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by aGerman
26 Jan 2010 13:05
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Replies: 4
Views: 13177

Re: The syntax of the command is incorrect.

Would you write down an entire "faulty" line? Can't find any mistakes.

by aGerman
26 Jan 2010 13:00
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: List all "Command Line" System Files - Compare to my list
Replies: 5
Views: 8895

Re: List all "Command Line" System Files - Compare to my list

Hi thr333. I see two ways. 1st Set each file name into a variable and 2nd Mark off each line to use FINDSTR for the own batch code. IMHO the second would be better. For testings: @echo off &setlocal set "all=%temp%\all.txt" set "missing=%temp%\missing.txt" type nul>"%all...
by aGerman
25 Jan 2010 17:49
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: List all "Command Line" System Files - Compare to my list
Replies: 5
Views: 8895

Re: List all "Command Line" System Files - Compare to my list

Hi thr333, first let me say there are a lot of mistakes in your list. Not every command is an EXE file. Some (like ECHO, FOR, TIME, PUSHD, POPD ...) are implemented to the command line interpreter, some other (like GRAFTABL, MODE, MORE ...) are COM files. So figure out on your system and change it. ...
by aGerman
24 Jan 2010 15:34
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: 2 "IF / ELSE" decisions, 4 combinations - reduce to 2 result
Replies: 2
Views: 5088

Re: 2 "IF / ELSE" decisions, 4 combinations - reduce to 2 result

Hi Alan. Maybe you could use regular expressions. For testing: @echo off &setlocal set /p "A=value for A: " set /p "B=value for B: " echo %A%:%B%|findstr /r /c:"^4:[^6]$" >nul 2>&1 &&call :default ||call :special pause goto :eof :default echo DEFAULT got...
by aGerman
22 Jan 2010 18:40
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: generic failure
Replies: 8
Views: 11517

Re: generic failure

Maybe option /f is placed wrong? Have a look to the command line reference (taskkill /?).

Code: Select all

taskkill /im Steam.exe /f /t
by aGerman
22 Jan 2010 18:23
Forum: DOS Batch Forum
Topic: Move Foldercontent in parent folder
Replies: 1
Views: 4262

Re: Move Foldercontent in parent folder

You can't use wildcards. But using DIR /S into a FOR /F loop will help surely. Figure out. @echo off for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a-d /b /s *.mp3') do copy "%%a" "%%~nxa" You have to create the batch in "music". But note, ampersands in file names or folder n...