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Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 03 Jun 2012 01:16
by mor.bas
I got for the command that you ask:


Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 03 Jun 2012 05:14
by aGerman
Strange. Even if 00000 should be always the wrong value it should not output the error message.
set /a dec=0x00000 is a legal expression and would calculate a decimal 0. But since the "system idle process" has always PID 0 something must be wrong in the temporary reg.txt I guess.

Sorry but I can't help. I would sit in front of your computer to find the error. Can't do that from the distance.


Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 03 Jun 2012 17:05
by abc0502
hi, the error of converting the hex to dec as aGerman said,
and if it worked with u the first time see what changes u made beside the Rem Pause >nul part,
if no more changes u made, check to see if the reg.txt file exist in the %temp% directory and delete it and run it again if worked that mean the deletion of this file fail in the script.

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 05:34
by mor.bas
I want to add to the script a wmi qeury (wmic) in the begining and if it success to go out the script.
(I want it always to run and fix the problem only if it's necessary).

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 08:02
by mor.bas
It's seems that the deletion of the file(reg.txt)
didn't succeed what I can do in order to fix it?
Thanks in advance...

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 08:27
by foxidrive
What code are you using?

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 12:05
by mor.bas
The one that abc0502 wrote.
see on page 2.
In genarl it working just the delete reg.txt not working and i get the error like
i mention before.

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 12:55
by foxidrive
Add a line to delete the "%temp%\reg.txt" file.

I didn't see you mention any other error in your last few posts. Is there another issue?

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 12:58
by foxidrive
mor.bas wrote:I want to add to the script a wmi qeury (wmic) in the begining and if it success to go out the script.

At the start you could do something like this:

@echo off
WMIC query
If %result% EQU fail (
the rest of the batch file here

to here

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 14:00
by abc0502
I re-tested again there is an error when trying to stop
The command

Code: Select all

Echo Y|net stop winimgmt

is not working for some reason, it refuse to take the Y as an input

and the process PID after converting to dec is 0, there is no problem in the reg.txt file it's deleted every time you run the batch i think the proplem is that the service is not exit

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 16:03
by abc0502
I Modified the Final Batch and replaced few commands, removed the reg.txt now it will get the process ID directly from the command line and set it, changed the color fiunction try it and give us a feedback:

This code has been modified
NOTE PLEASE: in line 35 "the for loop" the delims should be a TAB not a spaces so delete the space and then press the tab botton after you copy the code to your PC

Code: Select all

@echo off
mode 65,55
Color 0A
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Checking Files" end &Call :color 0F "                       =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
FOR %%a IN ("wbemcomn.dll") DO Echo %%~$PATH:a
FOR %%b IN ("wmiutils.dll") DO Echo %%~$PATH:b
Call :color 0C "Done" end&echo.&echo.&echo.

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Disabling WinMgmt Service" end &Call :color 0F "            =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
SET /P ".=Service SharedAccess stoped."<nul &echo.
SET /P ".=Service WinMgmt stopped."<nul &echo.
sc stop sharedaccess >nul
sc stop winmgmt >nul
CALL :color 0c "Done" &echo.&echo.&echo.

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Changing to wbem Folder" end &Call :color 0F "              =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
SET /P ".=Current Directory is :"<nul &echo.
SET /P ".=  %windir%\system32\wbem"<nul &echo.
CD /D %windir%\system32\wbem
CALL :color 0c "Done" &echo.&echo.&echo.

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Retrieving Process PID" end &Call :color 0F "               =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
REG QUERY "%reg%" /v "ProcessID" >nul
:: The delims is a tab not spaces so if the code failed you should check the delims and repalce the space with "TAB"
FOR /F "skip=4 tokens=3 delims=   " %%c IN ('REG QUERY "%reg%" /v "ProcessID"') DO set hex=%%c
Call :toDec %hex:~2% PID
SET /P ".=The PID Process is:"<nul &Call :color 0b "  %PID%" end&echo.
Call :color 0C "Done" end&echo.&echo.&echo.

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Terminating Process" end &Call :color 0F "                  =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
IF %PID% NEQ 0 (
IF Exist "%~dp0pskill.exe" ( "%~dp0pskill.exe" %PID% >nul
) Else ( Call :color 0B "Can't Kill Process %PID%, PSkill.exe missing" end&echo. &Call :color 03 "Press any key to exit" end&echo.&pause >nul &Exit )
) Else ( Call :color 0b "Service not Exist" end &echo. )
Call :color 0C "Done" end&echo.&echo.&echo.

