Sorted Delete of Files in a Directory

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Sorted Delete of Files in a Directory

#1 Post by shadeclan » 01 Dec 2011 14:03

Please forgive my exuberance - I've just never done anything like this before and I wanted to share!

I created an batch file that builds and executes FTP scripts every week for a special case where I needed to transfer a file from one FTP server to another through an intermediary that had security access to both. The file basically:

  • Grabs 2 files from server X and places them in a backup folder with the name of "[JobName]_yyyymmdd.txt".
  • Verifies the files have been downloaded, then deletes them from server X.
  • Uploads the files to server Y from the backup folder, changing the name of the server Y file in the process.
  • Verifies (by parsing a temporary sub-log) that server Y acknowledges the receipt of the file (See my Reverse Parsing post).
  • Adds the sub-log to the main log.
  • Deletes the sub-log and the FTP working scripts (clean-up).

I had a problem - I wanted to be able to automatically manage the backup files, getting rid of files older than 5 weeks. At first, I thought I'd create a separate text file to keep track of the files and delete them. Then I hit upon a more elegant solution:

Code: Select all

:: Determine working / backup directory
   set vLocalDir="%~dp0%Backup\"

:: Create backup / working directory if the directory does not exist.
   if not exist "%vLocalDir%" (mkdir "%vLocalDir%")
:: Set current directory to backup / working directory.
   cd /d "%vLocalDir%"

:: Count the backup files.
   for /f "delims=*" %%a in ('dir /a:-d /b') do (
      set /a vCntr+=1
:: Delete backup files older than 5 runs ago, which should be 5 weeks ago.
   if %vCntr%==12 (
      for /f "delims=*" %%a in ('dir /a:-d /b ^| sort /+9') do (
         if !vCntr! GTR 10 (
            del /q /s %%a
         set /a vCntr-=1

Because the first part of the file name was different for both files, I couldn't just sort the directory files within the dir command. I could have simply reconstructed the way I created the filename and put the date first, but I just didn't like the idea. I was especially proud of the solution because this is the first time I've ever used a pipe in my code and I really didn't understand how it worked. In fact, I put the sort function first. thinking that the pipe somehow took the place of the input file. Then I realized that DOS worked sequentially - it would have to have the results of the dir command before it could feed it into the sort function.

I know that this is no big deal to you guys [Ed especially - Hi Ed! :D ] but I just got excited about the whole thing and thought I'd post it anyway. Besides, maybe there's some beginner out there (more "beginner" than me, that is :D ) that can use it.

Posts: 61
Joined: 02 Jun 2011 11:29
Location: USA - Somewhere between Albany NY and Bennington VT

Re: Sorted Delete of Files in a Directory

#2 Post by shadeclan » 01 Dec 2011 18:32

Herp Derp! :oops: What a moron I am! I could have used sort /r and skipped the first counting loop entirely!

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