FIND and replace all
Moderator: DosItHelp
FIND and replace all
I have to replace some content in all files with some specific extension.
For eg: In folder toChange i may have multiple sub folder, now I want to change text isabcd to isxyz in all the files with extension html
what will be the batch for such command, I am using windows
Actually there will be multiple items that i need to replace. I have them in key value form and need to replace all of them one by one in all the files in folder
PS: sorry about asking direct solution. BUt i have no idea about batch files
For eg: In folder toChange i may have multiple sub folder, now I want to change text isabcd to isxyz in all the files with extension html
what will be the batch for such command, I am using windows
Actually there will be multiple items that i need to replace. I have them in key value form and need to replace all of them one by one in all the files in folder
PS: sorry about asking direct solution. BUt i have no idea about batch files
Re: FIND and replace all
You can use WinGrep for this, it has a nice GUI.
Re: FIND and replace all
we had this problem before, not same but very similar, replace text in a file with another here
it just need a small tweak to work, but first what is the separator between the key-value words, and is the seprator itself exist in any of the keys or the values ?
it just need a small tweak to work, but first what is the separator between the key-value words, and is the seprator itself exist in any of the keys or the values ?
Re: FIND and replace all
Try This on Sample files First, I tested but test it yourself.
Take a backup copy of all your files, the batch create a .backup copy but can be overwritten if the batch run twice.
After you check your files and want to remove all .backup files, set the MainFolder variable and run the code
Take a backup copy of all your files, the batch create a .backup copy but can be overwritten if the batch run twice.
> All what you have to do is to set the first 4 variables [ lines 4 to 7 ]
> Don't put the batch file in the main folder (toChange folder).
> EXT variable is the file types you want to replace the words in, put each extension after the other with a single space as a separator.
> MainFolder is your "toChange Folder".
> KeyValueFile is the file that hold your words that will search for and replace with.
> The Separator variable is the separator between your key-value pairs.
Code: Select all
@Echo OFF
REM ===[ SETTINGS ]==================
SET "EXT=html txt csv sh"
SET "MainFolder=%userprofile%\desktop\Main"
SET "KeyValueFile=%userprofile%\desktop\Key-Value.txt"
SET "Separator=:"
Rem ===[ Main Code ]==================
Rem Get Extension one by one and Pass it to Step2
For %%A In (%EXT%) Do (
Echo ^> Processing %%A Files
CALL :Step2 "%%A"
Echo All Done.
Exit /B
Rem === [ Batch End Here and the Functions is below ]=============================================
Rem Step2
Rem Back original files and then pass the files path and name to Step3
:Step2 <File_Extension>
SET "Type=%~1"
For /F "delims=" %%a In (' DIR /B /S /A:-D "%MainFolder%\*.%Type%" ') Do (
Copy /y "%%a" "%%a.backup" >NUL
CALL :Step3 "%%a" "%%~nxa"
Rem Step3
Rem Take Key-Value Pairs and pass it to Replace Function
:Step3 <InFile_Path> <InFile_Name>
Rem These two will be used in the Replace Function
SET "InFile=%~1"
SET "InFileName=%~2"
Rem Get Key-Value and replace
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "tokens=1,2 delims=%Separator%" %%A In (' Type "%KeyValueFile%" ') Do (
SET "Replace=%%A"
SET "ReplaceWith=%%B"
Call :Replace "!Replace!" "!ReplaceWith!"
Goto :EOF
Rem Replace Function
Rem Replace Key with Value
:Replace <Word_to_Replace> <Word_2_Replace_with>
REM Get Total Lines Number [including empty lines]
FOR /F %%A IN ('TYPE "%InFile%"^|find /v /c ""') DO SET "Till=%%A"
REM Create The OutFile with changes
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
<"!InFile!" (
FOR /L %%a IN (1 1 0) DO SET /p "="
FOR /L %%A IN (1 1 %Till%) DO (
SET "line="
SET /P "line="
IF "!line!x" == "x" ( Echo.
) ELSE (
set "FinalLine=!line:%~1=%~2!"
Echo !FinalLine!)
REM Delete Original and Rename the InFile.tmp with the InFile original Name
Del /F /Q "%InFile%" >NUL
Ren "%InFile%.tmp" "%InFileName%"
Goto :EOF
After you check your files and want to remove all .backup files, set the MainFolder variable and run the code
Code: Select all
@Echo OFF
SET "MainFolder=%userprofile%\desktop\Main"
Del /F /S /Q "*.backup" >NUL
Re: FIND and replace all
abc0502 wrote:Try This on Sample files First, I tested but test it yourself.
Take a backup copy of all your files, the batch create a .backup copy but can be overwritten if the batch run twice.> All what you have to do is to set the first 4 variables [ lines 4 to 7 ]
> Don't put the batch file in the main folder (toChange folder).> EXT variable is the file types you want to replace the words in, put each extension after the other with a single space as a separator.
