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Vista/Windows7 - run non-elevated from elevated mode

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 04:17
by pkass
I wonder if there is a solution to
- start a cmd Shell in elevated mode
- run a .cmd batch in elevated mode
- call another .cmd batch in non elevated mode (as the standard user)

without being asked for the password (silent or non-attended mode).

Under unix it is generally not a problem to change from root user to some other user.
Under Win7 you have to provide the password of the standard user even if you are in elevated mode ( e.g. wth "runas")

Reason: in elevated mode the permissions for accessing some resources (e.g. network dirves) are different from the normal user.

:-) Peter

Re: Vista/Windows7 - run non-elevated from elevated mode

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 05:42
by Ed Dyreen
But if both user's exist on both "networked" system's and have the same passw, you shouldn't have a problem !
Just make sure that the users or usergroups have all rights on the specified drive :wink:

Re: Vista/Windows7 - run non-elevated from elevated mode

Posted: 25 Sep 2011 05:44
by aGerman
Vista / Win7 has the UAC (User Account Controll). You can adjust its level.
Also, if you have the permissions, you could right click your batch file and "run as administrator".
