General advice on prototype for a game

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General advice on prototype for a game

#1 Post by EliJamesMorey » 01 Feb 2019 11:27

So I have been working on this prototype of a text-based game in batch, and because I have never done any type of coding before, I am sure that this is really chunky, inefficient, and sometimes just stupid code, but I don't really know what I can do better. If anyone has any general advice about how I can make this easier for myself to write, more efficient/sleek, etc, please let me know.

I am hoping in particular to improve the inventory system, create a block of code for fighting (one that can be reused for every fight), a similar one for random encounters, and another good one for using skills/spells, stuff like that.

Please help me organize this information in a more manageable way.

Thank you.


Code: Select all

@echo off
title ELI'S GAME
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

echo 1) Start game
echo 2) Quit
set /p c=

if "%c%" == "1" goto createchar
if "%c%" == "2" exit
goto mainmenu

set item1=EMPTY
set item2=EMPTY
set item3=EMPTY
set item4=EMPTY
set item5=EMPTY
set item6=EMPTY
set item7=EMPTY
set item8=EMPTY
set item9=EMPTY
set item10=EMPTY
echo Name your character:
set /p name=
echo Your name is %name%

set /a plmoney=0
echo How old are you? (Choose age between 15 and 25)
set /p age=
if %age% GTR 25 goto ageinv
if %age% LSS 15 goto ageinv
echo You are %age% years old.
echo Determine your attributes.
echo.You have a total of 20 points to spend between the 4:
echo Strength, Agility, Intelligence, and Charisma.
goto createchar2

echo You have entered an invalid age. Please try again.
goto createcharb

set basehp=5
set playlang1=Sarmudian
set playlang2=Purdish
echo How many points do you want to put on STRENGTH? (Affects health, combat)
set /p plstr=
echo Your strength is %plstr%.
set /a maxplhp=%plstr%+%basehp%
set /a plhp=%maxplhp%
if %plstr% GTR 10 goto statsinv
echo How many points do you want to put on AGILITY? (Affects athletics, lockpicking, sneaking, archery, armor class)
set /p plagi=
if %plagi% GTR 10 goto statsinv
echo Your agility is %plagi%.
echo How many points do you want to put on INTELLIGENCE? (Affects knowledge including spellcraft)
set /p plint=
if %plint% GTR 10 goto statsinv
echo Your intelligence is %plint%.
echo How many points do you want to put on CHARISMA? (Affects social interaction)
set /p plcha=
if %plcha% GTR 10 goto statsinv
echo Your charisma is %plcha%
set /a totatt=%plagi%+%plcha%+%plstr%+%plint%
if %totatt% GTR 20 goto statsinv
if %totatt% LEQ 20 goto createchar3

echo You have added too many points to your character's
echo attributes. Please retry using 20 or less points total,
echo and 10 or less for each individual attribute.
goto createchar2

echo You have added too many points to your character's skills. 
echo Please try again allotting a total of less than 55 points.
goto createchar3

echo You have 55 points to spend amongst the following 11 skills,
echo each of which is also affected by a specific attribute:
echo STR: Wrestle, bash, melee. 
echo AGI: Lockpick, climb, archery, sneak. 
echo INT: Knowledge, spellcraft. 
echo CHA: Persuade, barter.
echo How many points towards...
echo Wrestle:
set /p wre=
set /a plwre=%wre%*%plstr%
echo Bash:
set /p bas=
set /a plbas=%bas%*%plstr%
echo Melee:
set /p mel=
set /a plmel=%mel%*%plstr%
echo Lockpick:
set /p loc=
set /a plloc=%loc%*%plagi%
echo Climb:
set /p cli=
set /a plcli=%cli%*%plagi%
echo Archery:
set /p arc=
set /a plarc=%arc%*%plagi%
echo Sneak:
set /p sne=
set /a plsne=%sne%*%plagi%
echo Knowledge:
set /p kno=
set /a plkno=%kno%*%plint%
echo Spellcraft:
set /p spe=
set /a plspe=%spe%*%plint%
echo Persuade:
set /p per=
set /a plper=%per%*%plcha%
echo Barter:
set /p bar=
set /a plbar=%bar%*%plcha%
set /a totskill=%bar%+%per%+%spe%+%kno%+%sne%+%arc%+%cli%+%loc%+%mel%+%bas%+%wre%
if %totskill% GTR 55 goto statsinv2
goto featschar

