Search found 14 matches

by ledlightjungled
14 Sep 2016 06:01
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

Re: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

Within the options in reach i try to redirect the cmd commands to build a menu. m Next to the squared numbers on the right five file names have been echoed. The task to aim is fifteen files to scroll with up and down. The numbers on the left have to scroll within changeable positions from one to fiv...
by ledlightjungled
06 Sep 2016 05:45
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

Re: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

I have grown up with two languages. The slovenien and german language. My syntax is not settled for the spoken part of english language. There are very rare possibilities to speak with others english. I look forward to search for answers on other sites, too. The Microsoft TechNet Site is an option, ...
by ledlightjungled
05 Sep 2016 14:10
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

Re: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

Die Ausgabe durch den Bildschirm, nur die ersten fünf Wörter lassen sich direkt übersetzen. The issue through the screen, only the first five words are translated directly. I started to wrote in english sentences that fit my issue. I am not exhausted from the confrontation, i just hope the pain to r...
by ledlightjungled
05 Sep 2016 05:27
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

Re: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

A short code saves work. Any short version batch, for a text seen on screen is a progress i prefer to work with. The code simplified is a progress. I goldfish had less circles to swim, thank´s to douglas.swehla To use the flex_columns for my work it takes a few days, but it worked. The columns of nu...
by ledlightjungled
04 Sep 2016 09:34
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

Re: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

The conditions for a pattern in a line with text and batch code i have to discover, while it is not suited for a dostip frame with common habit. The batchfiles were not named 2.parameter and 3.ouput. I just counted and added numders. On my Desktop the origin for the three batch File names are start ...
by ledlightjungled
03 Sep 2016 13:06
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

Re: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

With a second reply a row starts. I finish this row in my second step, with a maybe i get reply. Like i understand wath i have gathered without an additional reply i don´t post a third one in a row. My wish was to reach parameter one. For a most convenient start i writte, echo %0, is the ouput of th...
by ledlightjungled
02 Sep 2016 07:51
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

Re: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

Für den Code @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /l %%g in (1,1,15) do ( set /a i=i+1 set day[!i!]=0%%g ) for /l %%f in (16,1,30) do ( set /a y=y+1 set odd[!y!]=%%f ) for /f "tokens=1,2 usebackq" %%d in ('[ ]') do set "mixit=altgraphik=%%d,closed=%%e" set "%mixit:,...
by ledlightjungled
31 Aug 2016 02:38
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

Re: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

Sorry for my chained steps in written language without grip. I can direct an cmd Output to a Textfile, and with the direct keyborad sign > replace the value. I try to figure a way to replace a value of an cmd Output while runtime. That is my first step. My second step should be, for a setted %variab...
by ledlightjungled
30 Aug 2016 10:06
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable
Replies: 26
Views: 21207

The topic is to reach a value, in a batch file with only one setted variable

To plenish all usefull information for redirecting the commands from batch files through command line, time is most common exit to windows surface. Handling files and folders is an abstract use for the tools in reach. In my orbit a function is closer to set variables, then the whole concept of files...
by ledlightjungled
15 Oct 2015 01:18
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: A Value of a space bar is not screened with the Output
Replies: 8
Views: 5621

Re: A Value of a space bar is not screened with the Output

All X added to the set variable are not screend with one letter that matches X used in the delimiter. A second X would be useless. In this case. The delimiter usually for me holds the letters for file extensions. In a for /f loop without additional bindings the delimiter also can hold more then one ...
by ledlightjungled
13 Oct 2015 02:23
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: A Value of a space bar is not screened with the Output
Replies: 8
Views: 5621

Re: A Value of a space bar is not screened with the Output

The last solution first posted at stackoverflow i come up with is @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /f %%A in ('echo prompt $H ^| cmd') do set BS=%%A set "string=XA THEWORDIZPAT" for /L %%A in (0,1,14) do ( for /f "tokens=* delims=X" %%b in ("!string:~%%A,1!"...
by ledlightjungled
11 Oct 2015 14:37
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: A Value of a space bar is not screened with the Output
Replies: 8
Views: 5621

Re: A Value of a space bar is not screened with the Output

First i read about the prompt $H for /f loop on stackoverflow. I could not link the .%BS% Variable to the Value like it is posted in this post. I linked it to the echo of the %alien% Variable with outher cause. The iteration with a set Varaiable is new to me and will take some time to manage. So far...
by ledlightjungled
11 Oct 2015 11:30
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: A Value of a space bar is not screened with the Output
Replies: 8
Views: 5621

A Value of a space bar is not screened with the Output

To search in the frame of my possibilitys i have some limits with them i can not say have i worked until i can post a question or am i missing something. With the batch file i am writting i am missing something and until now i always had some hints to pinpoint at. The Output of the batch file is THE...