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Hello world! It's me and this is my RPG.

Posted: 11 Apr 2022 10:01
by Puccilillo
Hi everyone!
This is my first post on the board.
First, I want to say that this board has helped me a lot since now, cause I found many suggestions for my actual project.
So first of all, thank you.

Next, I want to share with you my project itself.
Since it has no name yet, I named it Test RPG.
It is only a batch program (no external programs) and I'm very proud of it.
There is way much to implement and it is highly customizable.
Also, I started versioning at some point and put it on GitHub.

You can have a look at this if you want:

I am posting this here because I'm open to any kind of suggestion or revision.
I can't say I'm a programmer, even if I know a little bit of coding... so fell FREE to suggest any change.
You can start Test RPG by running T.bat.
The program requires a few files (world.dat, enemies.dat, items.dat) where the game data is stored.
You can download them from GitHub.
Edit: Now any missing data file is downloaded from GitHub automatically.

So what you need is:

Code: Select all

The data files will be downloaded in the same directory of the main batch file.
So guys, I hope you will have some fun.

See you,
Puccilillo :mrgreen:

Current last version:

Code: Select all

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set appname=Test RPG
set appdate=April 15, 2022
set appver=0.12.13-alpha
title %appname% v%appver% - %appdate%
::0.12.13 added fight saving when quitting
::0.12.12 fixed equipment lines spacing
::0.12.11 fixed xp reward formula
::0.12.10 fixed typo in use item code
::0.12.9 inverted fight order (attack first)
::0.12.8 changed hud size to 3/5
::0.12.7 sorted inventory code
::0.12.6 added alternating display for long names
::0.12.5 code optimization
::0.12.4 got rid of user class variable
::0.12.3 better fit screen formula for left hud
::0.12.2 fixed xp reward code (was missing xp*lev divide)
::0.12.1 wider screen setup, auto scaling map
::0.12.0 added online backup code for missing game files
::clear all variables
set rpg.init=true
for /f "delims=^=" %%i in ('set rpg.') do set %%i=
::set screen width 116=4:3 146=16:9 with Consolas font
set /a rpg.hud.cols=146
set /a rpg.hud.rows=40
mode con cols=%rpg.hud.cols% lines=%rpg.hud.rows%
set /a rpg.hud.lines=rpg.hud.rows-2
set /a rpg.hud.left=rpg.hud.cols/5*2/6*6-3
set /a rpg.hud.right=rpg.hud.cols-rpg.hud.left-5
set /a rpg.hud.barsize=rpg.hud.left-18
set /a rpg.hud.invdescmax=rpg.hud.barsize
set /a
::set hud visuals
for /l %%b in (1,1,%rpg.hud.barsize%) do set!!-
for /l %%s in (1,1,%rpg.hud.left%) do set "rpg.hud.spacer=!rpg.hud.spacer! "
for /l %%f in (1,2,%rpg.hud.right%) do set rpg.hud.filler=!rpg.hud.filler!.:
::set control keys
set rpg.hud.adminkeys=GHKXVM
set rpg.hud.mapkeys=TLC
set rpg.hud.keys=WSADQERIO%rpg.hud.adminkeys%
set /a rpg.delay=3
::add null item with 0 quantity
set /a rpg.inv.null=0

::set xp min and max for each level
for /l %%m in (1,1,200) do (
	set /a "rpg.hud.xpm%%m=25*%%m*(%%m-1)"
	set /a "rpg.hud.xpx%%m=25*%%m*(%%m+1)"

echo Loading...
::start new timer
set /a rpg.time=-1%time:~-10,1%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%%time:~-2,2%
::parse data files, download missing files from github
for %%f in (enemies items world) do (
	if not exist %%f.dat curl -s -O
	for /f "delims=" %%v in (%%f.dat) do set %%v
::look for saved user or create new one
if not exist user.sav goto :create
for /f "delims=" %%u in (user.sav) do set %%u


