Batch Games

Discussion forum for all Windows batch related topics.

Moderator: DosItHelp

Posts: 3
Joined: 24 Feb 2012 21:04

Batch Games

#1 Post by BallisticX » 24 Apr 2012 21:00

Share Some Batch Game Sripts With All Of Us!

Posts: 6031
Joined: 10 Feb 2012 02:20

Re: Batch Games

#2 Post by foxidrive » 25 Apr 2012 07:39

Here's a collection. Some are for MSdos and Win9x so check the headers before running them.

Posts: 32
Joined: 11 Nov 2011 12:04

Re: Batch Games

#3 Post by Cat » 25 Apr 2012 19:15

Coded this a LONG time ago. Horrible coding, but it's too big for me to really redo.

Code: Select all

@ECho off
set a1=_&set a2=_&set a3=_&set a4=_&set b1=_&set b2=_&set b3=_&set b4=_&set c1=_&set c2=_&set c3=_&set c4=_
set d3=_&set d4=_&set e1=_&set e2=_&set e3=_&set e4=_&set f1=_&set f2=_&set f3=_&set f4=_&set d1=_&set d2=_
set moves=0&set AC=1&set BC=1&set CC=1&set DC=1&set FC=1&set EC=1
cls&call :board
call :player
call :winlist
GOTO :computer
set /a moves= %moves% + 1
if %moves%==12 goto tie
call :board&set /p P1="ENTER A LETTER:"
if /i %p1%%AC%==A1 set A1=X&Set /a AC= %AC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%AC%==A2 set A2=X&Set /a AC= %AC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%AC%==A3 set A3=X&Set /a AC= %AC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%AC%==A4 set A4=X&Set /a AC= %AC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%BC%==B1 set B1=X&set /a BC= %BC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%BC%==B2 set B2=X&set /a BC= %BC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%BC%==B3 set B3=X&set /a BC= %BC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%BC%==B4 set B4=X&set /a BC= %BC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%CC%==C1 set C1=X&set /a CC= %CC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%CC%==C2 set C2=X&set /a CC= %CC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%CC%==C3 set C3=X&set /a CC= %CC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%CC%==C4 set C4=X&set /a CC= %CC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%DC%==D1 set D1=X&set /a DC= %DC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%DC%==D2 set D2=X&set /a DC= %DC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%DC%==D3 set D3=X&set /a DC= %DC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%DC%==D4 set D4=X&set /a DC= %DC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%EC%==E1 set E1=X&set /a EC= %EC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%EC%==E2 set E2=X&set /a EC= %EC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%EC%==E3 set E3=X&set /a EC= %EC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%EC%==E4 set E4=X&set /a EC= %EC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%FC%==F1 set F1=X&set /a FC= %FC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%FC%==F2 set F2=X&set /a FC= %FC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%FC%==F3 set F3=X&set /a FC= %FC%+1&EXIT /B
if /i %p1%%FC%==F4 set F4=X&set /a FC= %FC%+1&EXIT /B
ECHO Invalid&timeout /t 1 /nobreak>nul&GOTO START
set /a N=%random% %% 6
IF %N%==0 SET A%AC%=O&SET /A AC= %AC%+1
IF %N%==1 SET B%BC%=O&SET /A BC= %BC%+1
IF %N%==2 SET C%CC%=O&SET /A CC= %CC%+1
IF %N%==3 SET D%DC%=O&SET /A DC= %DC%+1
IF %N%==4 SET E%EC%=O&SET /A EC= %EC%+1
IF %N%==5 SET F%FC%=O&SET /A FC= %FC%+1
call :board&GOTO AFTER
call :board&ECho Computer wins&ECho.&ECho Press any key to restart&pause>nul&goto s
call :board&ECho Tie&ECho.&ECho Press any key to restart&pause>nul&goto s
call :board&EChO You Win&ECho.&ECho Press any key to restart&pause>nul&goto s
cls&ECho.&ECho  _ _ _ _ _ _&ECho ^|%A4%^|%B4%^|%C4%^|%D4%^|%E4%^|%F4%^|
ECho ^|%A3%^|%B3%^|%C3%^|%D3%^|%E3%^|%F3%^|&ECho ^|%A2%^|%B2%^|%C2%^|%D2%^|%E2%^|%F2%^|
ECho ^|%A1%^|%B1%^|%C1%^|%D1%^|%E1%^|%F1%^|&ECho  A B C D E F&ECho.&exit /b
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==XXX_ set A4=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==XX_X set A3=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==X_XX set A2=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==_XXX set A1=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==XXX_ set B4=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==XX_X set B3=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==X_XX set B2=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==_XXX set B1=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==XXX_ set C4=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==XX_X set C3=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==X_XX set C2=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==_XXX set C1=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==XXX_ set D4=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==XX_X set D3=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==X_XX set D2=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==_XXX set D1=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==XXX_ set E4=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==XX_X set E3=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==X_XX set E2=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==_XXX set E1=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==XXX_ set F4=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==XX_X set