Now I have attempted this type of documentation with chatgpt but starting from a fresh context.
Here are the results, you should be easily able to reproduce this for your functions with minimal efforts
You only have to paste your self-contained function and answer the questionnaire.
The questionnaire
Code: Select all
This is the initial publication date of publication 2024-??-??
version is 0.?
function is in a FUNCTIONSTATEHER state
The function to be documented
Code: Select all
::Usage Call :DecompressFile Filename
set "_Decompress_File=%~1"
set "_Decompress_Filename=%~n1"
set "_Decompress_Filepath=%~dp1"
if "[%_Decompress_Filepath:~0,-1%]" EQU "[\]" set "_Decompress_Filepath=%_Decompress_Filepath:~0,-1%"
set "_Decompress_ExtraFiles="
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('tar -tf "%_Decompress_File%" --exclude "%_Decompress_Filename%"') do ( set "_Decompress_ExtraFiles=true" )
if "[%_Decompress_ExtraFiles%]" EQU "[true]" md "%_Decompress_Filepath%%_Decompress_Filename%" 2>nul
if "[%_Decompress_ExtraFiles%]" EQU "[true]" tar -xf "%_Decompress_File%" -C "%_Decompress_Filepath%%_Decompress_Filename%"
if "[%_Decompress_Filepath:~-1%]" EQU "[\]" set "_Decompress_Filepath=%_Decompress_Filepath:~0,-1%"
if "[%_Decompress_ExtraFiles%]" NEQ "[true]" tar -xf "%_Decompress_File%" -C "%_Decompress_Filepath%"
if "[%~2]" NEQ "[]" ( shift & GoTo :DecompressFile )
set "_Decompress_File=" & set "_Decompress_Filename=" & set "_Decompress_ExtraFiles="
----------------------------------------------The discussion ---------------------------------------------- ... fa9efd4252
Please fill out the this function card template, using the instructions found below, for the function provided at the end of this message.
Code: Select all
* Function name : <FunctionName>
* Aliases : <AnyAliases>
* Description : <BriefDescriptionOfWhatTheFunctionDoes>
* Parameters :
* <ParameterName> : <DataType> - <Description> (Default: <DefaultValue>)
* Return Value : <DescribeReturnValueAndMeaning>
* Overloads : <ListAnyOverloadsIfApplicable>
* Creation Date : <DateCreated> Last Update : <LastUpdatedDate>
* Created by : <AuthorName>
* Version : <VersionNumber>
* Change History :
* Date <YYYY-MM-DD> : <ChangeDescription> V<VersionNumber>
* Repository : <URLToCodeRepositoryOrDocumentation>
* Dependencies : <AnyDependenciesTheFunctionHas>
* Configuration Files: <PathsAndDescriptionsOfConfigurationFiles>
* Environment Variables: <ListAndDescribeEnvironmentVariables>
* Functional state : <CurrentStateOfWorkingOrNot>
* Compatible : <CompatibilityInformation>
* Test Coverage: <DescriptionOfTestCoverage>
* Usage Examples :
* <Example1>
* <Example2>
* Theory of Operation :
* <DetailedDescriptionOfHowTheFunctionWorksInternally>
* Function Assumptions :
* <AnyAssumptionsMadeByTheFunction>
* Error handling :
* <HowErrorsAreHandled>
* Side Effects :
* <AnySideEffectsOfUsingTheFunction>
* Security Considerations :
* <AnySecurityRisksOrConsiderations>
* Performance Considerations :
* <AnyPerformanceImpactsOrConsiderations>
* Internationalization and Localization: <SupportDetails>
* Accessibility: <AccessibilityFeaturesOrConsiderations>
* Thread Safety: <ThreadSafetyInformation>
* Memory Management: <MemoryManagementDetails>
* Related Tools and Libraries: <RelatedResources>
* See Also :
* <RelatedFunctionsOrDocumentation>
* FAQs:
* <FrequentlyAskedQuestionsAndAnswers>
* User Feedback: <HowUsersCanProvideFeedbackOrReportBugs>
* Contact Information: <AuthorOrMaintainerContactInfo>
* Ethical Considerations: <EthicalUseAndPotentialMisuse>
* License : <LicenseUnderWhichTheFunctionIsReleased>
* Examples Repository: <LinkToExamples>
Instructions for Documenting Functions Using the Function Card Template
To ensure comprehensive documentation of a function, follow these guidelines when filling out the function card template. This template is designed to provide a detailed overview of a function's purpose, usage, and other critical information. Tailor the documentation to fit the function's complexity, the environment it operates in, and its intended audience.