::this is skipped if maxXP is already set and user xp is in range
if defined rpg.user.xpmax if %rpg.user.xp% LSS %rpg.user.xpmax% if %rpg.user.xp% GEQ %rpg.user.xpmin% goto :findlevelxp
set rpg.user.level=
for /l %%l in (200,-1,1) do if not defined rpg.user.level (
	if %rpg.user.xp% GEQ !rpg.hud.xpm%%l! set /a rpg.user.level=%%l
) else (
	goto :findlevelxp

::calc XPMAX=25*L*(L+1) XPMIN=25*L*(L-1)
set /a rpg.user.xpmax=rpg.hud.xpx%rpg.user.level%
set /a rpg.user.xpmin=rpg.hud.xpm%rpg.user.level%
set /a rpg.user.xpcur=rpg.user.xp-rpg.user.xpmin
set /a rpg.user.xplev=rpg.user.xpmax-rpg.user.xpmin

::calc user stats, this will include special items bonuses
set /a rpg.user.str=10+rpg.user.level/5
set /a rpg.user.con=10+rpg.user.level/5
set /a rpg.user.dex=10
set /a rpg.user.hpmax=rpg.user.con*20+rpg.user.level*50
set /a rpg.user.pwmax=rpg.user.dex*15+rpg.user.level*25
set /a rpg.user.arm=rpg.item.%rpg.user.head%.arm+rpg.item.%rpg.user.torso%.arm+rpg.item.%rpg.user.arms%.arm+rpg.item.%rpg.user.legs%.arm+rpg.item.%rpg.user.feet%.arm+rpg.user.level/10
set /a rpg.user.dps=rpg.item.%rpg.user.weapon%.dps

::create hpbar
set /a "rpg.hud.hpbar.progress=rpg.hud.barsize-(rpg.hud.barsize*rpg.user.hp/rpg.user.hpmax)"
set rpg.hud.hpbar=[!,%rpg.hud.barsize%!]

::create pwbar
set /a "rpg.hud.pwbar.progress=rpg.hud.barsize-(rpg.hud.barsize*"
set rpg.hud.pwbar=[!,%rpg.hud.barsize%!]

::create xpbar
set /a "rpg.hud.xpbar.progress=rpg.hud.barsize-(rpg.hud.barsize*rpg.user.xpcur/rpg.user.xplev)"
set rpg.hud.xpbar=[!,%rpg.hud.barsize%!]

::create foebar if fighting
if %rpg.user.status%==fight (
	set /a "rpg.hud.foebar.progress=rpg.hud.barsize-(rpg.hud.barsize*rpg.fight.hp/rpg.fight.hpmax)"
	for %%v in (!rpg.hud.foebar.progress!) do set rpg.hud.foebar=[!,%rpg.hud.barsize%!]

::clear hud lines (skip map if defined)
set /a
for /l %%l in (%rpg.hud.clear%,1,%rpg.hud.lines%) do set rpg.hud.l%%l=

::define user position
set rpg.user.pos=x%rpg.user.x%y%rpg.user.y%

::set hud info
set rpg.hud.l14=(%rpg.user.x%,%rpg.user.y%) !!
if set rpg.hud.l14=*Editing* %rpg.hud.l14%
set rpg.hud.l16=Str:%rpg.user.str% Con:%rpg.user.con% Dex:%rpg.user.dex% Arm:%rpg.user.arm% Dps:%rpg.user.dps%

::set controls description
set rpg.hud.cont= [WASD] Move [O] Equip [I] Inv
set rpg.hud.cont2= [Q] Quit
if %rpg.user.status%==fight (
	set rpg.hud.cont2=%rpg.hud.cont2% [E] Fight
) else (
	set rpg.hud.cont2=%rpg.hud.cont2% [E] Wait

::set hud directions
set /a
set /a
set /a
set /a
if defined set "!![N] !! "
if defined set "!![S] !! "
if defined set "!![W] !! "
if defined set "!![E] !! "