F3=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==X_XX set F2=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==_XXX set F1=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==XXX_ if NOT %d3%==_ set d4=O&Set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==XX_X if NOT %d3%==_ set c4=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==X_XX if NOT %d3%==_ set b4=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==_XXX if NOT %d3%==_ set A4=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==XXX_ if NOT %d2%==_ set d3=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==XX_X if NOT %c2%==_ set c3=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==X_XX if NOT %b2%==_ set b3=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==_XXX if NOT %a2%==_ set A3=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==XXX_ if NOT %d1%==_ set d2=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==XX_X if NOT %c1%==_ set c2=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==X_XX if NOT %b1%==_ set b2=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==_XXX if NOT %a1%==_ set A2=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==XXX_ set d1=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==XX_X set c1=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==X_XX set b1=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==_XXX set A1=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==XXX_ if NOT %e3%==_ set e3=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==XX_X if NOT %d3%==_ set d3=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==X_XX if NOT %c3%==_ set c3=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==_XXX if NOT %b3%==_ set b3=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==XXX_ if NOT %e2%==_ set e2=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==XX_X if NOT %d2%==_ set d2=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==X_XX if NOT %c2%==_ set c3=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==_XXX if NOT %b2%==_ set b3=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==XXX_ if NOT %e1%==_ set e2=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==XX_X if NOT %d1%==_ set d2=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==X_XX if NOT %c1%==_ set c2=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==_XXX if NOT %b1%==_ set b2=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==XXX_ set e1=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==XX_X set d1=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==X_XX set c1=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==_XXX set b1=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==XXX_ if NOT %f3%==_ set F4=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==XX_X if NOT %e3%==_ set E4=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==X_XX if NOT %d3%==_ set D4=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==_XXX if NOT %c3%==_ set C4=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==XXX_ if NOT %f2%==_ set F3=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==XX_X if NOT %e2%==_ set E3=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==X_XX if NOT %d2%==_ set D3=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==_XXX if NOT %c2%==_ set C3=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==XXX_ if NOT %f1%==_ set F2=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==XX_X if NOT %e1%==_ set E2=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==X_XX if NOT %d1%==_ set D2=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==_XXX if NOT %c1%==_ set C2=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==XXX_ set F1=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==XX_X set E1=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==X_XX set D1=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==_XXX set C1=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==XXX_ if NOT %d4%==_ set d4=O&set /a DC= %DC%+ 1& GOTO AFTER
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==XX_X if NOT %c3%==_ set C3=O&set /a CC= %CC%+ 1& GOTO AFTER
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==X_XX if NOT %b2%==_ set B2=O&set /a BC= %BC%+ 1& GOTO AFTER
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==_XXX set A1=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==XXX_ set D1=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==XX_X if NOT %c1%==_ set C2=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==X_XX if NOT %b2%==_ set B3=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==_XXX if NOT %a3%==_ set A4=O&set /a AC= %AC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==XXX_ if NOT %e3%==_ set E4=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==XX_X if NOT %d2%==_ set D3=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==X_XX if NOT %c1%==_ set C2=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==_XXX set B1=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==XXX_ set E1=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==XX_X if NOT %d1%==_ set D2=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==X_XX if NOT %c2%==_ set C3=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==_XXX if NOT %b3%==_ set B4=O&set /a BC= %BC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==XXX_ if NOT %f3%==_ set F4=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==XX_X if NOT %e2%==_ set E3=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==X_XX if NOT %d1%==_ set D2=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==_XXX set C1=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==XXX_ set F1=O&set /a FC= %FC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==XX_X if NOT %e1%==_ set E2=O&set /a EC= %EC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==X_XX if NOT %d2%==_ set D3=O&set /a DC= %DC%+1& GOTO AFTER
