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File/Folder Purging - Best practice?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:18
by SIMMS7400
Hi Folks -

I'm trying to developing a purging process but I haven't been able to land on anything that I really like yet so wanted to get your opinion. What is the best way to go about this?

Can I merely just use a forfiles to remove an entire directory based on AGE, or should I remove files first and then the folder/subfolders?

I have this piece of code:

Code: Select all

FORFILES /P "D:\Data\Imports" /S /M "*" /D -14 /C "CMD /C if @ISDIR==TRUE echo RD /S /Q @PATH"
In my \Import directory, I have sub-folders named as YYYY_MMDD to hold my imports that I load into my target application. Therefore, wondering the best, most effcieint way to purge a setup like this?

I understand my above code will not purge empty dirs, so in the case, I planned to just use a ROBOCOPY to take care of that.

Code: Select all

ROBOCOPY "D:\Data\Imports" "D:\Data\Imports" /S /MOVE
What are your thoughts?

Re: File/Folder Purging - Best practice?

Posted: 12 Jan 2022 00:29
by Jedininja
this is a method if you have reoccurring files that need to be deleted.

Code: Select all

if exist %systemdrive%/ del /f /q %systemdrive%/
if exist %systemdrive%/ del /f /q %systemdrive%/
if exist %systemdrive%/ del /f /q %systemdrive%/
if exist %systemdrive%/ del /f /q %systemdrive%/

off the top of my head to delete files below a numaric date

Will list files in a in directory with date and output first in to a file

Code: Select all

dir /s > %systemdrive%\path\file.txt
and then the forloop should skip the first 5 lines and the / delimiter and then the if statement will determine if the if the value is below the year 2022(it may be the day, or month). however i don't really have a way to test it or anything to delete. there is also "jarrgin" in dir /s so you will have to figure that part.

Code: Select all

FOR /F "eol=5 delims=/" %%i in (%systemdrive%\path\File.txt) do if /i %%i  lss 22 del /s %%i