Search found 17 matches

by findstr
26 Jul 2021 17:03
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Shorten file names with REN
Replies: 2
Views: 2560

Re: Shorten file names with REN

by findstr
26 Jul 2021 14:37
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Shorten file names with REN
Replies: 2
Views: 2560

Shorten file names with REN

Hello! I have files in a folder: Listing-01-01.txt Listing-01-02.txt Listing-02-01.txt Listing-02-02.txt Listing-02-03.txt Listing-03-01.txt 50 more similar files. I need to rename them to be: L01-01.txt L01-02.txt L02-01.txt L02-02.txt L02-03.txt L03-01.txt and do the same for all the other 50 file...
by findstr
21 Jul 2021 01:04
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch random number through C executable
Replies: 4
Views: 3640

Re: Batch random number through C executable

Thanks, everyone! The Powershell solution is what I need. Assembly program looks interesting, I'll read about it. (FWIW: If you continue to fire and forget your threads, whithout giving feedback to the volunteers if you even read their responses, I'm going to stop answering your questions. Just sayi...
by findstr
20 Jul 2021 01:49
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Batch random number through C executable
Replies: 4
Views: 3640

Batch random number through C executable

Hello! I've read that batch %RANDOM% is not very random. I thought it would be nice to have a .exe written in C programming language, which will return random number upon execution. I've downloaded and installed Code::Blocks and tried different examples from the web, but all of them aren't producing...
by findstr
16 Jul 2021 02:24
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: FOR /F with usebackq usage
Replies: 1
Views: 2446

FOR /F with usebackq usage

Hello! for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b') do @echo %%a for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in (`dir /b`) do @echo %%a If I understand correctly, these 2 code samples output the exact same result. I've been examining different scripts and found that almost always usebackq is used with operations where fo...
by findstr
09 Jul 2021 13:55
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Random ECHO is Off. in numbers
Replies: 3
Views: 3388

Re: Random ECHO is Off. in numbers

aGerman wrote:
08 Jul 2021 16:21

There are a couple more. However, these should already protect you from most pitfalls.
Can you please provide the information about those too?
by findstr
04 Jul 2021 13:09
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Clarification of nested IF and FOR statements
Replies: 2
Views: 2579

Re: Clarification of nested IF and FOR statements

Also, what's the difference between goto LABEL and goto :LABEL?
Is is better to use : symbol with the name of the label?
by findstr
04 Jul 2021 12:49
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Clarification of nested IF and FOR statements
Replies: 2
Views: 2579

Clarification of nested IF and FOR statements

Hello! I'm reading the book "The personal trainer: Windows command line". It says that I need to use @ symbol to begin nested IF statement. Use @ symbol to designate the start of the nested if statement. if "%1"=="1" ( @if "%2"=="2" (hostname & ver) else (ver) ) else ( hostname & ver & netstat -a ) ...
by findstr
27 Jun 2021 22:30
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Why does this run net1.exe?
Replies: 15
Views: 13187

Re: Why does this run net1.exe?

"no<<<<<" Launches notepad.exe, but in the top left corner of notepad window the icon does not look like notepad's. Also in the taskbar, the notepad window does not have the notepad icon. "notepad.exe" Launches notepad.exe with the normal notepad icon. Maybe there are other side effects of "no<<<<<"?
by findstr
25 Jun 2021 04:45
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: batch to search for duplicate letters in string
Replies: 7
Views: 4801

batch to search for duplicate letters in string

Hello! If I am getting strings with 100 random symbols in them, how can I find duplicates in them? From string "ABCDDEFGH##12345..." the script should return "DD" and "##", from string "1223..." the script should return "22", and so on. All strings are 100 characters in length: "R#6-O0W9OXRi&FQSf1&Z...
by findstr
24 Jun 2021 21:24
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Hidding wifi password
Replies: 2
Views: 2719

Re: Hidding wifi password

This is interesting. I've read that in Linux they have tools like base64 and gpg to make encrypted files. Is there a way to make encrypted file or directory in Windows, using cmd.exe or powershell, without third party apps? Something like a text file with your passwords, but you have to type the mas...
by findstr
23 Jun 2021 19:56
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: CONVERTCP.exe - Convert text from one code page to another
Replies: 134
Views: 222090

Re: CONVERTCP.exe - Convert text from one code page to another

... Virustotal scans of version 8.0: x86: x64: Steffen Are those false positives, or the program ...
by findstr
23 Jun 2021 05:09
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: strange FOR behavior
Replies: 1
Views: 2198

strange FOR behavior

In interactive cmd.exe prompt:

Code: Select all

cmd /V:ON
set counter=0 & for /L %K in (1,1,6) do @(set /a counter+=1 & echo !counter!)
The result is:

Code: Select all

I expected it to be:

Code: Select all

What's wrong here?
by findstr
20 Jun 2021 20:32
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Clear clipboard with .bat file
Replies: 5
Views: 4404

Clear clipboard with .bat file

Hello! On my home computer I have a file effacer.ps1 on my desktop with contents Set-Clipboard $null which clears Windows clipboard on double click. At my work the computer refuses to run Powershell scripts, I can't change the execution policy. Is there a way to achieve the same thing with cmd.exe: ...
by findstr
11 Jun 2021 09:19
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Set default prompt
Replies: 1
Views: 2258

Set default prompt


Code: Select all

PROMPT $E[48^;5^;104^;38^;5^;15m$D$G$E[0m$S
How can I make cmd.exe to run this code at startup to set the color prompt automatically every time I launch cmd.exe?
Windows 10