if %scenval% EQU 1 goto openingscene
if %scenval% EQU 2 goto bedroom
goto bathroom

echo You may now choose one trait/skillset specific to your character:
echo 1) Thief: Improves your sneak and lockpick skills by 15 points each
echo 2) Businessman: Improves your charisma by 2 and barter by an extra 10.
echo 3) Fighter: Improves your melee by 10 and gives you 3 extra health points.
echo 4) Magician: Increases your spellcraft by 50 points. Subtracts 2 health points.
set /a bon1=50
set /a bon2=15
set /a bon3=2
set /a bon4=10
set /a bon5=3
set /a pen1=2
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" set plloc=%plloc%+%bon2% 
if "%c%" == "1" set plsne=%plsne%+%bon2%
if "%c%" == "1" set skilfoc=Thief
if "%c%" == "2" set plcha=%plcha%+%bon3%
set /a plcha=%plcha%
set /a plbar=%bar%*%plcha%
set /a plper=%per%*%plcha%
set /a plper=%plper%
set /a plbar=%plbar%
if "%c%" == "2" set plbar=%plbar%+%bon4%
if "%c%" == "2" set skilfoc=Businessman
if "%c%" == "3" set plmel=%plmel%+%bon4%
if "%c%" == "3" set maxplhp=%maxplhp%+%bon5%
if "%c%" == "3" set skilfoc=Fighter
if "%c%" == "4" set plspe=%plspe%+%bon1%
if "%c%" == "4" set maxplhp=%maxplhp%-%pen1%
if "%c%" == "4" set skilfoc=Magician
set /a plhp=%maxplhp%
set /a maxplhp=%maxplhp%
set /a plac=%plagi%*5
if %plstr% LEQ 4 set /a plstrbon=0
if %plstr% GTR 4 set /a plstrbon=1
if %plstr% GTR 7 set /a plstrbon=2
if %plstr% GTR 9 set /a plstrbon=3
set /a wepdam=1
set /a plac=%plac%
set /a plspe=%plspe%
set /a plsne=%plsne%
set /a plloc=%plloc%
set /a plcha=%plcha%
set /a plbar=%plbar%
set /a plmel=%plmel%
set curwep=Fist
set curarm=None
set /a pldamage=%wepdam%+%plstrbon%
set /a pldamage=%pldamage%
set /a plrange=0
set /a plrangedisplay=0
set /a armbonus=0
set /a plmoney=3

echo Character stats:
echo Name: %name%
echo Age: %age%
echo Skill focus: %skilfoc%
echo HP: %plhp%/%maxplhp%
echo AC: %plac%
echo STR: %plstr% 
echo AGI: %plagi% 
echo INT: %plint% 
echo CHA: %plcha%
echo Wrestle:%plwre% Bash:%plbas% Melee:%plmel% Lockpick:%plloc%
echo Climb:%plcli% Archery:%plarc% Sneak:%plsne% Knowledge:%plkno% 
echo Spellcraft:%plspe% Persuade:%plper% Barter:%plbar%

echo Are you happy with this character?
echo 1) Yes, continue to the CHAPTER 1.
echo 2) No, restart the character creation process.
set /a scenval=1
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" goto curscene
if "%c%" == "2" goto createchar

echo Money: %plmoney%gp
echo Current Weapon: %curwep% (damage %pldamage%, range %plrangedisplay%ft)
echo Current Armor: %curarm% (bonus %armbonus%)
if "%item1%" == "Robes" echo %item1%
if "%item2%" == "Leather armor" echo %item2%
if "%item3%" == "Store room key" echo %item3%
if "%item4%" == "Letter for Georgus" echo %item4%
if "%item5%" == "Herdel's beer" echo %item5%
if "%item6%" == "Store room chest key" echo %item6%
if "%item7%" == "Dagger" echo %item7%
if "%item8%" == "Sling" echo %item8%
if "%item9%" == "Bullets" echo %bulnum% %item9%
echo 1) Equip a new weapon.
echo 2) Equip new armor.
echo 3) Return.
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" goto equipwep
if "%c%" == "2" goto equiparm
if "%c%" == "3" goto curscene