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==_XXX if NOT %c3%==_ set C4=O&set /a CC= %CC%+1& GOTO AFTER
exit /b
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==OOO_ if NOT %A3%==_ set A4=O& goto lose
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==OO_O if NOT %A2%==_ set A3=O& goto lose
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==O_OO if NOT %A1%==_ set A2=O& goto lose
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==_OOO set A1=O& goto lose
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==OOO_ if NOT %B3%==_ set B4=O& goto lose
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==OO_O if NOT %B2%==_ set B3=O& goto lose
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==O_OO if NOT %B1%==_ set B2=O& goto lose
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==_OOO set B1=O& goto lose
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==OOO_ if NOT %c3%==_ set C4=O& goto lose
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==OO_O if NOT %c2%==_ set C3=O& goto lose
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==O_OO if NOT %c1%==_ set C2=O& goto lose
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==_OOO set C1=O& goto lose
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==OOO_ if NOT %d3%==_ set D4=O& goto lose
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==OO_O if NOT %d2%==_ set D3=O& goto lose
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==O_OO if NOT %d1%==_ set D2=O& goto lose
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==_OOO set D1=O& goto lose
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==OOO_ if NOT %e3%==_ set E4=O& goto lose
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==OO_O if NOT %e2%==_ set E3=O& goto lose
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==O_OO if NOT %d1%==_ set E2=O& goto lose
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==_OOO  set E1=O& goto lose
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==OOO_ if NOT %f3%==_ set F4=O& goto lose
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==OO_O if NOT %f2%==_ set F3=O& goto lose
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==O_OO if NOT %f1%==_ set F2=O& goto lose
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==_OOO set F1=O& goto lose
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==OOO_ if NOT %d3%==_ set d4=O& goto lose
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==OO_O if NOT %c3%==_ set c4=O& goto lose
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==O_OO if NOT %b3%==_ set b4=O& goto lose
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==_OOO if NOT %a3%==_ set A4=O& goto lose
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==OOO_ if NOT %d2%==_ set d3=O& goto lose
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==OO_O if NOT %c2%==_ set c3=O& goto lose
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==O_OO if NOT %b2%==_ set b3=O& goto lose
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==_OOO if NOT %a2%==_ set A3=O& goto lose
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==OOO_ if NOT %d1%==_ set d2=O& goto lose
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==OO_O if NOT %c1%==_ set c2=O& goto lose
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==O_OO if NOT %b1%==_ set b2=O& goto lose
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==_OOO if NOT %a1%==_ set A2=O& goto lose
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==OOO_ set d1=O& goto lose
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==OO_O set c1=O& goto lose
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==O_OO set b1=O& goto lose
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==_OOO set A1=O& goto lose
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==OOO_ if NOT %e3%==_ set e4=O& goto lose
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==OO_O if NOT %d3%==_ set d4=O& goto lose
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==O_OO if NOT %c3%==_ set c4=O& goto lose
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==_OOO if NOT %b3%==_ set b4=O& goto lose
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==OOO_ if NOT %e2%==_ set e3=O& goto lose
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==OO_O if NOT %d2%==_ set d3=O& goto lose
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==O_OO if NOT %c2%==_ set c3=O& goto lose
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==_OOO if NOT %b2%==_ set b3=O& goto lose
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==OOO_ if NOT %e1%==_ set e2=O& goto lose
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==OO_O if NOT %d1%==_ set d2=O& goto lose
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==O_OO if NOT %c1%==_ set c2=O& goto lose