> MainFolder is your "toChange Folder".
> KeyValueFile is the file that hold your words that will search for and replace with.
> The Separator variable is the separator between your key-value pairs.Code: Select all
@Echo OFF
REM ===[ SETTINGS ]==================
SET "EXT=html txt csv sh"
SET "MainFolder=%userprofile%\desktop\Main"
SET "KeyValueFile=%userprofile%\desktop\Key-Value.txt"
SET "Separator=:"
Rem ===[ Main Code ]==================
Rem Get Extension one by one and Pass it to Step2
For %%A In (%EXT%) Do (
Echo ^> Processing %%A Files
CALL :Step2 "%%A"
Echo All Done.
Exit /B
Rem === [ Batch End Here and the Functions is below ]=============================================
Rem Step2
Rem Back original files and then pass the files path and name to Step3
:Step2 <File_Extension>
SET "Type=%~1"
For /F "delims=" %%a In (' DIR /B /S /A:-D "%MainFolder%\*.%Type%" ') Do (
Copy /y "%%a" "%%a.backup" >NUL
CALL :Step3 "%%a" "%%~nxa"
Rem Step3
Rem Take Key-Value Pairs and pass it to Replace Function
:Step3 <InFile_Path> <InFile_Name>
Rem These two will be used in the Replace Function
SET "InFile=%~1"
SET "InFileName=%~2"
Rem Get Key-Value and replace
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "tokens=1,2 delims=%Separator%" %%A In (' Type "%KeyValueFile%" ') Do (
SET "Replace=%%A"
SET "ReplaceWith=%%B"
Call :Replace "!Replace!" "!ReplaceWith!"
Goto :EOF
Rem Replace Function
Rem Replace Key with Value
:Replace <Word_to_Replace> <Word_2_Replace_with>
REM Get Total Lines Number [including empty lines]
FOR /F %%A IN ('TYPE "%InFile%"^|find /v /c ""') DO SET "Till=%%A"
REM Create The OutFile with changes
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
<"!InFile!" (
FOR /L %%a IN (1 1 0) DO SET /p "="
FOR /L %%A IN (1 1 %Till%) DO (
SET "line="
SET /P "line="
IF "!line!x" == "x" ( Echo.
) ELSE (
set "FinalLine=!line:%~1=%~2!"
Echo !FinalLine!)
REM Delete Original and Rename the InFile.tmp with the InFile original Name
Del /F /Q "%InFile%" >NUL
Ren "%InFile%.tmp" "%InFileName%"
Goto :EOF
After you check your files and want to remove all .backup files, set the MainFolder variable and run the codeCode: Select all
@Echo OFF
SET "MainFolder=%userprofile%\desktop\Main"
Del /F /S /Q "*.backup" >NUL
is this case sensitive replace?
Re: FIND and replace all
As far as I can see: yes.
Re: FIND and replace all
no, it's not case sensitive, i just tested again
Re: FIND and replace all
abc0502 wrote:no, it's not case sensitive, i just tested again
the code didnt worked properly dont know why, it did worked fine on some files but didnt worked on rest can u pls share the format been expected in keyvalue file?
Re: FIND and replace all
The KeyValueFile is in this format:
Old words in the left, new words in the right.
Make sure the separator is not a part of the word is being replaced with or the word that will be replaced, it won't work.
Another thing to note, i didn't test on words that contain characters which might need to be escaped, but it supposed to do that as it was tested before on parentheses.
If your key-value file is big, post a few sample lines of it and i can change the code to take your format.
The words can contain spaces , but it must be separated by a colon, or you can change the separator variable with the separator in your file.OldWord To Replace:NewWord To Replace With
Old words in the left, new words in the right.
Make sure the separator is not a part of the word is being replaced with or the word that will be replaced, it won't work.
Another thing to note, i didn't test on words that contain characters which might need to be escaped, but it supposed to do that as it was tested before on parentheses.
If your key-value file is big, post a few sample lines of it and i can change the code to take your format.
Re: FIND and replace all
abc0502 wrote:The KeyValueFile is in this format:The words can contain spaces , but it must be separated by a colon, or you can change the separator variable with the separator in your file.OldWord To Replace:NewWord To Replace With
Old words in the left, new words in the right.
Make sure the separator is not a part of the word is being replaced with or the word that will be replaced, it won't work.
Another thing to note, i didn't test on words that contain characters which might need to be escaped, but it supposed to do that as it was tested before on parentheses.
If your key-value file is big, post a few sample lines of it and i can change the code to take your format.