Basic Information
Function Name and Aliases: Specify the unique name of the function and any aliases it may have.
Description: Provide a brief summary of the function's purpose and what it accomplishes.
Creation Date / Last Update: Include the dates when the function was initially created and most recently updated.
Created by: Note the name of the function's author or primary maintainer.
Version / Change History: Document the current version and maintain a log of significant changes over time.
Technical Details
Parameters and Return Value:
Parameters: List each parameter the function accepts, including the expected data types, a brief description, and default values if applicable.
Return Value: Describe what the function returns and the significance of the return value(s).
Overloads: If the function supports overloading, detail the alternative signatures here.
Repository: Provide a link to the code repository or documentation for the function.
Dependencies: List any external scripts, libraries, or tools the function depends on.
Operational Context
Functional State: Indicate whether the function is experimental, stable, deprecated, etc.
Compatibility: Include compatibility information, such as supported operating systems or environments.
Environment Variables: Document any environment variables that affect the function's operation.
Configuration Files: If applicable, specify paths to relevant configuration files and describe their contents.
Thread Safety: State whether the function is thread-safe and under what conditions.
Memory Management: Discuss considerations for memory allocation and deallocation, especially for languages with manual memory management.
Usage and Best Practices
Usage Examples: Provide concrete examples showing how to use the function effectively.
Theory of Operation: Offer a detailed explanation of how the function works internally, if relevant.
Function Assumptions: List any assumptions or preconditions for the function's use.
Error Handling: Explain how the function handles errors or exceptional conditions.
Side Effects: Note any unintended effects of using the function.
Security, Performance, and Ethical Considerations: Address potential security implications, performance impacts, and ethical concerns related to the function's use.
Additional Information
Internationalization and Localization: Mention support for different languages, regions, or cultural norms.
Accessibility: Note any features or considerations related to accessibility.
Test Coverage: Provide details on the extent of test coverage.
Examples Repository: If available, link to a repository of examples demonstrating the function's use.
FAQs: Include frequently asked questions and answers about the function.
User Feedback: Offer methods for users to provide feedback or report bugs.
Related Tools and Libraries: List resources that complement the function or are commonly used with it.
Contact Information: Provide contact details for further inquiries or support.
License: Document the license under which the function is released.
Customization and Updates
Adjust the level of detail and technical language to match your audience's needs.
Regularly review and update the function card to reflect any changes in the function's design, usage, or operational context.
This comprehensive approach ensures that the function card serves as a valuable resource for users and developers, providing not only technical details but also broader contextual information that aids in responsible and effective use.
The function to be documented
Code: Select all
::Usage Call :DecompressFile Filename
set "_Decompress_File=%~1"
set "_Decompress_Filename=%~n1"
set "_Decompress_Filepath=%~dp1"
if "[%_Decompress_Filepath:~0,-1%]" EQU "[\]" set "_Decompress_Filepath=%_Decompress_Filepath:~0,-1%"
set "_Decompress_ExtraFiles="
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('tar -tf "%_Decompress_File%" --exclude "%_Decompress_Filename%"') do ( set "_Decompress_ExtraFiles=true" )
if "[%_Decompress_ExtraFiles%]" EQU "[true]" md "%_Decompress_Filepath%%_Decompress_Filename%" 2>nul
if "[%_Decompress_ExtraFiles%]" EQU "[true]" tar -xf "%_Decompress_File%" -C "%_Decompress_Filepath%%_Decompress_Filename%"
if "[%_Decompress_Filepath:~-1%]" EQU "[\]" set "_Decompress_Filepath=%_Decompress_Filepath:~0,-1%"
if "[%_Decompress_ExtraFiles%]" NEQ "[true]" tar -xf "%_Decompress_File%" -C "%_Decompress_Filepath%"
if "[%~2]" NEQ "[]" ( shift & GoTo :DecompressFile )
set "_Decompress_File=" & set "_Decompress_Filename=" & set "_Decompress_ExtraFiles="
Answers to questions that cannot be answered by the code
This is the initial publication
date of publication 2024-02-27
version is 0.9
license is gpl 3
created by shodan
test for Windows 10 22H2
function is in a working state
Code: Select all
* Function name : DecompressFile
* Aliases : None
* Description : Decompresses a specified file using the 'tar' command, handling
* both single and multiple file archives by extracting them into
* their respective directories.