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==_OOO if NOT %b1%==_ set b2=O& goto lose
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==OOO_ set e1=O& goto lose
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==OO_O set d1=O& goto lose
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==O_OO set c1=O& goto lose
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==_OOO set b1=O& goto lose
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==OOO_ if NOT %f3%==_ set F4=O& goto lose
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==OO_O if NOT %e3%==_ set E4=O& goto lose
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==O_OO if NOT %d3%==_ set D4=O& goto lose
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==_OOO if NOT %c3%==_ set C4=O& goto lose
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==OOO_ if NOT %f2%==_ set F3=O& goto lose
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==OO_O if NOT %e2%==_ set E3=O& goto lose
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==O_OO if NOT %d2%==_ set D3=O& goto lose
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==_OOO if NOT %c2%==_ set C3=O& goto lose
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==OOO_ if NOT %f1%==_ set F2=O& goto lose
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==OO_O if NOT %e1%==_ set E2=O& goto lose
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==O_OO if NOT %d1%==_ set D2=O& goto lose
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==_OOO if NOT %c1%==_ set C2=O& goto lose
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==OOO_ set F1=O& goto lose
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==OO_O set E1=O& goto lose
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==O_OO set D1=O& goto lose
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==_OOO set C1=O& goto lose
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==OOO_ if NOT %d3%==_ set d4=O& goto lose
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==OO_O if NOT %c2%==_ set C3=O& goto lose
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==O_OO if NOT %b1%==_ set B2=O& goto lose
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==_OOO set A1=O& goto lose
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==OOO_ set D1=O& goto lose
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==OO_O if NOT %c1%==_ set C2=O& goto lose
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==O_OO if NOT %b2%==_ set B3=O& goto lose
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==_OOO if NOT %a3%==_ set A4=O& goto lose
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==OOO_ if NOT %e3%==_ set E4=O& goto lose
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==OO_O if NOT %d2%==_ set D3=O& goto lose
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==O_OO if NOT %c1%==_ set C2=O& goto lose
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==_OOO set B1=O& goto lose
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==OOO_ set E1=O& goto lose
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==OO_O if NOT %d1%==_ set D2=O& goto lose
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==O_OO if NOT %c2%==_ set C3=O& goto lose
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==_OOO if NOT %b3%==_ set B4=O& goto lose
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==OOO_ if NOT %f3%==_ set F4=O& goto lose
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==OO_O if NOT %e3%==_ set E3=O& goto lose
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==O_OO if NOT %d1%==_ set D2=O& goto lose
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==_OOO set C1=O& goto lose
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==OOO_ set F1=O& goto lose
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==OO_O if NOT %e1%==_ set E2=O& goto lose
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==O_OO if NOT %d2%==_ set D3=O& goto lose
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==_OOO if NOT %c3%==_ set C4=O& goto lose
exit /b
call :board
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %A4%%B4%%C4%%D4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %A3%%B3%%C3%%D3%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %A2%%B2%%C2%%D2%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %A1%%B1%%C1%%D1%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %B4%%C4%%D4%%E4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %B3%%C3%%D3%%E3%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %B2%%C2%%D2%%E2%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %B1%%C1%%D1%%E1%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %C4%%D4%%E4%%F4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %C3%%D3%%E3%%F3%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %C2%%D2%%E2%%F2%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %C1%%D1%%F1%%E1%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %A1%%B2%%C3%%D4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %A4%%B3%%C2%%D1%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %B1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %B4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %C1%%D2%%E3%%F4%==XXXX GOTO WIN
if %C4%%D3%%E2%%F1%==XXXX GOTO WIN

