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Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 02 Jan 2016 08:40
by batchcc
Sorry Meerkat but the code doesn’t delete the files in sub directories like it was intended to do you have any idea why and how to fix it

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 02 Jan 2016 10:25
by Meerkat
Sorry, my bad. My previous code is terrible because I am not familiar with FORFILES command. :oops:

Now, I tested this, and this worked for me, but I have some reminders on this code:
  1. We must NOT rename directories. It is because files inside it will not be found, renamed, overwritten, deleted. Therefore, only files will be renamed, not the folders.
  2. We must put the slist.txt out (%tmp% folder will do), so that it will not be renamed.
  3. I do not think this will be speedy anymore, but I know it works. :roll:
  4. Code looks ugly, but commented.

So, here is the code snippet:

Code: Select all

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
FORFILES /S /C "CMD /C ECHO @relpath:@isDir">"%TMP%\slist.txt"
::Rename FILES, but NOT folders.
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%f in ('type "%TMP%\slist.txt"') do (
   if %%g==FALSE if /i not "%~f0"=="%%~ff" ren "%%~f" "sdel!random!.sdel"
::Do some sadistic actions on files.
for /r %%a in (*.sdel) do (
   type nul >"%%a"
   del /f "%%a"
::Delete folders
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('type "%TMP%\slist.txt"') do if %%b==TRUE rd "%%~a"
del "%TMP%\slist.txt"

UPDATE: This will fail if file name contains exclamation (!) because of delayed expansion. I know it is in this code:

Code: Select all

for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%f in ('type "%TMP%\slist.txt"') do (
   if %%g==FALSE if /i not "%~f0"=="%%~ff" ren "%%~f" "sdel!random!.sdel"


Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 02 Jan 2016 12:10
by batchcc
Thanks Merkat the code works great!

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 02 Jan 2016 16:45
by Squashman
You sure are doing a lot of work for a program that really does not do secure deletion of a file. I could download a dozen different utilities from the web that could recover the files you are trying to "securely" delete.

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 13:21
by batchcc
Squashman wrote:You sure are doing a lot of work for a program that really does not do secure deletion of a file. I could download a dozen different utilities from the web that could recover the files you are trying to "securely" delete.

Squashman I have decided to change the objective of sdel.bat from securly deleting files to speedily deleting files, I also want to add features to save time like

Code: Select all

if "%~1"=="/e" goto ext
if "%~2"=="" (
   set /p d=enter path of folder to delete:
) else (
   set "d=%~2"
if "%~3"=="" (
   set /p d=enter extension:
) else (
   set "ext=%~3"

cd /d %d%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in (*.%ext%) do (
if not "%~nx0"=="%%a" ren "%%~a" "sdel!random!.sdel"
for %%a in (*.sdel) do type nul > %%a
del *.sdel

but i would like to add a function that allows the user to exclude an extension but it doesn't work do you know why?

Code: Select all

if "%~1"=="/em" goto extm
if "%~2"=="" (
   set /p d=enter path of folder to delete:
) else (
   set "d=%~2"
if "%~3"=="" (
   set /p d=enter extension:
) else (
   set "ext=%~3"

cd /d %d%
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d^|findstr /vire "\.%extm%"') do (
if not "%~nx0"=="%%a" ren "%%~a" "sdel!random!.sdel"
for %%a in (*.sdel) do type nul > %%a
del *.sdel

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 17:24
by Squashman
I do not see how your objective has changed because the code is still doing a pseudo secure delete which slows everything down and even if it was just doing deletion it would not be any faster then just navigating with explorer and deleting the file.

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 17:28
by Squashman
batchcc wrote:but i would like to add a function that allows the user to exclude an extension but it doesn't work do you know why?

Surely you can't be serious.
Debug your code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will even give a hint. If I had to give you a grade for that code I would give you an F.

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 14:12
by batchcc
Thank you so much
Squashman wrote:If I had to give you a grade for that code I would give you an F.
your grade was very helpful!

Code: Select all

if "%~1"=="/em" goto extm
if "%~2"=="" (
   set /p d=enter path of folder to delete:
) else (
   set "d=%~2"
if "%~3"=="" (
   set /p d=enter extension:
) else (
   set "extm=%~3"

cd /d %d%
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d^|findstr /vire "\.%extm%"') do (
if not "%~nx0"=="%%f" ren "%%~f" "sdel!random!.sdel"
for %%f in (*.sdel) do type nul > %%f
del *.sdel

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 05 Jan 2016 03:43
by foxidrive
Several things there will cause your script to fail with certain names.

batchcc wrote:cd /d %d%
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d^|findstr /vire "\.%extm%"') do (
if not "%~nx0"=="%%f" ren "%%~f" "sdel!random!.sdel"
for %%f in (*.sdel) do type nul > %%f
del *.sdel

Did you notice the error messages on the console screen? Try it with the pause I added.

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 09 Jan 2016 08:16
by batchcc
foxidrive wrote:Several things there will cause your script to fail with certain names.

batchcc wrote:

Code: Select all

cd /d %d%
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d^|findstr /vire "\.%extm%"') do (
if not "%~nx0"=="%%f" ren "%%~f" "sdel!random!.sdel"
for %%f in (*.sdel) do type nul > %%f
del *.sdel

Did you notice the error messages on the console screen? Try it with the pause I added.