* Parameters :
* Filename : String - The name of the file to be decompressed.
* Return Value : None
* Overloads : None
* Creation Date : 2024-02-27 Last Update : 2024-02-27
* Created by : shodan
* Version : 0.9
* Change History :
* Date 2024-02-27 : Initial publication V0.9
* Repository :
* Dependencies : Requires the 'tar' command-line utility.
* Configuration Files: None
* Environment Variables: None
* Functional state : Working
* Compatible : Tested on Windows 10 version 22H2
* Test Coverage: Basic functionality tested with single and multiple file archives.
* Usage Examples :
* DecompressFile archive.tar.gz
* DecompressFile package.tar
* Theory of Operation :
* The function first determines the full path, name, and directory of the file
* to be decompressed. It checks for extra files within the archive. If extra
* files are present, it creates a directory named after the file and extracts
* all contents into this directory. If no extra files are found, it extracts
* the contents into the current directory. The function supports decompression
* of both types of tar archives (with or without extra files) by utilizing
* conditional logic and the 'tar' utility.
* Function Assumptions :
* - The 'tar' utility is available and functional in the command line environment.
* - The file to be decompressed is a tar archive.
* Error handling :
* Errors from the 'tar' command are redirected to null, and the function does
* not explicitly handle errors. Users should verify successful decompression.
* Side Effects :
* May create a new directory for the decompressed files.
* Security Considerations :
* Ensure that the source of the tar archives is trusted, as decompressing files
* can potentially extract harmful content.
* Performance Considerations :
* Decompression time and performance depend on the size of the archive and the
* speed of the host system.
* Internationalization and Localization: Not applicable
* Accessibility: Not applicable
* Thread Safety: Not thread-safe due to potential concurrent write operations
* to the same directory or files.
* Memory Management: Not applicable, relies on the 'tar' utility for file operations.
* Related Tools and Libraries: tar command-line utility
* See Also :
* tar(1) - manual page for the tar command
* FAQs:
* Q: Can it decompress other types of archives?
* A: No, it is specifically designed for tar archives.
* User Feedback: For feedback or bug reports, please visit the forum thread at
* the repository URL.
* Contact Information: Not provided
* Ethical Considerations: Use responsibly when decompressing files from
* untrusted sources.
* License : GPL 3
* Examples Repository: Not available
Please fill out the this help function template, using the instructions found below, for the function described above
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * Function Name: <FunctionName>
echo * Description: <BriefDescriptionOfWhatTheFunctionDoes>
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * Usage:
echo * <FunctionName> <Parameter1> <Parameter2> ... <ParameterN>
echo *
echo * Parameters:
echo * <Parameter1> - <DescriptionOfParameter1>
echo * <Parameter2> - <DescriptionOfParameter2>
echo * ...
echo * <ParameterN> - <DescriptionOfParameterN>
echo *
echo * Options:
echo * <Option1> - <DescriptionOfOption1>
echo * <Option2> - <DescriptionOfOption2>
echo * ...
echo * <OptionN> - <DescriptionOfOptionN>
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * Examples:
echo * 1. <ExampleUsage1>
echo * <ExampleDescription1>
echo *
echo * 2. <ExampleUsage2>
echo * <ExampleDescription2>
echo *
echo * ...
echo *
echo * N. <ExampleUsageN>
echo * <ExampleDescriptionN>
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * Additional Notes:
echo * <AnyAdditionalInformationOrNotesRelatedToTheFunction>
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * See Also:
echo * - <RelatedFunctionOrDocumentation1>
echo * - <RelatedFunctionOrDocumentation2>
echo * ...
echo * - <RelatedFunctionOrDocumentationN>
echo *******************************************************************************
goto :EOF
Instructions for Writing a Function-Help Function
Creating a function-help function is essential for providing users with guidance on how to use your command-line tools effectively. The template you've provided is a solid foundation. Here's how to enrich it with detailed, user-friendly help documentation.