echo These are your current options:
echo 0) No change, go back
if "%item7%" == "Dagger" echo 1) Dagger
if "%item8%" == "Sling" echo 2) Sling
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "0" goto inventory
if "%c%" == "1" set /a wepdam=3
if "%c%" == "1" set curwep=Dagger
if "%c%" == "2" set /a wepdam=2
if "%c%" == "2" set /a plrange=1
if "%c%" == "2" set curwep=Sling
if %c% LSS 0 goto selectinval
if %c% GTR 15 goto selectinval
set /a pldamage=%wepdam%+%plstrbon%
set /a pldamage=%pldamage%
set /a plrangedisplay=%plrange%*30
set /a plrangedisplay=%plrangedisplay%
goto inventory

echo These are your current options:
echo 0) No armor
if "%item2%" == "Leather armor" echo 1) Leather armor
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "0" set /a armbonus=0
if "%c%" == "0" set curarm=None
if "%c%" == "1" set /a armbonus=20
if "%c%" == "1" set curarm=Leather armor
if %c% LSS 0 goto selectinval
if %c% GTR 15 goto selectinval
set /a plac=%plagi%*5+%armbonus%
set /a plac=%plac%
goto inventory

echo You have made an invalid selection. Please check your inventory and try again.
goto inventory

echo Character stats:
echo Name: %name%
echo Age: %age%
echo Skill focus: %skilfoc%
echo HP: %plhp%/%maxplhp%
echo AC: %plac%
echo STR: %plstr% 
echo AGI: %plagi% 
echo INT: %plint% 
echo CHA: %plcha%
echo Wrestle:%plwre% Bash:%plbas% Melee:%plmel% Lockpick:%plloc%
echo Climb:%plcli% Archery:%plarc% Sneak:%plsne% Knowledge:%plkno% 
echo Spellcraft:%plspe% Persuade:%plper% Barter:%plbar%
echo Languages spoken: %playlang1%, %playlang2%, %playlang3%
goto curscene

echo The game story begins here.
echo CHAPTER 1
echo Your name is %name%. You have lived in a monastary in the mountains
echo your entire life. You were brought here by your peasant father as a child.
echo The monks tell you that his wife, your mother, had died of smallpox
echo and that your father was being recruited into the army--and thus had
echo no way to take care of you. For this reason, he left you in the care
echo of the monks, who have raised you.
echo You know little of life outside the monastary walls. The monks have, 
echo of course, taught you a bit about the geography of the known world. Your monastary
echo is a final place of refuge for the worshippers of the Sarmudian God, Marrudao.
echo His followers have been persecuted for decades by the current king of Holshireford, 
echo whose popularity has only increased with war after war against neighboring kingdoms.
echo The monastary is located along the northern edge of Holshireford, high in the
echo snowy northern Sarmud mountains. 
echo This is a land populated by the indigenous Sarmud people, who live in small villages
echo and cultivate various mushrooms in the many caves of the Sarmud region, aside from
echo herding goats and sheep. As a lifelong resident of this region, you are fluent in the 
echo Sarmud tongue, as well as Purdish, the common tongue of the kingdom of Holshireford
echo and several other nearby kingdoms. 
echo It is now the year 392 in the Selagian calendar--which counts the years following the 
echo fall of the mighty Purda Dynasty almost four centuries ago. You are %age% years old, 
echo and entering your final year of schooling in the monastary. After this year, you will 
echo be allowed to leave the monastary to travel out into the world. Against the wishes of some
echo of the monks, who advocate peace even in the face of death, some of your Sarmud friends in 
echo the nearby village have encouraged you to join in a guerilla war against the kingdom of 
echo Holshireford, which has annexed a large part of the foothills of lower Sarmudia, and 
echo is terrorizing, raping, and murdering its inhabitants in an effort to drive them from the
echo lands.
echo In your final year of studies you are allowed freedom in what you focus on. You will split 
echo your time between a) the study of a specific realm of martial art, b) a specific type of 
echo phsyical or social skill, and c) the study of one common language.
echo The time has come to choose which martial art to focus on. Do you choose...
echo 1) Spend the year practicing swordplay with brother Hunar.
echo 2) Spend the year practicing archery with brother Nunche.
echo 3) Spend the year practicing spellcraft with brother Sylec.
set /p e=
if "%e%" == "1" set /a plmel=%plmel%+10
if "%e%" == "1" set gateguard=Hunar
if "%e%" == "1" set catchval2=melee
if "%e%" == "1" echo Your melee has increased by 10 points. It is now %plmel%.
if "%e%" == "2" set /a plarc=%plarc%+15
if "%e%" == "2" echo Your archery has increased by 15 points. It is now %plarc%.
if "%e%" == "2" set gateguard=Nunche
if "%e%" == "2" set catchval2=archery
if "%e%" == "3" set /a plspe=%plspe%+10
if "%e%" == "3" echo Your spellcraft has increased by 10 points. It is now %plspe%.
if "%e%" == "3" set gateguard=Sylec
if "%e%" == "3" set catchval2=spellcraft
echo You will now choose a skillset to further develop. Do you choose...
echo 1) Practice speaking and performance with brother Sonche.
echo 2) Practice athletics with brother Feck.
set /p d=
if "%d%" == "1" set /a plbar=%plbar%+10
if "%d%" == "1" set /a plper=%plper%+10
if "%d%" == "1" echo Your persuade skill has increased by 10. It is now %plper%.
if "%d%" == "1" echo Your barter skill has increased by 10. It is now %plbar%.
if "%d%" == "2" set /a plcli=%plcli%+10
if "%d%" == "2" set /a plwre=%plwre%+10
if "%d%" == "2" echo Your wrestle skill has increased by 10. It is now %plwre%.
if "%d%" == "2" echo Your climb skill has increased by 10. It is now %plcli%.
echo You will now choose one language to focus on learning. Do you choose...
echo 1) Study Old Elvish (used in many scrolls and arcane script)
echo 2) Study Merkian (spoken by various other tribes related to the Sarmudians)
echo 3) Study Orcish (spoken by the orc people of Durg, a kingdom south of Holshireford)
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" set playlang3=Elvish
if "%c%" == "1" echo You have learned to read and write Old Elvish.
if "%c%" == "2" set playlang3=Merkian
if "%c%" == "2" echo You have learned conversational Merkian.
if "%c%" == "3" set playlang3=Orcish
if "%c%" == "3" echo You have learned conversational Orcish.
set /a age=%age%+1
echo The year passes quickly. You immerse yourself in your study. Soon enough, 
echo spring has come. You are now %age%.
echo Tomorrow is your final day in the monastary. In the morning you will be free
echo to leave. It is around 7pm and you are sitting in your room, watching the sun
echo set through the window. Some of the monks have asked you to come and see them
echo before the morning, so that they can say goodbye and give you some parting advice.
set item1=Robes

