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Looping sqlcmd until condition is met

Posted: 05 Oct 2021 15:01
by exppost
Am trying to loop through the below code until the count returns value greater than 0 (Each iteration should get paused for 5 minutes).
Once count returns value greater than 0 it has to exit the indefinite loop and fire insert query to specific table.
Am connecting to sql server DB

for /f %%a in ('sqlcmd -S <SERVER> -d <DATABASE> -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON; select max(dt) as dt from prm"') do set var_dt=%%a

for /f %%a in ('sqlcmd -S <SERVER> -d <DATABASE> -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON; select count(*) as cnt from Table2 where dt=cast('%var_dt%' as datetime)"') do pause 5 set var_cnt=%%a

Re: Looping sqlcmd until condition is met

Posted: 06 Oct 2021 12:19
by aGerman
I'm not familiar with sqlcmd. So, I'm assuming that your command lines are working and the FOR /F assigns the correct value to %%a.

Code: Select all

for /f %%a in ('sqlcmd -S <SERVER> -d <DATABASE> -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON; select max(dt) as dt from prm"') do set "var_dt=%%a"
for /f %%a in ('sqlcmd -S <SERVER> -d <DATABASE> -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON; select count(*) as cnt from Table2 where dt=cast('%var_dt%' as datetime)"') do (
  if %%a leq 0 (
    >nul timeout /t 5 /nobreak
    goto loop
  ) else set "var_cnt=%%a"