::print new location if player has moved moved
::opens inventory if entering a shop, closes inventory if not
::set map for update
if not defined rpg.hud.input set rpg.hud.input=W
for %%d in (W,S,A,D) do if %rpg.hud.input%==%%d if (
	call :addline X:%rpg.user.x% Y:%rpg.user.y% Name: !!
	call :addline Job: !! Type: !! Enc: !!
	call :addline Desc: !!
	call :addline
) else (
	if defined call :addline "!!"
	call :addline Location: !!
	call :addline Directions:
	call :addline
	if defined (
		set "rpg.hud.inventory=open" 
		set ""
	) else (
		set "rpg.hud.inventory=closed"
		set ""

::updates map if set to
if defined (
	set /a rpg.hud.l=1
	set /a ""
	set /a ""
	set /a ""
	set /a ""
	for /l %%y in (!!,-1,!!) do (
		for /l %%x in (!!,1,!!) do (
			if defined (
			) else (
			if defined set[$]
			if defined set "[^!]"
			if defined (
				if !!==water 	set
				if !!==grass 	set
				if !!==forest 	set\V/
				if !!==mountain 	set\
				if !!==woman 	set\@/
			if x%%xy%%y==%rpg.user.pos% if defined (
			) else (
			set "!!!!"
		set "rpg.hud.l!rpg.hud.l!=!!"
		set /a rpg.hud.l+=1

::clear inventory keys
set rpg.hud.invkeys=

::alternate description filter inventory for long names
if "%rpg.hud.descfilter%"=="-%rpg.hud.invdescmax%" (
	set rpg.hud.descfilter=0,%rpg.hud.invdescmax%
) else (
	set rpg.hud.descfilter=-%rpg.hud.invdescmax%

::set player/enemy hud (this is skipped if inventory or equipment are open)
if "%rpg.hud.inventory%"=="open" goto :hudinventoryopen
if ""=="open" goto :hudequipmentopen
set [%rpg.user.level%]
set rpg.hud.l19= HP %rpg.hud.hpbar% %rpg.user.hp%/%rpg.user.hpmax%
set rpg.hud.l20= PW %rpg.hud.pwbar%
set rpg.hud.l21= XP %rpg.hud.xpbar% %rpg.user.xp%/%rpg.user.xpmax%
if %rpg.user.status%==fight (
	set [%rpg.fight.level%]
	set rpg.hud.l24= HP %rpg.hud.foebar% %rpg.fight.hp%/%rpg.fight.hpmax%

::set interface (this is skipped if inventory is NOT open)
if not "%rpg.hud.inventory%"=="open" goto :hudinventoryclosed
::set item list
if defined rpg.hud.inv[1] for /f "delims=^=" %%c in ('set rpg.hud.inv[') do set %%c=
set /a rpg.hud.invslot=0
::set actions based on job type
::list shop items filtered by item slot name
if defined (
	if not !!==merchant (
		if !!==weaponsm set rpg.hud.invslots=weapon
		if !!==armorsm set rpg.hud.invslots=head torso arms belt legs feet shield
		if !!==tavern set rpg.hud.invslots=
		for /f "tokens=3-5 delims=.^=" %%k in ('set rpg.item.') do (
			for %%s in (!rpg.hud.invslots!) do (
				if %%l==slot if %%m==%%s (
					set /a rpg.hud.invslot+=1
					set rpg.hud.inv[!rpg.hud.invslot!]=%%k
		set rpg.hud.l18=Choose an item to buy:
		set rpg.hud.invaction=Buy
		set rpg.hud.invtype=shop
	) else (
		set rpg.hud.l18=Choose an item to sell:
		set rpg.hud.invaction=Sell
		set rpg.hud.invtype=owned
) else (
	set rpg.hud.l18=Inventory:
	set rpg.hud.invaction=Use
	set rpg.hud.invtype=owned

