is most common exit to windows surface.
Handling files and folders is an abstract use for the tools in reach.
In my orbit a function is closer to set variables, then the whole concept of files and folders.
To build a usefull menu with the command line at least, in my case one variable should be changed using
same line and row.
Finding a line in a row to search an adress in a command line output i need a variable value that has
a force to change while runtime to build adresses.
The batch wrote i start with is
Code: Select all
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /l %%g in (1,1,15) do (
set /a i=i+1
set day[!i!]=0%%g
for /l %%f in (16,1,30) do (
set /a y=y+1
set odd[!y!]=%%f
for /f "tokens=1,2 usebackq" %%d in ('[ ]') do set "mixit=altgraphik=%%d,closed=%%e"
set "%mixit:,=" & set "%"
for /l %%c in (1,1,15) do (
for /f "tokens=1,2 usebackq" %%a in ('!day[%%c]:~-2! !odd[%%c]!') do echo %altgraphik%%%a%closed% __ %altgraphik%%%b%closed%)
endlocal disabledelayedexpansion
to change the numbers inside the squared brackets at all.
A substrat is a ground to grow on, replenish.
Batch files can be empty in a textfile environment, and a setted variable named new. . .
could hold empty value one value to change if possible.
Redirecting runtime to value is not to be seen in output although a textfile can be changed.
What are the possibilties to make a change in command line output that changes in likewise a textfile can
be seen in the command line output. For my case i Need to Change an only one Output number without clearscreen.
And the second step to do while a value in a variable is to be reached from batch file input to change
the value while runtime.
One Batch file only one setted variable, is it possible to reach the value for once and more often.
the example in reach > Textfile
> command line Output while runtime
The second example empty batch file with one setted named variable %justname%, to build a environment
to reach the value for an input and to be changed while runtime.
I appreciate answers that can be done, no match must not be supplied.
Glad Riddler