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Re: Adding a column to a csv file and populating it

Posted: 14 May 2012 16:54
by foxidrive
This case works. You should be able to figure out the second case - can you?

6,11253,GIFT SHOP,0.05,05/08/2012,
but the columns need to be rearranged like this:
6,11253,05/08/2012/GIFT SHOP,0.05,

Code: Select all

@echo off
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=," %%a in ('type "file.csv"') do (
>>"newfile.csv" echo %%a,%%b,%%e,%%c,%%d,

Re: Adding a column to a csv file and populating it

Posted: 15 May 2012 16:57
by kfriedley
I was able to create a bcp to create a format file and map the fields of the data file to the columns of the table.

Re: Adding a column to a csv file and populating it

Posted: 15 May 2012 17:00
by kfriedley
Thanks for your post!!! I'll try that too and see which one works best for me.

Re: Adding a column to a csv file and populating it

Posted: 11 Mar 2014 11:17
by ecnerwal72
My database schema has 23 columns/fields, however when I export it has a csv file some of the lines in my csv file has less than 23 fields therefore when I import the file, it complains about miss match field counts.
With your batch file how can I go about adding a NULL field at the end of the line only for those lines with less than 23 fields?

Re: Adding a column to a csv file and populating it

Posted: 04 Jun 2018 09:02
by haishi
Though this is an old thread, I would like to know how the first code ...

Code: Select all

@echo off
:: %1 is the input filename
:: %2 is the new column header
:: %3 is the dummy number to fill every cell in the new column

set "file=%~1"
set "fileout=newfile.csv"

set /p "var="<"%file%" >nul

>"%fileout%" echo.%var%,%2

for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%a in ('type "%file%"') do (
>>%fileout% echo.%%a,%3
... can be modified, to process all files within a folder or files, that are dropped onto the batch file? It would be sufficient save over the old files or - if that's not possible - create new files in a subfolder. That would be great.

Re: Adding a column to a csv file and populating it

Posted: 09 Dec 2018 03:03
by tecc
I'd also like to chime in with my problem, maybe you can help a total newbie out: I have a dir with several csv files, each named after a company. Now I want to add that filename (minus the .csv) as the first colum inside the csv (which can have different number of rows, from 4 to 600+). The delimiter inside the csv is a ; instead of a comma. Any idea how to do this?

Re: Adding a column to a csv file and populating it

Posted: 09 Dec 2018 16:41
by Squashman
tecc wrote:
09 Dec 2018 03:03
I'd also like to chime in with my problem, maybe you can help a total newbie out: I have a dir with several csv files, each named after a company. Now I want to add that filename (minus the .csv) as the first colum inside the csv (which can have different number of rows, from 4 to 600+). The delimiter inside the csv is a ; instead of a comma. Any idea how to do this?
The base code is already in this thread a couple of times to edit a single csv file. The amount of rows in your files is irrelevant for the most part. It would only matter if you were dealing with files larger then the amount of memory you have installed in your computer.

Code: Select all

@echo off

FOR %%G IN (*.csv) DO (
	(FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%H IN ("%%~G") do echo %%~nG;%%H)>"%%~nG.tmp"
	del "%%~G"
	rename "%%~nG.tmp" "%%~G"