set /a storval1=0
set /a storval2=0
set /a storval3=0
set /a storval4=0
set /a storval5=0
set /a storval6=0
set /a storval7=0
set /a storval8=0
set /a storval9=0
set /a storval10=0
set /a catchval1=0
set /a catchval3=0
set /a keyval1=0
set /a keyval2=0
set /a scenval=2
set /a time=7

echo What would you like to do?
echo 1) Leave your room to walk around the monastary.
echo 2) Check inventory.
echo 3) Check stats.
echo 4) Check time of day.
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" goto monastaryhall
if "%c%" == "2" goto inventory
if "%c%" == "3" goto charsheetfinal
if "%c%" == "4" goto timemonastary

echo The time is %time%pm.
goto bedroom

echo You are now in the monastary main hall.
echo Do you want to go...
echo 1) Back into your room.
echo 2) Into the elder monks' quarters.
echo 3) Into the regular monks' quarters.
echo 4) Into the garden.
echo 5) Into the store room.
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" goto bedroom
if "%c%" == "2" goto eldmonkqu
if "%c%" == "3" goto regmonkqu
if "%c%" == "4" goto mongarden
if "%c%" == "5" goto monstore

if "%storval1%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval1%" == "0" echo You are in the hallway outside of the elder monks' quarters. Two senior monks
if "%storval1%" == "0" echo have asked to see you before you leave. One is brother Sungh--a very old
if "%storval1%" == "0" echo monk who in his youth lived in the Orc lands and has always been considered a 
if "%storval1%" == "0" echo troublemaker. The other is brother Leie, who, although the monastary has no
if "%storval1%" == "0" echo official "high monk," has been more or less the leader of the monastary for as
if "%storval1%" == "0" echo long as you can remember
set /a storval1=1
echo 1) Return to the hall.
echo 2) Go to brother Sungh's room.
echo 3) Go to brother Leie' room.
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" goto monastaryhall
if "%c%" == "2" goto sunghroom
if "%c%" == "3" goto leieroom