::list owned items
if %rpg.hud.invtype%==owned (
	for /f "tokens=3-4 delims=.^=" %%k in ('set rpg.inv.') do (
		if %%l GEQ 1 (
			set /a rpg.hud.invslot+=1
			set rpg.hud.inv[!rpg.hud.invslot!]=%%k

::set total pages
if not defined rpg.hud.invpage set /a rpg.hud.invpage=1
set /a "rpg.hud.invpages=1+(rpg.hud.invslot-1)/10"
if %rpg.hud.invpage% GTR %rpg.hud.invpages% set /a rpg.hud.invpage=1

::create inventory list
:::set items bonuses based on shop tipe and invetory slot
:::add single items to inventory line
set /a "rpg.hud.invmin=1+10*(rpg.hud.invpage-1)"
set /a rpg.hud.invmax=rpg.hud.invmin+9
set /a rpg.hud.invfirstline=18
set /a rpg.hud.invlastline=rpg.hud.invfirstline+10
for /l %%l in (%rpg.hud.invmin%,1,%rpg.hud.invmax%) do (
	set /a rpg.hud.invslot=%%l
	set /a rpg.hud.invline=%%l+rpg.hud.invfirstline
	if !rpg.hud.invline! GTR !rpg.hud.invlastline! set /a "rpg.hud.invline-=10*(rpg.hud.invpage-1)"
	if defined rpg.hud.inv[%%l] for %%v in (!rpg.hud.inv[%%l]!) do (
		if %rpg.hud.invaction%==Sell (
			set /a rpg.hud.bonus=rpg.item.%%v.val*75/100
			set "rpg.hud.bonus=(!rpg.inv.%%v!) !rpg.hud.bonus!g"
		if %rpg.hud.invaction%==Buy (
			set /a rpg.hud.bonus=rpg.item.%%v.val*125/100
			set "rpg.hud.bonus=(+!rpg.item.%%v.arm!!rpg.item.%%v.dps!) !rpg.hud.bonus!g"
		if %rpg.hud.invaction%==Use for %%b in (arm dps str con dex hp pw) do if defined rpg.item.%%v.%%b set "rpg.hud.bonus=(!rpg.inv.%%v!) +!rpg.item.%%v.%%b! %%b"
		set rpg.hud.l!rpg.hud.invline!= [!rpg.hud.invslot:~-1!] !! !rpg.hud.bonus!
		set rpg.hud.invkeys=!rpg.hud.invkeys!!rpg.hud.invslot:~-1!

::add item controls to inventory
set rpg.hud.cont2=%rpg.hud.cont2% [0-9] %rpg.hud.invaction%

::set page indicators
if %rpg.hud.invpages% GTR 1 (
	set rpg.hud.invbar=
	for /l %%p in (1,1,%rpg.hud.invpages%) do if %rpg.hud.invpage% EQU %%p (
		set rpg.hud.invbar=!rpg.hud.invbar!#
	) else (
		set rpg.hud.invbar=!rpg.hud.invbar!-
	set rpg.hud.l30= Page %rpg.hud.invpage% of %rpg.hud.invpages%
	set rpg.hud.l31= [!rpg.hud.invbar!]
	set rpg.hud.invkeys=%rpg.hud.invkeys%P
	set rpg.hud.cont2=%rpg.hud.cont2% [P] Page

::set equipment (this is skipped if equipment is NOT open)
if not ""=="open" goto :hudequipmentclosed
set rpg.hud.l18=Equipment:
set /a rpg.hud.line=19
set /a rpg.hud.slot=1
for %%s in (Head Torso Arms Legs Feet Nul Neck Jewel Belt Nul Weapon Shield) do (
	if defined rpg.user.%%s for %%v in (!rpg.user.%%s!) do (
		set "rpg.hud.l!rpg.hud.line!= %%s [!rpg.hud.slot:~-1!] !! (+!rpg.item.%%v.arm!!rpg.item.%%v.dps!)"
		set rpg.hud.invkeys=!rpg.hud.invkeys!!rpg.hud.slot:~-1!
		set rpg.hud.unequip[!rpg.hud.slot:~-1!]=%%s
	if not %%s==Nul set /a rpg.hud.slot+=1
	set /a rpg.hud.line+=1

