:GetIndexArray for when you need an array of indexes like "28,5-9,35,1,8"

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:GetIndexArray for when you need an array of indexes like "28,5-9,35,1,8"

#1 Post by shodan » 02 Oct 2023 03:13

This function works, but it' s not pretty

Quick example you call it like this

Code: Select all

Call :GetIndexArray _myArrayOfIndex "6,5-8,7"
And it gives you an array like this

_myArrayOfIndex [0]:6
_myArrayOfIndex [1]:5
_myArrayOfIndex [2]:6
_myArrayOfIndex [3]:7
_myArrayOfIndex [4]:8
_myArrayOfIndex [5]:7

The syntax is

Call :GetIndexArray NameOfTheOutputArray Range1 Range2 RangeN

Where range can be a string value, a byref variable or a byref array

Each of these contains what I call "ranges"

Which consist of

individual numbers, like "28"
comma and space separated numbers "28,35,42" "28 35 42"
and actual ranges like you would defined printing pages "1-9" "35-27"

And you can combine these like "28,42,27-35,99,0,564,12-18-12,22-23-25-25-20"
and the like. Arrays can contain one of those on every of their elements

Current limitation is that I can' t handle negative numbers, this is why I consider this function unfinished, but already useful

Here the function as it currently exists

Code: Select all

REM unfinished
::Usage Call :GetIndexArray OutputIndexArray ListOfIndex1 ListOfIndex2 ... ListOfIndexN
::Lists of index are appended to the OutputIndexArray, Lists of index can contain
::single elements "18" 
::comma or space separated elements "10,14,23" "10 14 23"
::single ranges "2-9"
::multiple ranges "45-47,48-94" "45-47 48-94"
::ranges can be in descending order "33-66 66-33"
::ranges can includes more than two end stops "33-67-66-99" 
::or a mix of all the above
::not implemented keywords like start middle quarter third twothird threequarter  "start-45,middle-end,third-twothird,start-end,1-end"
::not implemented percentages 10% 20% 33% 100%  "10%-20%,0%-100%,start-100%"
::not implemented features would require knowing the starting and ending index of the reference array
set "_GetIndexArray_prefix=_GIA"
set "_GIA_output=%~1"
if "[%_GIA_output%]" EQU "[]" GoTo :EOF
if "[%_GIA_output%]" NEQ "[%_GIA_output:[]=%]" set "_GIA_output_suffix=%_GIA_output:*]=%" & set "_GIA_output=%_GIA_output:*[=%"
call set "_GIA_output_lbound=%%%~1.lbound%%"
call set "_GIA_output_ubound=%%%~1.ubound%%"
if "[%_GIA_output_lbound%]" EQU "[]" set /a "_GIA_output_lbound=0"
if "[%_GIA_output_ubound%]" EQU "[]" set /a "_GIA_output_ubound=%_GIA_output_lbound%-1"
if "[%~1]" EQU "[]" GoTo :EOF
Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _GIA_current_list
set "_GIA_current_list=%~1"
set /a "_GIA_current_list_index=0"
for /f %%a in ('set %_GIA_current_list%[ 2^>nul') do GoTo :GetIndexArray-isarray-arguments
for %%a in (%_GIA_current_list:,= %) do ( call set "_GIA_current_list[%%_GIA_current_list_index%%]=%%a" & call set /a "_GIA_current_list_index+=1" )
set /a "_GIA_current_list_ubound=%_GIA_current_list_index%-1" & set /a "_GIA_current_list_index=0"
REM set _GIA_current_list
GoTo :GetIndexArray-loop
call set /a "_GIA_current_list_array_index=%%%_GIA_current_list%.lbound%%" 2>nul
if not defined _GIA_current_list_array_index set /a "_GIA_current_list_array_index=0"
call set /a "_GIA_current_list_array_ubound=%%%_GIA_current_list%.ubound%%" 2>nul
call set _GIA_current_list_array_element=%%%_GIA_current_list%[%_GIA_current_list_array_index%]%%
for %%a in (%_GIA_current_list_array_element:,= %) do call set "_GIA_current_list[%%_GIA_current_list_index%%]=%%a" & call set /a "_GIA_current_list_index+=1"
set /a "_GIA_current_list_array_index+=1"
if %_GIA_current_list_array_index% LEQ %_GIA_current_list_array_ubound% GoTo :GetIndexArray-isarray-arguments-loop
set /a "_GIA_current_list_ubound=%_GIA_current_list_index%-1" & set /a "_GIA_current_list_index=0"
REM set _GIA_current_list
call set "_GIA_current_list_element=%%_GIA_current_list[%_GIA_current_list_index%]%%
if "[%_GIA_current_list_element%]" EQU "[%_GIA_current_list_element:-=%]" GoTo :GetIndexArray-range-skip
set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_index=0"
REM echo for %%a in (%_GIA_current_list_element:-= %)
for %%a in (%_GIA_current_list_element:-= %) do ( call set "_GIA_current_list_element[%%_GIA_current_list_element_index%%]=%%a" & call set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_index+=1" )
REM set _GIA_current_list_element
set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_ubound=%_GIA_current_list_element_index%-1" & set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_index=0"
call set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_start=%%_GIA_current_list_element[%_GIA_current_list_element_index%]%%
call set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_end=%%_GIA_current_list_element[%_GIA_current_list_element_index%]%%
if %_GIA_current_list_element_start% EQU %_GIA_current_list_element_end% ( call set /a "_GIA_output_ubound+=1" & call set "%_GIA_output%[%%_GIA_output_ubound%%]=%_GIA_current_list_element_start%" & GoTo :GetIndexArray-range-next)
REM if %_GIA_current_list_element_start% EQU %_GIA_current_list_element_end% echo TEST II %_GIA_current_list_element_start% II& GoTo :GetIndexArray-range-next
if %_GIA_current_list_element_start% GTR %_GIA_current_list_element_end% ( set "_GIA_current_list_element_direction=-" ) else ( set "_GIA_current_list_element_direction=+" )
set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_start%_GIA_current_list_element_direction%=1"
REM for /l %%a in (%_GIA_current_list_element_start%,%_GIA_current_list_element_direction%1,%_GIA_current_list_element_end%) do ( echo TEST II %%a II )
for /l %%a in (%_GIA_current_list_element_start%,%_GIA_current_list_element_direction%1,%_GIA_current_list_element_end%) do ( call set /a "_GIA_output_ubound+=1" & call set "%_GIA_output%[%%_GIA_output_ubound%%]=%%a" )
set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_start=%_GIA_current_list_element_end%"
set /a "_GIA_current_list_element_index+=1"
if %_GIA_current_list_element_index% LEQ %_GIA_current_list_element_ubound% GoTo :GetIndexArray-range-loop
REM if "[%_GIA_current_list_element%]" EQU "[%_GIA_current_list_element:-=%]" echo TEST JJ %_GIA_current_list_element% JJ
if "[%_GIA_current_list_element%]" EQU "[%_GIA_current_list_element:-=%]" ( call set /a "_GIA_output_ubound+=1" & call set "%_GIA_output%[%%_GIA_output_ubound%%]=%_GIA_current_list_element%" )
Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix _GIA_current_list_element
set /a "_GIA_current_list_index+=1"
if %_GIA_current_list_index% LEQ %_GIA_current_list_ubound% GoTo :GetIndexArray-loop
if "[%~1]" NEQ "[]" GoTo :GetIndexArray-arguments
set /a "%_GIA_output%.ubound=%_GIA_output_ubound%"
Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix %_GetIndexArray_prefix% _GetIndexArray