if "%storval2%" == "0" echo You come into Sungh's room. It he is a small an unassuming man with a long
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo beard and mischevious eyes. He turns around to look at you.
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" pause
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo "Ah, good, you're here!" he exclaims. "I was hoping you wouldn't run off 
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo without saying goodbye. I'm getting old, you know! I may die before you return!"
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo The old man giggles and takes your hand.
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" pause
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo "I have something for you," he says. "An old suit of leather armor that belonged
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo to my father. He fought against the old King of Holshireford back in his day...
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo Don't think I'm encouraging you to fight--only know that if the time comes when
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo it is unavoidable, I would like you to be safe."
if "%storval2%" == "0" set item2=Leather armor
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo 1) "Thank you so much brother Sungh! I won't forget this kindness."
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo 2) "Brother Sungh, I can't take this from you--it must be very precious
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo     if it belonged to your father."
if "%storval2%" == "0" if %plper% GTR 30 echo 3) "Brother Sungh... maybe you have a weapon for me as well?" (Persuade)
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo "No child, it is nothing. Please, stay safe on your travels," replies Sungh.
if "%storval2%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo "For God's sake it isn't much, now take it," Sungh scolds.
if "%storval2%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" if %plper% LEQ 35 echo "No, I couldn't give you anything of that nature, child," Sungh says.
if "%storval2%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" if %plper% LEQ 35 echo "But please, take the armor."
if "%storval2%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" if %plper% GTR 35 echo "Well..." Sungh hesitates. "Okay, take this key to enter the store room.
if "%storval2%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" if %plper% GTR 35 echo There you will find a small dagger that you may take with you."
if "%storval2%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" if %plper% GTR 35 set keyval1=1
if "%storval2%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" if %plper% GTR 35 set item3=Store room key
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" pause 
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo "Alright then," Sungh says after you take the armor. "Run along now. Lots of
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo other monks are waiting to see you." He ushers you to the hallway door. "Goodbye."
if "%storval2%" == "0" echo. 
if "%storval2%" == "0" pause
if "%storval2%" == "0" set /a time=%time%+1
if "%storval2%" == "1" echo Sungh turns around to look at you. "What are you doing here?" he says. "Run along 
if "%storval2%" == "1" echo before I spank you."
if "%storval2%" == "1" echo. 
if "%storval2%" == "1" pause
set /a storval2=1
goto eldmonkqu

if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo You come into Leie's room. He is standing looking out his window at the frigid 
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo mountaintops in the distance. He turns around and looks at you with his chilly, 
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo bright blue eyes. 
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" pause
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo "How are you, %name%?" he asks. "Are you well?"
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo 1) "Yes, I am well. Thank you brother Leie."
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo 2) "Actually, I am feeling a bit apprehensive about leaving."
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo "Ah good," he sighs. "Listen... I have something that I would very much
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo like you to do for me. A message that you could deliver to an old friend."
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" pause
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo "Why so?" the monk asks curiously.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo 1) "Oh, nevermind, I'm feeling fine."
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo 2) "I am afriad of living outside the monastary walls."
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" set /p c2=
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" if "%c2%" == "1" echo "Ah good," he sighs. "Listen... I have something that I would very much
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" if "%c2%" == "1" echo like you to do for me. A message that you could deliver to an old friend."
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" if "%c2%" == "2" echo "Ah, you will fare just fine. If you are lost on your way out, see my friend Hugpo in the village.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" if "%c2%" == "2" echo Does that make you feel better?"
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" if "%c2%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" if "%c2%" == "2" echo 1) I guess...
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" if "%c2%" == "2" echo. 
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" if "%c2%" == "2" set /p c3=
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c3%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c3%" == "1" echo "Ah good," he sighs. "Listen... I have something that I would very much
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c3%" == "1" echo like you to do for me. A message that you could deliver to an old friend."
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo 1) "What is that?"
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo. 
if "%storval3%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo "Well nevermind the contents of the letter," the monk says. "I would 
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo like you to take it to my friend Georgus Selean. He lives in the foothills,
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo in the town of Sorrasa just on the border between our lands and Holshireford.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo I cannot offer you any reward, but Georgus may be kind enough to offer you
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo something for your efforts once you arrive at his estate."
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" pause
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo "What do you think?" Leie asks you. "Could you take the letter for me?"
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo 1) "Sure, I will take it."
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo 2) "No, I'm sorry, I don't want to."
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo. 
if "%storval3%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" set item4=Letter for Georgus
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo. 
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo "Ah, splendid," Leie says. "Thank you, my friend."
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo "Well alright then... I will find someone else to do it for me."
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo 1) "Well I have to be going..."
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo 2) (Hang around the room)
if "%storval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo "Alright then."
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" pause
if "%storval3%" == "0" set /a time=%time%+1
if "%storval3%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" set /a storval3=1
if "%storval3%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "1" echo "What are you still doing here? Go and say farewell to the rest
if "%storval3%" == "1" echo of the monks," Leie says. 
if "%storval3%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval3%" == "1" pause
set /a storval3=1
goto eldmonkqu