::add equipment controls to inventory
set rpg.hud.cont2=%rpg.hud.cont2% [0-9] Unequip

::add general controls to screen
set rpg.hud.l35=Controls:
set rpg.hud.l36=%rpg.hud.cont:~0,40%
set rpg.hud.l37=%rpg.hud.cont2:~0,40%

::set gold display
set rpg.hud.l33=Gold:

::fill hud rows
for /l %%l in (1,1,%rpg.hud.lines%) do set rpg.hud.l%%l=!rpg.hud.l%%l!%rpg.hud.spacer%
for /l %%l in (1,1,%rpg.hud.lines%) do if not defined rpg.hud.r%%l set rpg.hud.r%%l=%rpg.hud.filler%

::print screen
color 07
for /l %%l in (1,1,%rpg.hud.lines%) do echo  !rpg.hud.l%%l:~0,%rpg.hud.left%! # !rpg.hud.r%%l:~0,%rpg.hud.right%!

::set map controls
set "rpg.hud.choice=%rpg.hud.keys%%rpg.hud.invkeys%"
if ""=="on" (
	set "rpg.hud.choice=%rpg.hud.choice%%rpg.hud.mapkeys%"
) else (
	::remove unset directions
	if not defined set rpg.hud.choice=!rpg.hud.choice:W=!
	if not defined set rpg.hud.choice=!rpg.hud.choice:S=!
	if not defined set rpg.hud.choice=!rpg.hud.choice:A=!
	if not defined set rpg.hud.choice=!rpg.hud.choice:D=!

::get total execution time
if defined rpg.time set /a rpg.time+=1%time:~-10,1%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%%time:~-2,2%
set rpg.hud.message=Think time (%rpg.time%0ms)%rpg.hud.spacer%

choice /n /c %rpg.hud.choice% /d E /t %rpg.delay% /m "!rpg.hud.message:~0,%rpg.hud.left%!  #"
set /a rpg.hud.input=%errorlevel%-1

::start new timer
set /a rpg.time=-1%time:~-10,1%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%%time:~-2,2%

::parse player input
set rpg.hud.input=!rpg.hud.choice:~%rpg.hud.input%,1!
set rpg.hud.action=loop
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[W] set /a rpg.user.y+=1
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[S] set /a rpg.user.y-=1
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[A] set /a rpg.user.x-=1
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[D] set /a rpg.user.x+=1
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[Q] goto :quit
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[E] goto :engage
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[R] goto :init
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[I] goto :inventory
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[O] goto :equipment
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[P] if "%rpg.hud.inventory%"=="open" set /a rpg.hud.invpage+=1
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[G] (
	set /p rpg.give="Give item:" 
	if defined rpg.item.!rpg.give!.name set /a rpg.inv.!rpg.give!+=1
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[H] set /p rpg.user.hp="New hp (%rpg.user.hp%):"
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[K] set rpg.fight.hp=0
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[X] set /p rpg.user.xp="New XP (%rpg.user.xp%)"
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[V] (
	set /p rpg.delay="New delay (%rpg.delay%):"
	if !rpg.delay! LSS 1 set rpg.delay=1
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[M] if (
) else (
	call :addline Map editor: [L] List enemies [T] Edit/Add [C] Save map
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[C] set > world.dat
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[L] for /f "tokens=3-5 delims=.^=" %%e in ('set rpg.enemy') do if %%f==name call :addline Lev: !rpg.enemy.%%e.max! %%e (!!)
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[T] goto :maptune
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[1] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[2] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[3] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[4] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[5] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[6] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[7] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[8] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[9] goto :use
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[0] goto :use
goto :loop
goto :eof