Here is the "Simple" DEMO code, note that this function will add to an existing output array

Code: Select all


echo.&echo test1
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "12"
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray & Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix __GIADEMO

echo.&echo test2
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "12-18"
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray & Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix __GIADEMO

echo.&echo test3
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "18-12"
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray & Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix __GIADEMO

echo.&echo test4
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "6,18-12,7"
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray & Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix __GIADEMO

echo.&echo test5
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "6,5-8,7"
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray SHOWVARNAME
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray & Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix __GIADEMO

echo.&echo test6
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "6,7,8,9" "1,2,3,4" "99,98-94,93" "123098,124187,12098124"
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray & Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix __GIADEMO

echo.&echo test7
set __GIADEMO[0]=6,7
set __GIADEMO[1]=8
set __GIADEMO[2]=9-11
set __GIADEMO[3]=12498,12875,2,1-0
set __GIADEMO.ubound=3

Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "6,7,8,9" __GIADEMO "1,2,3,4"
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray  & Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix __GIADEMO

echo.&echo test8
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "1,2,3"
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "4-6" "7"
Call :GetIndexArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray "8" "9-10" "00,11-14-15-15-15-15-20,39" "40"
Call :EchoArray __GIADEMO_IndexArray  & Call :ClearVariablesByPrefix __GIADEMO

And here is the actual DEMO file
(2.55 KiB) Downloaded 968 times

Not to be confused with :GetArrayIndex, a function that will returns the existing element index of an existing array !

This much simpler function works with simple arrays like

Code: Select all

set mytestarray[1]=text1
set mytestarray[3]=text3
set mytestarray[4]=text4
set mytestarray[6]=text6
set mytestarray[12]=text12
set mytestarray[28]=text28
set mytestarray[2]=text2
But would probably not work with more complex array of objects

like myobjectarray[28].collection[XX]

Code: Select all

::Usage Call :GetArrayIndex InputArray IndexArray
set "_GetArrayIndex_output=%~2"
call set "_GetArrayIndex_ubound=%%%~2.ubound%%"
if "[%_GetArrayIndex_ubound%]" EQU "[]" set /a "_GetArrayIndex_ubound=-1"
set /a "_GetArrayIndex_index=%_GetArrayIndex_ubound%"
for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%a in ('set %~1[ 2^>nul') do for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%b in ('set %%a 2^>nul') do call set /a "_GetArrayIndex_index+=1" & call set "%_GetArrayIndex_output%[%%_GetArrayIndex_index%%]=%%b"
set /a "%_GetArrayIndex_output%.ubound=%_GetArrayIndex_index%" & set "_GetArrayIndex_output=" & set "_GetArrayIndex_ubound=" & set "_GetArrayIndex_index="
Here is the DEMO code

Code: Select all


set mytestarray[1]=text1
set mytestarray[3]=text3
set mytestarray[4]=text4
set mytestarray[6]=text6
set mytestarray[12]=text12
set mytestarray[28]=text28
set mytestarray[2]=text2

echo This array mytestarray& echo.
set mytestarray

echo.& echo Contains the following indexes

Call :GetArrayIndex mytestarray myindexarray

Call :EchoArray myindexarray LINENUMBERS


Here is the output of that

Code: Select all

This array mytestarray


Contains the following indexes
(2.14 KiB) Downloaded 964 times

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