echo You are in the hallway of the regular monks' quarters.
echo 1) Go into Herdel's room. 
echo 2) Go into Saumed's room.
if "%d%" == "1" echo 3) Go into Sonche's room.
if "%d%" == "2" echo 3) Go into Feck's room. 
echo 4) Go back to the main hall.
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" goto herdelroom
if "%c%" == "2" goto saumedroom
if "%c%" == "3" goto sonfecroom
if "%c%" == "4" goto monastaryhall

if "%storval4%" == "0" echo "Oh hello," Herdel exclaims as you walk in. He is an overweight boy
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo around your age with a mane of messy blonde hair. "How are you %name%?"
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo 1) "Well I..."
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval4%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo "Oh, I have something for you," Herdel interrupts before you can finish
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo your sentence. "Here, take this bottle of beer. Call it a parting gift.
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo It's just about the best one that Saumed and I brewed last winter."
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo. 
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo 1) "Oh, okay. Thank you Herdel."
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo 2) "No, I don't want it."
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval4%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval4%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" set item5=Herdel's beer
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo "Alright then," Herdel says. "I'll see you tomorrow before you go, I suppose."
if "%storval4%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval4%" == "1" echo "Oh, you're still here?" Herdel asks. "Better get to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."
if "%storval4%" == "1" echo.
set storval4=1

echo You walk back out into the hallway.
goto regmonkqu

if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "1" echo Sonche is in here. "We sure had a fun time practicing performance this winter,"
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "1" echo he says. "I'm going to miss having you around."
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "2" echo Feck is in here. "We sure had a fun time practicing athletics this winter,"
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "2" echo he says. "I'm going to miss having you around."
if "%storval5%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" echo "Perhaps you would like to practice just a little more before you go?"
if "%storval5%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" echo 1) "Sure!"
if "%storval5%" == "0" echo 2) "I don't think I have time right now."
if "%storval5%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval5%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" echo (You practice speaking with Sonche a bit more. Your persuade skill increases by 1.)
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "2" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "2" if "%c%" == "1" echo (You practice athletics with Feck a bit more. Your climb skill increases by 1.)
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "2" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" set /a plper=%plper%+1
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%d%" == "2" if "%c%" == "1" set /a plcli=%plcli%+1
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" set /a time=%time%+1
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo "Oh, okay. Well, I will see you around."
if "%storval5%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval5%" == "1" if "%d%" == "1" echo Sonche is in here. "Hello again," he says.
if "%storval5%" == "1" if "%d%" == "2" echo Feck is in here. "Hello again," he says.
set /a storval5=1
goto leaveroom

set /a saumencage=%age%-5
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo You come into Saumed's room. He is a young monk with a great deal
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo of energy and a strong hatred for the kingdom of Holshireford. His 
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo mother and father were murdered when he was a child by the invading 
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo armies of Holshireford, which was why he came to live here. He has
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo been encouraging you to go off and join the rebel army in the foothills
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo since you were %saumencage% years old. He is unable to do so because
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo his severe fits of athsma have kept him bedridden for weeks at a time
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo on several occasions in the past. If he leaves, he is worried he may die.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo. 
if "%storval6%" == "0" pause
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo When you come into his room, Saumed jumps out of bed with a flustered look.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo "I have been waiting anxiously for you all day," he says. "I need to give 
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo you something." He hands you a key. "This key is to a wooden chest in the store room
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo The lock on the chest is almost impossible to pick, so you will need this key.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo Inside the chest you will find a sling and some bullets. It isn't much, but
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo I wanted you to have it in case you ever had the chance to kill some Holshirefordian
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo soldiers." Saumed refuses to take no for an answer and shoves the key into your 
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo hand. "The lock to the store room door should be easy to pick," he concludes.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" set item6=Store room chest key
if "%storval6%" == "0" set /a keyval2=1
if "%storval6%" == "0" pause
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo 1) "Okay, thank you Saumed."
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo 2) "I won't use it... you're going to get me in trouble Saumed."
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo "You're welcome Eli."
if "%storval6%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo "Get out of my room then."
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo You turn around and leave.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" set /a time=%time%+1
if "%storval6%" == "0" pause
if "%storval6%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "1" echo "Why have you come back? I don't have anything else for you," Saumed says.
if "%storval6%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "1" pause
set /a storval6=1
goto leaveroom