:: #################################### PLAYER CHOICES ##########################################::

::Character creation.... here!
set /p"Enter you name:"
set /a rpg.user.xp=0
set /a rpg.user.hp=1
set /a
set /a
set /a rpg.user.x=0
set /a rpg.user.y=0
set rpg.user.status=idle

::Saving user and whatelse?
set rpg.user > user.sav
set rpg.inv. >> user.sav
set rpg.fight. >> user.sav
echo %date% %time% > debug.log
set rpg. >> debug.log
goto :eof

::pick random enemy (this is skipped if user is already in fight)
if not defined goto :wait
if defined goto :fight
::chance to fight 20+(lev+1)/10+missinghp%/10
set /a rpg.fight.chance=30/(1+rpg.user.level/10)+10-10*rpg.user.hp/rpg.user.hpmax
set /a rpg.fight.rnd=%random% %%rpg.fight.chance
if %rpg.fight.rnd% GTR 0 goto :wait
::fight is on
set rpg.user.status=fight
::pick rnd enemy
set /a rpg.fight.count=0
for %%e in (!!) do (
	set /a rpg.fight.count+=1
set /a rpg.fight.rnd=%random% %%rpg.fight.count
::set enemy id
set /a
set /a
set /a rpg.fight.min=rpg.fight.max*9/11
if %rpg.fight.min% LEQ 0 set /a rpg.fight.min=1
set /a rpg.fight.rng=1+rpg.fight.max-rpg.fight.min
set /a rpg.fight.level=(%random% %%rpg.fight.rng)+rpg.fight.min
set /a rpg.fight.str=10+rpg.fight.level/2
set /a rpg.fight.con=10+rpg.fight.level/2
set /a rpg.fight.hpmax=rpg.fight.con*20+rpg.fight.level*50
set /a rpg.fight.hp=rpg.fight.hpmax
call :addline You encounter a [%rpg.fight.level%].
goto :loop

:: rest (need to implement hp and pw regen bonuses)
if %rpg.user.hp% LSS %rpg.user.hpmax% set /a rpg.user.hp+=rpg.user.hpmax*3/100
if %rpg.user.hp% GTR %rpg.user.hpmax% set /a rpg.user.hp=rpg.user.hpmax
if LSS %rpg.user.pwmax% set /a*3/100
if GTR %rpg.user.pwmax% set /a
goto :loop

::opening equipment
if ""=="open" (
) else (
	set rpg.hud.inventory=closed
goto :loop

::opening inventory
if "%rpg.hud.inventory%"=="open" (
	set rpg.hud.inventory=closed
) else (
	set rpg.hud.inventory=open
goto :loop

::using/equipping an item
if [%rpg.hud.input%]==[0] set /a rpg.hud.input=10
if ""=="open" goto :unequip
if %rpg.hud.invaction%==Sell goto :sell
if %rpg.hud.invaction%==Buy goto :buy
set /a rpg.hud.input+=10*(rpg.hud.invpage-1)
set rpg.hud.use=!rpg.hud.inv[%rpg.hud.input%]!
::equipping items
if defined rpg.item.%rpg.hud.use%.slot (
	if defined rpg.user.!rpg.item.%rpg.hud.use%.slot! for %%v in (!rpg.item.%rpg.hud.use%.slot!) do set /a rpg.inv.!rpg.user.%%v!+=1
	set rpg.user.!rpg.item.%rpg.hud.use%.slot!=%rpg.hud.use%
	set /a rpg.inv.%rpg.hud.use%-=1
	call :addline You are now using !!.
goto :loop

for %%t in (name job type enc desc) do (
	set /p"%%t (!!):"
	if "!!"=="-" set
goto :loop

:: #################################### REACTIONS ####################################### ::