I have replaced the separator to
such that it never lies in my files::::==::::
Code: Select all
"asd asdasdpot asdjasd"::::==::::yetotesthaibeedu
"something with space"::::==::::abcd.adasdaasdasd
"swith dot and all special chars . , "::::==::::abcd.adasda
the text on left is the one i want to replace and the text on right is the value it should be replaced with(case sensitive)
Re: FIND and replace all
livingoff wrote:I have replaced the separator tosuch that it never lies in my files::::==::::Code: Select all
"asd asdasdpot asdjasd"::::==::::yetotesthaibeedu
"something with space"::::==::::abcd.adasdaasdasd
"swith dot and all special chars . , "::::==::::abcd.adasda
the text on left is the one i want to replace and the text on right is the value it should be replaced with(case sensitive)
You can't do that. The batch code expects a single character and not a string - and some characters like % are not going to work.
Re: FIND and replace all
Here's a batch file that is pretty robust to replace text using pairs of terms, and in every file in the folder. It replaces the original files so test it well first.
Single % characters will even work.
An example command line would be like this:
SAR "blue" "red" "cat" "dog" "traffic light" "Go very fast" "Peter" Paul"
Single % characters will even work.
An example command line would be like this:
SAR "blue" "red" "cat" "dog" "traffic light" "Go very fast" "Peter" Paul"
Code: Select all
:: Search and replace pairs of terms
@echo off
if "%~2"=="" (
echo Search and Replace multiple pairs of strings
echo.usage: SAR.BAT "search string1" "new string1" ... "search string4" "new string4"
echo.It will replace search string1 with new string1
echo.and then will replace search string2 with new string2, etc
echo.You can use 1 pair of terms, or up to 4 pairs of terms
echo.This batch file will process every file in the current folder.
goto :EOF
set "tempfile=%temp%\sartmp.vbs"
echo> "%tempfile%" s = Wscript.StdIn.ReadAll
echo>> "%tempfile%" s = Replace(s,"%~1","%~2")
echo>> "%tempfile%" s = Replace(s,"%~3","%~4")
echo>> "%tempfile%" s = Replace(s,"%~5","%~6")
echo>> "%tempfile%" s = Replace(s,"%~7","%~8")
echo>> "%tempfile%" Wscript.Echo (s)
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d /on ^|find /i /v "%~nx0"') do (
echo processing "%%a"
cscript /nologo "%tempfile%" <"%%a" > "fileout.tmp"
move /y "fileout.tmp" "%%a" >nul
del "%tempfile%"
echo done
Re: FIND and replace all
foxidrive wrote:Here's a batch file that is pretty robust to replace text using pairs of terms, and in every file in the folder. It replaces the original files so test it well first.
Single % characters will even work.
An example command line would be like this:
SAR "blue" "red" "cat" "dog" "traffic light" "Go very fast" "Peter" Paul"Code: Select all
:: Search and replace pairs of terms
@echo off
if "%~2"=="" (
echo Search and Replace multiple pairs of strings
echo.usage: SAR.BAT "search string1" "new string1" ... "search string4" "new string4"
echo.It will replace search string1 with new string1
echo.and then will replace search string2 with new string2, etc
echo.You can use 1 pair of terms, or up to 4 pairs of terms
echo.This batch file will process every file in the current folder.
goto :EOF
set "tempfile=%temp%\sartmp.vbs"
echo> "%tempfile%" s = Wscript.StdIn.ReadAll
echo>> "%tempfile%" s = Replace(s,"%~1","%~2")
echo>> "%tempfile%" s = Replace(s,"%~3","%~4")
echo>> "%tempfile%" s = Replace(s,"%~5","%~6")
echo>> "%tempfile%" s = Replace(s,"%~7","%~8")
echo>> "%tempfile%" Wscript.Echo (s)
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d /on ^|find /i /v "%~nx0"') do (
echo processing "%%a"
cscript /nologo "%tempfile%" <"%%a" > "fileout.tmp"
move /y "fileout.tmp" "%%a" >nul
del "%tempfile%"
echo done
my text will have double quotes which i want to be replaced
my text will be as follows
if (loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1
|| (loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1 && loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 7") != -1))
and i want it to be converted to
if (loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(aaa.FIRE_FOX) > -1
|| (loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(aaa.MSIE) > -1 && loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(aaa.IE_7) != -1))\
Re: FIND and replace all
if your code you want to replace and the one that will be replaced with is consisting from two lines then replace each line alone, your KeyValueFile should be like this:
a colom will be a seprator.
BTW, this is based on my code, Foxidrive code is designed to take input from the cmd window like when you pass a parameters to an application.
you can automate this using another batch file to input the string that need replace with the string that will be replaced with.
if (loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1:if (loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(aaa.FIRE_FOX) > -1
|| (loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") > -1 && loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie 7") != -1)):|| (loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(aaa.MSIE) > -1 && loUserAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(aaa.IE_7) != -1))\
a colom will be a seprator.
BTW, this is based on my code, Foxidrive code is designed to take input from the cmd window like when you pass a parameters to an application.
you can automate this using another batch file to input the string that need replace with the string that will be replaced with.