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Removing Repository and Logs Folders" end &Call :color 0F " =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
SET /P ".=Folder : Repository Removed."<nul &echo.
SET /P ".=Folder : Logs Removed."<nul &echo.
RMDIR /S /Q Repository >nul
RMDIR /S /Q Logs >nul
Call :color 0C "Done" end&echo.
CALL :color 0E "Continuing in "3" Sec" end&echo.
Ping Localhost -n 4 >nul

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Registring DLL Files" end &Call :color 0F "                 =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
FOR /R %%d IN (*.dll) DO Regsvr32 /s %%d
Regsvr32 /s fastprox.dll
Call :color 0C "Done" end&echo.&echo.&echo.

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Enabling Stopped Services" end &Call :color 0F "            =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
SET /P ".=Service SharedAccess started."<nul &echo.
SET /P ".=Service WinMgmt started."<nul &echo.
sc start sharedaccess >nul
sc start winmgmt >nul
CALL :color 0c "Done" &echo.&echo.&echo.

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " Registring Wbemtest.dll files" end &Call :color 0F "        =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
For /F "skip=1 tokens=3" %%a IN ('ver') DO (
If %%a==[Version goto skip1
if %%a==XP Regsvr32 /s wbemupgd.dll
CALL :color 0c "Done" &echo.&echo.&echo.
goto skip2

Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "=" &Call :color 0E " starting stopped Services" end &Call :color 0F "                =" end&echo.
Call :color 0F "========================================" end&echo.
NET start server >nul
NET start workstation >nul
NET start AudioSrv >nul
NET start termservice >nul
CALL :color 0c "Done" &echo.&echo.&echo.
Exit /B

Call :color 07 "To Repair Missing Files in Windows Press" &Call :color 0b " R" end&echo.
Call :color 07 "Or" &Call :color 0C " X" &Call :color 07 " To Exit" end&echo.

Set "cho="
Set /p "cho=>"
If not defined cho cls & goto skip2
If /i %cho%==r goto Missing
If /i %cho%==x Exit
MSG * "Invalid Choice"
goto skip2

mode 75,55
Call :color 07 "This will Require the Windows Installation CD to Replace Missing Files" &echo.&echo.
Call :color 07 " Make The Windows CD Ready and Insert when Prompted" &echo:&echo.
start rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection WBEM 132 %windir%\inf\wbemoc.inf
Exit /B

set /a dec=0x%~1
IF "%~2" NEQ "" (SET %~2=%dec%) ELSE ECHO.%dec%
exit /b

set /p ".= " > "%~2" <nul
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul 2>nul
set /p ".=" <nul
if "%3" == "end" set /p ".=  " <nul
del "%~2" >nul 2>nul
exit /b

some time when you run the code you will get the process id 0 close the batch and wait for few moments then run it again, the process has a recovery time to fix it's process id i think, see the registry key from the regedit command

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 23:42
by mor.bas
That what I got on the screen now:
= Checking File =

= Disabling WinMgmt Servic =
Service SharedAccess stoped.
Service WinMgmt stopped.

= Changing to wbem Folde =
Current Directory is :

= Retrieving Process PI =
Invalid number. Numeric constants are either decimal (17),
hexadecimal (0x11), or octal (021).
The PID Process is:The system cannot find the path specified.


= Terminating Proces =
0 was unexpected at this time.


Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 02:44
by abc0502
Sorry for the mistakes i don't know what happend but the code i bosted in this form is differant from tha one i have in my pc, I reposted again.

however, i some times get the PID number 0 and after afew times i get it 1664 or something like that, i don't know why :?:

I thinks the code was giving errors because i used the quote tag not the code tag to input my code and the spaces was deleted, sorry :oops:

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 03:08
by abc0502
It seems that the form code tag can't show the "TAB" so, After you Copy the Code to your pc
GOTO LINE 35 "the foor loop" and in the delims delete the exist space and the press the "TAB" botton in the keyboard and the code should work fine

The Delims should be a TAB not a Space

Re: Batch script to fix wmi - urgent

Posted: 23 Jul 2012 04:45
by Ed Dyreen
Hi abc0502,

Code: Select all

>SET /P ".=Service SharedAccess stoped."<nul &echo.
Service SharedAccess stoped.

The nice thing about 'set /p' is that it doesn't adds a linefeed, but then you undo it with an 'echo.', you could just have written:

Code: Select all

>echo.Service SharedAccess stoped.
Service SharedAccess stoped.

how about

Code: Select all

>echo. &<nul set /p "=Service SharedAccess stoped."

Service SharedAccess stoped.
ps: Did you mean stoped ?, or stopped :)