Make batch work on files outside C.W.D

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Make batch work on files outside C.W.D

#1 Post by overzealous7754 » 07 Dec 2010 13:43

For a lab in school I was asked to create a batch file that uses shift to copy numerous files to a directory. If the directory does not exist make it, if one of the files needed to be copy is a directory copy it and all sub directories.

Here is the code,

rem The command uses the following syntax:
rem mycopy dir file1 file2 ...

if '%1'=='' goto help
if '%2'=='' goto help
if not '%1'=='/?' goto start

rem If user does not enter 2 parameters or enters "/?", display help. Otherwise run program.

echo Enter 2 parameters.
goto end

set todir=%1

if exist %todir%\nul goto getfile
echo Creating Directory %todir%
md %todir%

if not errorlevel 1 goto getfile
echo Error Creating Directory
goto end

rem Start
rem If destination does not exist, create it.
rem Otherwise display error message.


if '%1'=='' goto endgood

if exist %1\nul goto copydirectory1
copy %1 %todir% > nul
goto check

rem getfile
rem If source file is a directory use xcopy


if exist %todir%\%1 goto copydirectory2
md %todir%\%1

if not errorlevel 1 goto copydirectory2
echo Error creating directory %todir%\%1
goto end

rem copydirectory1
rem If source does not exist create it


xcopy %1 %todir%\%1 /s /e >nul


if not errorlevel 1 goto getfile
echo Error copying %1
goto end

goto getfile


echo All done! =D


That all works fine. But the last question I need help on.

"Note that the batch file only runs on files and folders from the c.w.d. -- modify the batch file to use the
XP extensions that allow stripping of full paths, etc."

Any help would be great.


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