Batch file to create DFS diagnostic reports

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Batch file to create DFS diagnostic reports

#1 Post by Noony » 20 Oct 2011 03:10


I am having trouble with the attached batch script.

I need it to create DFS reports on my replication groups health status using the dfsradmin command. Then create a .txt file saved to a specific location.

Please could someone let me know what needs to be ammended on the script to get the desired outcome?

Example data:

location to save report: D:\reports
Server: srvdc01
Replication groups: srvdc01/users & srvdc01/data

Many thanks

Code: Select all

## REM This script needs to run as a daily scheduled task by someone who has
## REM local administrator rights for all machines in reported RG.  This script
## REM will generate a health report for all members of the replication group,
## REM with backlog based on a specified reference member.  When reports are
## REM complete they will be saved to a specified share.  When ALL reports are
## REM done, mail will be sent to the specified e-mail alias with links to the
## REM share.

@echo off



## REM This adds the date and time to the health report name and to the title
## REM of the e-mail.

set PARSEARG="eol=; tokens=1,2,3,4* delims=/, "
for /F %PARSEARG% %%i in (%CURRDATE%) Do SET DDMMYYYY=%%j-%%k-%%l

set PARSEARG="eol=; tokens=1,2,3* delims=:, "
for /F %PARSEARG% %%i in (%CURRTIME%) Do Set HHMM=%%i%%j%%k

## REM Here you define the different resources by specifying the name of each
## REM replication group, server name and share name.  You can do this for as
## REM many replication groups as you want, but keep in mind that the script
## REM will wait until all reports complete before mail is sent out.

set RG1_Report=\\Server_name\Share_Name\RG1_Name-%DDMMYYYY%-%HHMM%.html
set RG2_Report=\\Server_name\Share_Name\RG2_Name-%DDMMYYYY%-%HHMM%.html

@echo on

## REM This generates the reports with Dfsradmin.exe (you can use help to see
## REM what else it can do.)  You need to set the name of the replication
## REM group, the name of the reference server for calculating backlog, the
## REM domain the RG is in, and a name for the report.  The time and date
## REM variables we defined earlier in the script

dfsradmin health new /rgname:RG1 /refmemname:Domain_name\Server_Name / /ReportName:%RG1Report%
dfsradmin health new /rgname:RG2 /refmemname:Domain_name\Server_Name / /ReportName:%RG2Report%

echo RG1  %RG1Report% >  %TEMP%\healthMessageBody.txt
echo RG2  %RG2Report% >> %TEMP%\healthMessageBody.txt

### REM You will need to obtain an email command line application for this
### REM next part.  You will use the program to send an email with links to
### REM the health reports to an alias of your choice.  You may want address
### REM this mail to a distribution group. 
### REM
### REM The command below is an example of how to send the mail using a
### REM ficticious command line mail application.  You will need to reformat
### REM the command to be compatible with your command line mail application.
### REM
### REM You many need to give the sending alias the "Send As" right

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