if "%storval7%" == "0" echo You are at the door of the store room. 
if "%storval7%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" echo 1) Go in.
if "%storval7%" == "0" echo 2) Go back to the main hall.
if "%storval7%" == "0" echo. 
if "%storval7%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" echo This door is locked, and you do not have the key.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" echo 1) Leave.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" echo 2) Try to pick the lock.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" set /p c2=
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "1" goto monastaryhall
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 15 echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 15 echo Success. You have picked the lock.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 15 echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 15 pause
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 15 goto monstore2
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 15 echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 15 echo Failure. You have cannot pick the lock.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 15 echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 15 pause
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 15 goto monstore
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "1" echo You use the store room key to enter the store room.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" goto monastaryhall
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "1" pause
if "%storval7%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval1%" == "1" goto monstore2
if "%storval7%" == "1" echo You are at the door of the store room.
if "%storval7%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval7%" == "1" echo 1) Go in.
if "%storval7%" == "1" echo 2) Go back.
if "%storval7%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval7%" == "1" set /p c=
if "%storval7%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" goto monstore2
if "%storval7%" == "1" if "%c%" == "2" goto monastaryhall

set /a storval7=1
if "%storval8%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%catchval1%" == "0" echo You are now in the store room. Most of the items in here are locked up, but on your right hand side
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%catchval1%" == "0" echo is a small dagger lying on a table. There is also a small back room behind the main store room.
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%catchval1%" == "0" echo. 
if "%storval8%" == "0" echo 1) Go back out into the hall.
if "%storval8%" == "0" echo 2) Go into the back room.
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%catchval1%" == "0" echo 3) Take the dagger
if "%storval8%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval8%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" goto monastaryhall
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" goto chestopen1
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" set item7=Dagger
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" set /a catchval1=1
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" echo.
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" echo You take the dagger.
if "%storval8%" == "0" if "%c%" == "3" goto monstore2

set /a locval2=99
if "%storval9%" == "0" echo You are in the back of the store room. There is a wooden chest
if "%storval9%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" echo 1) Open the wooden chest.
if "%storval9%" == "0" echo 2) Go back to the main room.
if "%storval9%" == "0" echo. 
if "%storval9%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" echo This chest is locked, and you do not have the key.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" echo 1) Leave.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" echo 2) Try to pick the lock.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" set /p c2=
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "1" goto monstore2
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 100 echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 100 echo Success. You have picked the lock.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 100 echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 100 pause
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% GTR 100 set /a storeval9=1
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 100 echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 100 echo Failure. You have cannot pick the lock.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 100 echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 100 pause
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "0" if "%c2%" == "2" if %plloc% LEQ 100 goto chestopen1
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "1" echo You use the chest key to open the chest.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "1" pause
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "1" goto chestopen1suc
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" goto monstore2
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "1" pause
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "1" set /a storval9=1
if "%storval9%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" if "%keyval2%" == "1" goto monstore2
if "%storval9%" == "1" echo You are in the back room. The chest in here is empty
if "%storval9%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval9%" == "1" pause
if "%storval9%" == "1" goto monstore2

echo You find a sling and 20 bullets in here.
set item8=Sling
set item9=Bullets
set /a bulnum=20
set /a storval9=1
goto monstore2