::combat turn
if not defined rpg.user.action set rpg.user.action=attack
if %rpg.user.hp% EQU 0 goto :death
if %rpg.fight.hp% EQU 0 goto :victory
if %rpg.user.action%==attack (
	call :dmgcalc %rpg.user.level% %rpg.user.str% %rpg.user.dps% %rpg.fight.arm% %rpg.fight.level%
	if !rpg.dmg.val! GTR 0 call :addline You hit for !rpg.dmg.val! damage.
	set /a rpg.fight.hp-=rpg.dmg.val
	set rpg.user.action=defend
) else (
	call :dmgcalc %rpg.fight.level% %rpg.fight.str% 0 %rpg.user.arm% %rpg.user.level%
	if !rpg.dmg.val! GTR 0 call :addline hits you for !rpg.dmg.val! damage.
	if !rpg.dmg.val! GTR 0 color C7
	set /a rpg.user.hp-=rpg.dmg.val
	set rpg.user.action=attack
if %rpg.user.hp% LEQ 0 set /a rpg.user.hp=0
if %rpg.fight.hp% LEQ 0 set /a rpg.fight.hp=0
goto :loop

::you died (need to fix death display then reset)
ping -n %rpg.delay% localhost > nul
echo You died.
ping -n %rpg.delay% localhost > nul
echo Press any key...
pause > nul
call :clear
goto :init

::enemy died
call :addline died.
call :reward
call :addline You gain %rpg.drop.xp% XP (%rpg.drop.xpratio%%%%% of cap) and gold.
if defined call :addline *** You found a !! ***
call :addline
call :clear
goto :loop

::unequipping items
set rpg.hud.unequip=!rpg.hud.unequip[%rpg.hud.input%]!
set rpg.hud.unequipitem=!rpg.user.%rpg.hud.unequip%!
call :addline You remove !! and put it in your inventory.
if defined rpg.user.%rpg.hud.unequip% set /a "rpg.inv.%rpg.hud.unequipitem%+=1"
set "rpg.user.%rpg.hud.unequip%="
goto :loop

::selling items
set /a rpg.hud.input+=10*(rpg.hud.invpage-1)
set rpg.hud.sell=!rpg.hud.inv[%rpg.hud.input%]!
set /a rpg.hud.sellprice=rpg.item.%rpg.hud.sell%.val*75/100
set /a
set /a rpg.inv.%rpg.hud.sell%-=1
call :addline You sold !! for %rpg.hud.sellprice% gold.
goto :loop

::buying items
set /a rpg.hud.input+=10*(rpg.hud.invpage-1)
set /a*125/100
if LSS %rpg.hud.buyprice% (
	call :addline You need %rpg.hud.buyprice%g to buy !!.
) else (
	set /a,
	call :addline You bought !! for %rpg.hud.buyprice% gold.
goto :loop

:: #################################### SUBS ############################################ ::

::damage calculator
:dmgcalc <attlev> <attstr> <wepdps> <defarm> <deflev>
set /a "rpg.dmg.rnd=(%random% %%50)+100"
set /a rpg.dmg.attlev=%1
set /a rpg.dmg.attstr=%2
set /a rpg.dmg.wepdps=%3
set /a rpg.dmg.defarm=%4
set /a rpg.dmg.deflev=%5
set /a rpg.dmg.attdps=1+%rpg.dmg.attlev%/3
set /a "rpg.dmg.attdmg=rpg.dmg.attlev*(rpg.dmg.attdps+rpg.dmg.wepdps)*rpg.dmg.attstr"
set /a "rpg.dmg.val=rpg.dmg.attdmg*rpg.dmg.rnd/100*(100-rpg.dmg.defarm)/rpg.dmg.deflev/100"
exit /b

