-phone.
When I plug-in a SAMSUNG Galaxy S3, I get a PORTABLE MEDIA PLAYER. Inside this one there is a volume named "Phone" that I can access with Windows Explorer. But it doesn't look to be accessible by DOS command lines.
So, how to access "Phone" by DOS command lines?
Thanks and regards.
CONFIG: MS Windows7 SP1 Aero disabled
DOS script to check available volumes:
Code: Select all
Call:GetVO "Drve"
REM ECHO.Drives [%Drve%]
FOR %%f in (%Drve%) DO (
ECHO.---------------------------- %%~f
DIR /b/on "%%~f:\*.*"
ENDLOCAL&ECHO.&ECHO.Press To END ......&Pause>Nul&EXIT::________________________
::********************************************************** Get List Of VOLUMES
SET rv=%~1&::ReturnVAR
FOR /f "SKIP=1 Delims=" %%e in ('WMIC LOGICALDISK GET NAME') DO (
SET DVN=%%~e
IF /i NOT "%%~e"=="" (
IF /i "!LiS!"=="" (SET LiS=!DVN:~,1!) ELSE (SET LiS=!LiS! !DVN:~,1!)
SET %rv%=!LiS:~,-2!