if "%catchval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%catchval3%" == "0" echo You come out in to the garden. All around you are beautiful flowers blossoming
if "%catchval3%" == "0" echo in the warm spring evening breeze. The air is full of the scent of pollen and 
if "%catchval3%" == "0" echo moist earth. You can hear the rustling of the pine trees beyond the monastary walls.
if "%catchval3%" == "0" echo.
if "%catchval3%" == "0" pause
set /a catchval3=1
echo You are in the middle of the garden. In front of you is the main gate 
echo of the monastary. To your left is the entrance to the cemetary, and to 
echo your right is the entrance to the watchtower. 
echo 1) Go back into the monastary
echo 2) Go to the front gate
echo 3) Go into the cemetary
echo 4) Go into the watchtower
set /p c=
if "%c%" == "1" goto monastaryhall
if "%c%" == "2" goto frontgate
if "%c%" == "3" goto cemetary
if "%c%" == "4" goto watchtower
goto mongarden

if "%storval10%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo You come up to the front gate. Your friend %gateguard% is standing guard.
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo "Hello %name%," he exclaims. How are you? It was fun practicing %catchval2% 
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo this year. I hope that you continue to excell in %catchval2% after you're
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo out from under my watchful eye."
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo 1) "I will miss you, %gateguard%."
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo 2) "Oh shut up, I'm better at %catchval2% than you are."
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo "I will miss you too, %name%," %gateguard% says.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" pause
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo %gateguard% scoffs. "Yes, of course you are."
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" pause
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo "Say," %gateguard% continues, "do you think that you could do a favor for me?"
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo 1) "Sure thing, %gateguard%."
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo 2) "No way!" 
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" set /p c=
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo "Thank you. Well, the problem is this. The other night Sonche
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo and I snuck out into the town and got drunk. When we came back,
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo we broke into one of the empty mausoleums in the cemetery. The
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo thing is, I accidently left a small bag of gold pieces in there,
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo and now there is someone standing guard, since they noticed that
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo the mausoleum had been disturbed. I'm not very sneaky... maybe you
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo could get past the guard and get me my gold back? I would give you
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo some for your effort, of course."
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" set /a catchval4=1
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "1" pause
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo "Oh, okay. Sorry to bother you."
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" pause
if "%storval10%" == "0" if "%c%" == "2" set /a catchval4=2
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo "Well, I'll see you around," %gateguard% says. 
if "%storval10%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "0" pause
if "%storval10%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" echo "Hey, %name%," %gateguard% says. Have you got my gold back yet?"
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" echo 1) "Sorry, no, not yet."
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%item10%" == "Bag o' gold" echo 2) Yeah, it's right here
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" set /p c=
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" echo "Oh, ok. Let me know when you do."
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" pause
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "1" goto mongarden
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "2" echo "Oh, wonderful. I thought I wouldn't get it back. Here's 20 gold--that's half of it."
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "2" echo. 
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "2" set /a plmoney=%plmoney%+20
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "2" pause
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "2" echo "What are you still doing here?" %gateguard% asks.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "2" echo 1) "Oh nothing."
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "2" echo.
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "2" pause
if "%storval10%" == "1" if "%catchval4%" == "1" if "%c%" == "2" set /a catchval4=2
set /a storval10=1
goto mongarden

Posts: 4471
Joined: 23 Dec 2011 13:59

Re: General advice on prototype for a game

#2 Post by Squashman » 01 Feb 2019 13:34

You can create CODE BLOCKS with the IF command.


Code: Select all

if "%storval6%" == "0" echo.
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo You come into Saumed's room. He is a young monk with a great deal
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo of energy and a strong hatred for the kingdom of Holshireford. His 
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo mother and father were murdered when he was a child by the invading 
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo armies of Holshireford, which was why he came to live here. He has
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo been encouraging you to go off and join the rebel army in the foothills
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo since you were %saumencage% years old. He is unable to do so because
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo his severe fits of athsma have kept him bedridden for weeks at a time
if "%storval6%" == "0" echo on several occasions in the past. If he leaves, he is worried he may die.
Can be changed to this

Code: Select all

if "%storval6%"=="0" (
	echo You come into Saumed's room. He is a young monk with a great deal
	echo of energy and a strong hatred for the kingdom of Holshireford. His 
	echo mother and father were murdered when he was a child by the invading 
	echo armies of Holshireford, which was why he came to live here. He has
	echo been encouraging you to go off and join the rebel army in the foothills
	echo since you were %saumencage% years old. He is unable to do so because
	echo his severe fits of athsma have kept him bedridden for weeks at a time
	echo on several occasions in the past. If he leaves, he is worried he may die.

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