Okay Foxdrive but I am unsure of how to fix these errors

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 09 Jan 2016 15:21
by Squashman
Why do you have "%%f" on a line by itself.

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 09 Jan 2016 20:32
by batchcc
Squashman wrote:Why do you have "%%f" on a line by itself.

When I was looking at other codes on SO there was %%f at the end of the line so I placed it at the end of the code I'm not sure if that's correct or not.

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 09 Jan 2016 21:47
by Squashman
batchcc wrote:
Squashman wrote:Why do you have "%%f" on a line by itself.

When I was looking at other codes on SO there was %%f at the end of the line so I placed it at the end of the code I'm not sure if that's correct or not.

Well you got a 50/50 chance of being wrong.

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 09 Jan 2016 22:47
by foxidrive
batchcc wrote:Okay Foxdrive but I am unsure of how to fix these errors

Here's a method to do the same thing you are doing, which should be robust.
Ask any questions you have, as it seems that you're struggling a little at this point in time.

Those first two lines below do nothing, but you may know that.

Code: Select all

if /i "%~1"=="/em" goto extm

set "d=%~2"
if not defined d set /p "d=enter path of folder to delete: "
if not exist "%d%\" echo Have another bash at that! & goto :re-enter-path

set "extm=%~3"
if not defined extm set /p "extm=enter extension: "
if not exist "%d%\*.%extm%" echo There are no "*.%extm%" files & pause & goto :EOF

cd /d "%d%"
del sdel*.sdel 2>nul
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d^|findstr /vire "\.%extm%"') do (
   if /i not "%~nx0"=="%%f" for %%g in ("sdel!random!.sdel") do (
      ren "%%f" "%%~g"
      del "%%~g"

Re: Sdel - speedy deletion utility

Posted: 10 Jan 2016 10:37
by batchcc
foxidrive wrote:
batchcc wrote:Okay Foxdrive but I am unsure of how to fix these errors

Here's a method to do the same thing you are doing, which should be robust.
Ask any questions you have, as it seems that you're struggling a little at this point in time.

Those first two lines below do nothing, but you may know that.

Code: Select all

if /i "%~1"=="/em" goto extm

set "d=%~2"
if not defined d set /p "d=enter path of folder to delete: "
if not exist "%d%\" echo Have another bash at that! & goto :re-enter-path

set "extm=%~3"
if not defined extm set /p "extm=enter extension: "
if not exist "%d%\*.%extm%" echo There are no "*.%extm%" files & pause & goto :EOF

cd /d "%d%"
del sdel*.sdel 2>nul
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /a-d^|findstr /vire "\.%extm%"') do (
   if /i not "%~nx0"=="%%f" for %%g in ("sdel!random!.sdel") do (
      ren "%%f" "%%~g"
      del "%%~g"

when added to the main file the first two lines will have a purpose (I know the're useless now) but the code doesnt work on my computer Foxdrive

Code: Select all

H:\1\A\del>Delete /em H:\1\A\del bat

H:\1\A\del>if /I "/em" == "/em" goto extm

H:\1\A\del>set "d=H:\1\A\del"

H:\1\A\del>if not defined d set /p "d=enter path of folder to delete: "

H:\1\A\del>if not exist "H:\1\A\del\" echo Have another bash at that!   & goto :

H:\1\A\del>set "extm=bat"

H:\1\A\del>if not defined extm set /p "extm=enter extension: "

H:\1\A\del>if not exist "H:\1\A\del\*.bat" echo There are no "*.bat" files   & p
ause   & goto :EOF

H:\1\A\del>cd /d "H:\1\A\del"

H:\1\A\del>del sdel*.sdel  2>nul

H:\1\A\del>for /F "delims=" %f in ('dir /b /a-d|findstr /vire "\.bat"') do (if /
I not "Delete.bat" == "%f" for %g in ("sdel!random!.sdel") do (
ren "%f" "%~g"
 del "%~g"
) )

H:\1\A\del>(if /I not "Delete.bat" == "sdel!random!.sdel" for %g in ("sdel!rando
m!.sdel") do (
ren "sdel!random!.sdel" "%~g"
 del "%~g"
) )

ren "sdel!random!.sdel" "sdel!random!.sdel"
 del "sdel!random!.sdel"
Access is denied.
Access is denied.

H:\1\A\del>(if /I not "Delete.bat" == "New Bitmap Image.bmp" for %g in ("sdel!ra
ndom!.sdel") do (
ren "New Bitmap Image.bmp" "%~g"
 del "%~g"
) )

ren "New Bitmap Image.bmp" "sdel!random!.sdel"
 del "sdel!random!.sdel"
A duplicate file name exists, or the file
cannot be found.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.

H:\1\A\del>(if /I not "Delete.bat" == "hi.txt" for %g in ("sdel!random!.sdel") d
o (
ren "hi.txt" "%~g"
 del "%~g"
) )

ren "hi.txt" "sdel!random!.sdel"
 del "sdel!random!.sdel"
A duplicate file name exists, or the file
cannot be found.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.

Press any key to continue . . .