Basic Structure
Your function-help should follow the provided template closely, enhancing clarity and completeness with each section.
Detailed Instructions
Function Name and Description
Function Name: Replace <FunctionName> with the exact name of the function.
Description: Fill in <BriefDescriptionOfWhatTheFunctionDoes> with a concise yet comprehensive description of the function's purpose and what it accomplishes.
Command Structure: Clearly outline how to invoke the function, including its name and the sequence of parameters and options. Replace <FunctionName>, <Parameter1>, <Parameter2>, ..., <ParameterN> with the actual names and order of use.
Parameters and Options: Detail each parameter and option the function accepts.
For Parameters, list each one with a brief description, indicating optional parameters if applicable.
For Options, list each supported option (like /?, /h, -h, -?, help, --help) and describe what it does. Include any additional options your function supports with a clear description of their effects.
Practical Examples: Provide real-world examples of how to use the function. Include common use cases, demonstrating the function with various parameters and options. This section is crucial for helping users understand practical applications of the function.
Description: For each example, include a brief description explaining what the example does. This helps users grasp the purpose and outcome of each command sequence.
Additional Notes
Further Information: Use this section to mention any additional details users should be aware of. This could include notes on execution environment, dependencies, potential side effects, or any limitations of the function.
See Also
Related Resources: List any related functions, documentation, or external resources that might help the user. This is a great way to guide users towards more comprehensive understanding or advanced usage.
Best Practices
Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure all explanations are clear and to the point. Avoid jargon and overly technical language unless your target audience is familiar with such terms.
Organization: Keep the help content well-organized, following the template structure to ensure users can easily find the information they need.
Accessibility: Consider the varied expertise levels of your audience. Provide enough detail for beginners while still being useful for more advanced users.
Regular Updates: As your function evolves, regularly update the help documentation to reflect new options, changed functionality, or deprecated features.
Implementation Tips
Implement command-line parsing at the beginning of your function to detect help-related options (/?, /h, -h, -?, help, --help). Upon detecting any of these options, the function should immediately display the help content and exit.
Test the help function thoroughly to ensure it displays correctly across different terminals and handles edge cases gracefully.
Consider adding a version option (-v, --version) to your function-help output, providing users with quick access to the function's current version.
By following these instructions and utilizing the template, you will create a function-help that enhances user experience, fostering a better understanding and more effective use of your function.
Code: Select all
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * Function Name: DecompressFile
echo * Description: Decompresses a specified file using the 'tar' command, handling
echo * both single and multiple file archives by extracting them into
echo * their respective directories.
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * Usage:
echo * DecompressFile Filename
echo *
echo * Parameters:
echo * Filename - The name of the file to be decompressed. This is a required parameter.
echo *
echo * Options:
echo * There are no options for this function. It strictly requires a filename as input.
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * Examples:
echo * 1. DecompressFile archive.tar.gz
echo * This example decompresses the 'archive.tar.gz' file into the current directory or into a
echo * new directory named after the archive if it contains multiple files.
echo *
echo * 2. DecompressFile package.tar
echo * This example decompresses the 'package.tar' archive, extracting its contents into the
echo * current directory or a new directory if the archive contains multiple items.
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * Additional Notes:
echo * - Ensure that the 'tar' utility is available in your command line environment before using
echo * this function.
echo * - The function is designed to work on Windows 10 version 22H2 and might not be compatible
echo * with other versions or operating systems without modification.
echo * - Errors during decompression are not explicitly handled by this function and should be
echo * manually checked.
echo *******************************************************************************
echo * See Also:
echo * - tar(1) - manual page for the tar command
echo *******************************************************************************
goto :EOF