The "ultimate" file search and replace batch utility
Posted: 28 Dec 2011 15:01
There are a number of file search and replace routines written, but all that I have seen are case insensitive and also have limitations on the search string (no =, can't start with * or ~). Also neither string can contain % or !, depending on whether delayed expansion is used or not.
Ideally a non batch solution should be used. My favorite is the sed command found in the GNU Utilities for Win32.
2013-04-07 EDIT: My new favorite utility is a hybrid JScript/batch utility that I wrote that does not require downloading a non-native executable: JREPL.BAT
But sometimes a pure batch solution is still desired.
Here is a batch script that can do a case sensitive search, and there are no restrictions on the contents of the search or replacement string. It uses a brute force character by character search, but the performance is not bad as long as the number of replacements is relatively small. The routine only does the character by character search on lines that are known to contain the search string.
I learned something new while developing this: FIND search strings may include double quotes (") if they are escaped as "". If only the rest of Windows batch used that standard, but alas, no.
Full documentation and limitations are listed at the top of the file in comments. Please let me know if you find any bugs. (I've done some testing, but I wouldn't call it rigorous testing)
2012-09-11 Edit - Removed useless computation of replacement length
Dave Benham
Ideally a non batch solution should be used. My favorite is the sed command found in the GNU Utilities for Win32.
2013-04-07 EDIT: My new favorite utility is a hybrid JScript/batch utility that I wrote that does not require downloading a non-native executable: JREPL.BAT
But sometimes a pure batch solution is still desired.
Here is a batch script that can do a case sensitive search, and there are no restrictions on the contents of the search or replacement string. It uses a brute force character by character search, but the performance is not bad as long as the number of replacements is relatively small. The routine only does the character by character search on lines that are known to contain the search string.
I learned something new while developing this: FIND search strings may include double quotes (") if they are escaped as "". If only the rest of Windows batch used that standard, but alas, no.
Full documentation and limitations are listed at the top of the file in comments. Please let me know if you find any bugs. (I've done some testing, but I wouldn't call it rigorous testing)
2012-09-11 Edit - Removed useless computation of replacement length
Code: Select all
@echo off
:modFile File SearchVar [ReplaceVar] [/I]
:: Perform a search and replace operation on each line within File.
:: SearchVar = A variable containing the search string.
:: ReplaceVar = A variable containing the replacement string.
:: If ReplaceVar is missing or is not defined then the
:: search string is replaced with an empty string.
:: The /I option specifies a case insensitive search.
:: A backup of the original File is made with an extension of .bak
:: prior to making any changes.
:: The number of replacements made is returned as errorlevel.
:: If an error occurs then no changes are made and
:: the errorlevel is set to -1.
:: Limitations
:: - File must use Windows style line terminators <CR><LF>.
:: - Trailing control characters will be stripped from each line.
:: - The maximum input line length is 1021 characters.
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
::error checking
if "%~2"=="" (
>&2 echo ERROR: Insufficient arguments
exit /b -1
if not exist "%~1" (
>&2 echo ERROR: Input file "%~1" does not exist
exit /b -1
2>nul pushd "%~1" && (
>&2 echo ERROR: Input file "%~1" does not exist
exit /b -1
if not defined %~2 (
>&2 echo ERROR: searchVar %2 not defined
exit /b -1
if /i "%~3"=="/I" (
>&2 echo ERROR: /I option can only be specified as 4th argument
exit /b -1
if "%~4" neq "" if /i "%~4" neq "/I" (
>&2 echo ERROR: Invalid option %4
exit /b -1
::get search and replace strings
set "_search=!%~2!"
set "_replace=!%~3!"
::build list of lines that must be changed, simply exit if none
set "replaceCnt=0"
set changes="%temp%\modFileChanges%random%.tmp"
<"%~1" find /n %~4 "!_search:"=""!^" >%changes% || goto :cleanup
::compute length of _search
set "str=A!_search!"
set searchLen=0
for /l %%A in (12,-1,0) do (
set /a "searchLen|=1<<%%A"
for %%B in (!searchLen!) do if "!str:~%%B,1!"=="" set /a "searchLen&=~1<<%%A"
::count number of lines + 1
for /f %%N in ('find /v /c "" ^<"%~1"') do set /a lnCnt=%%N+1
::backup source file
if exist "%~1.bak" del "%~1.bak"
ren "%~1" "%~nx1.bak"
set "skip=2"
<"%~1.bak" (
%=for each line that needs changing=%
for %%l in (!searchLen!) do for /f "usebackq delims=[]" %%L in (%changes%) do (
%=read and write preceding lines that don't need changing=%
for /l %%N in (!skip! 1 %%L) do (
set "ln="
set /p "ln="
if defined ln if "!ln:~1021!" neq "" goto :lineLengthError
%=read the line that needs changing=%
set /p "ln="
if defined ln if "!ln:~1021!" neq "" goto :lineLengthError
%=compute length of line=%
set "str=A!ln!"
set lnLen=0
for /l %%A in (12,-1,0) do (
set /a "lnLen|=1<<%%A"
for %%B in (!lnLen!) do if "!str:~%%B,1!"=="" set /a "lnLen&=~1<<%%A"
%=perform search and replace on line=%
set "modLn="
set /a "end=lnLen-searchLen, beg=0"
for /l %%o in (0 1 !end!) do (
if %%o geq !beg! if %~4 "!ln:~%%o,%%l!"=="!_search!" (
set /a "len=%%o-beg"
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%a in ("!beg! !len!") do set "modLn=!modLn!!ln:~%%a,%%b!!_replace!"
set /a "beg=%%o+searchLen, replaceCnt+=1"
for %%a in (!beg!) do set "modLn=!modLn!!ln:~%%a!"
%=write the modified line=%
%=prepare for next iteration=%
set /a skip=%%L+2
%=read and write remaining lines that don't need changing=%
for /l %%N in (!skip! 1 !lnCnt!) do (
set "ln="
set /p "ln="
if defined ln if "!ln:~1021!" neq "" goto :lineLengthError
) >"%~1"
del %changes%
exit /b %replaceCnt%
del %changes%
del "%~1"
ren "%~nx1.bak" "%~1"
>&2 echo ERROR: Maximum input line length exceeded. Changes aborted.
exit /b -1
Dave Benham