::player reward (xp+gold+item)
::get xp
set /a "rpg.drop.xp=50*rpg.fight.level/(rpg.fight.level+10)"
set /a "rpg.drop.xpcap=50*rpg.user.level/(rpg.user.level+10)*5/4"
if %rpg.drop.xp% GTR %rpg.drop.xpcap% set /a rpg.drop.xp=rpg.drop.xpcap
set /a rpg.drop.xpratio=rpg.drop.xp*100/rpg.drop.xpcap
set /a " %%rpg.fight.level)+1+(rpg.fight.level/10)"
::parse drop vals
set /a rpg.drop.count=0
set /a rpg.drop.max=rpg.fight.level*3
for /f "tokens=3,4 delims=.^=" %%a in ('set rpg.item.') do if "%%b"=="val" (
	set rpg.drop[!rpg.drop.count!].id=%%a
	set /a rpg.drop.count+=1
::picking rnd from count and saving id
set /a rpg.drop.rnd=%random% %%rpg.drop.count
::adding rewards
if !! LEQ %rpg.drop.max% (
	set /a
) else (
set /a rpg.user.xp+=rpg.drop.xp
set /a
exit /b

:addline <new line text>
::add a new text line in memory
if not defined rpg.hud.text set "rpg.hud.text=%*"
set /a rpg.hud.last=1
for /l %%s in (2,1,%rpg.hud.lines%) do (
	set rpg.hud.r!rpg.hud.last!=!rpg.hud.r%%s!
	set /a rpg.hud.last+=1
set rpg.hud.r%rpg.hud.lines%=%rpg.hud.text%
set rpg.hud.text=!rpg.hud.text:~%rpg.hud.right%!
::check if there is more to print, trick is ~hud.right is set if there is no text
if defined rpg.hud.text if not "!rpg.hud.text:~1,3!"=="%rpg.hud.right%" goto :addline
set rpg.hud.text=
exit /b

::clear variables used for calculation
if defined for /f "delims=^=" %%a in ('set rpg.drop') do set %%a=
if defined rpg.dmg.val for /f "delims=^=" %%c in ('set rpg.dmg') do set %%c=
if defined set
set rpg.user.status=idle
set rpg.user.action=
exit /b

Re: Hello world! It's me and this is my RPG.

Posted: 18 Apr 2022 09:33
by Puccilillo
So, I'm adding some more info about the project.

Actually, there are a few blocks of code running wich I want to describe:

Data loading
Basically all the variables used to create the items, the enemies and the world itself are stored in data files.
These files are loaded on the init phase and, if they are not found, they will be downloaded from the GitHub main branch.
You can fully customize the items, enemies and the world map.

Map system
The world map uses the XY coordinates system.
The 0,0 spot is the spawn point, all other locations are relative to it.
There is a built-in map editor wich can be actived via the [M] choice.
Once active, you are free to move at any location (noclip) and add/edit whatever you like
It is unfinished but already does the work.

Hud system
The Hp, XP and Power are displayed with progress bars.
These are kinda easy to achieve, just by using a fixed variable like "///////--------" for the bar itself.
Then, based on percentage, it shows just "///////" or "--------" via string extraction.

Inventory system
There is an inventory system wich is used every time you open the inventory, the equipment or if you are in a shop.
The way items are displayed is based on the action and the location you are in.

Looping system
What I've done is a unique big loop wich runs every X seconds, based on the delay variable.
Every code block will activate when the right conditions are met.
Depending on you choice some actions will be executed and then the main loop will repeat.
So, basically, every code block is location/action triggered.

Damage calculation
The fight system is a turn based auto-battler, meaning that you can't do anything special during the fight.
Every turn the damage is calculated via many stats like both attacker and defender levels, strenght, dps, armors and a random factor.
Many items will increase you armor stat while every weapon has its dps value.

Reward system
Based on your level, if you manage to kill an enemy, you will get both XP and gold as reward.
These will vary based on enemy level too.
Every kill may grant you a random item from the item pool if its value is within a max range.

There are a lot of things still to be added and many other are not finished yet.
There is no lore at the moment, no instructions and no objectives.

Feel free to suggest anything if you like the idea.
