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Strange behavior in Batch script

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 15:09
by Grapefruits
So I have this script. It's supposed to check if the input (%skiller%) is in the variable %tree%. So if I input Sword, it'll look for the string "Sword" in the variable %tree%. The tree value is "Sword Shield". Afterward, it checks the variable %skillsunlocked% to see if it has the input. If it has the input, it'll say "You already unlocked it!". Strange thing is, when I input "Sword" it always says "You already unlocked Sword", even though %skillsunlocked% has no value. If I input "Mace", which isn't in the %tree% variable, it goes back to :FUNC, which is the intended behaviour. But when I input "Sword", it always says I unlocked Sword, even though %skillunlocked% does not contain Sword.

Code: Select all

set skillsunlocked="
set "tree=Sword Shield"
set /p skiller="Enter skill..."
echo.%tree% | findstr /C:"%skiller%" 1>nul
if "%errorlevel%" == "0" (
      echo.%skillsunlocked% | findstr /C:"%skiller%" 1>nul
      if "%errorlevel%" == "0" (
            echo You already unlocked %skiller%^^!
            GOTO :FUNC
) else (
I thought maybe a blank variable was throwing it off, so I tried adding skillsunlocked=None, but it still behaved the same. The first findstr works, while the second one doesn't. Any hints or thoughts? :?

Re: Strange behavior in Batch script

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 15:16
by Squashman
Delayed Expansion!

Code: Select all

set skillsunlocked="
set "tree=Sword Shield"
set /p skiller="Enter skill..."
echo.%tree% | findstr /C:"%skiller%" 1>nul
if "%errorlevel%" == "0" (
      echo.%skillsunlocked% | findstr /C:"%skiller%" 1>nul
     setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
      if "!errorlevel!" == "0" (
            echo You already unlocked %skiller%^^!
            GOTO :FUNC
) else (

Re: Strange behavior in Batch script

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 15:22
by aGerman
You try to access the %errorlevel% variable in a parenthesized block of command lines. You can't get its changed value without delayed expansion and !! instead of %%. Another problem is the space between the variable and the | operator. The space belongs to the ECHOed string and may falsify your result.
But I wouldn't even use the external FINDSTR tool. What about string replacement? If "!tree:%skiller%=!" is still the same as "!tree!" then tree doesn't contain skiller.