Posts: 43
Joined: 20 Mar 2012 20:53

Re: Batch Games

#4 Post by MrKnowItAllxx » 26 Apr 2012 18:09

I made this game a while ago, and it's not finished, but I would be curious to see if it could run on other people's computers
There are quite a few files and a few external executables (taken from a site called which is no longer online)

Anyway most info is in instructions.txt, but to start the game, run maximize.bat, and if you want to create your own maps follow the examples in the other maps "Data\maps" folder

Note the editor isn't really even close to done (I don't think you can save or change map options in it) I apologize it is a wait to download site

Posts: 1
Joined: 08 May 2012 23:24

Re: Batch Games

#5 Post by Anastasia » 08 May 2012 23:29

thank you for share it .i will try when i have time

Posts: 2
Joined: 17 May 2012 00:15

Re: Batch Games

#6 Post by SmartGenius » 17 May 2012 00:24

I'm interested in this topic, you can search "my nickname + batch + games" and found a lot of games coded by me in batch script a few years ago, i will be posting them here for you to enjoy it ;)

Greets :D

Posts: 4691
Joined: 22 Jan 2010 18:01
Location: Germany

Re: Batch Games

#7 Post by aGerman » 18 May 2012 08:44

The only game I ever wrote (normally I'm not interested in games):

Code: Select all

@echo off&setlocal&color 0c&mode con cols=65 lines=30
chcp 437>nul
for /f %%i in ('"prompt $H&echo on&for %%j in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%i"
for /l %%i in (0,1,9) do echo.
echo                     '''''''''''''''''''
echo     ,-.            ''                 ''    ,-.           ,-.
echo    / \_\    ,-.   ''  YAHTZEE In Batch ''  / \_\   ,-.   / \_\
echo    \ / /   / \_\  ''                   ''  \ / /  / \_\  \ / /
echo     `-'    \ / /  ''      aGerman      ''   `-'   \ / /   `-'
echo             `-'    ''                 ''           `-'
echo                     '''''''''''''''''''
for /l %%i in (0,1,8) do echo.
set /p "name=%BS% Enter your name: "
if not defined name goto again
set "top=ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿"
set "bottom=ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ"
for %%a in ("[1,1]" "[1,2]" "[1,4]" "[1,5]" "[2,1]" "[2,3]" "[2,5]" "[3,2]" "[3,4]" "[4,1]" "[4,3]" "[4,5]" "[5,2]" "[5,4]" "[6,2]" "[6,4]") do (
  set "%%~a=³         ³"
for %%a in ("[1,3]" "[3,3]" "[5,3]") do set "%%~a=³    @    ³"
for %%a in ("[4,2]" "[4,4]" "[6,1]" "[6,3]" "[6,5]") do set "%%~a=³  @   @  ³"
for %%a in ("[5,1]" "[5,5]") do set "%%~a=³ @     @ ³"
set "[2,2]=³     @   ³"
set "[2,4]=³   @     ³"
set "[3,1]=³ @       ³"
set "[3,5]=³       @ ³"
set "rolls=0"
for /l %%i in (1,1,13) do set "roll%%i= "
for /l %%i in (1,1,13) do set "score%%i=0"
color f1&mode con cols=65 lines=50
set /a rolls+=1
set "iteration=0"
set "fixed="
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do set "fixed%%i="
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do set "safe%%i=    "
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do set "fix%%i=0"
call :calccard
if %iteration%==3 (
  pause>nul|set /p "=%BS% Register ... "
  goto register
set /a iteration+=1
for /l %%i in (0,1,2) do (
  call :displaycard
  call :process
if %iteration%==3 (
  pause>nul|set /p "=%BS% Register ... "
  goto register
) else (
  call :fix
  goto loop
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
  for /l %%j in (1,1,5) do (
    if !d%%i! lss !d%%j! (
      set "temp=!d%%i!"
      set "d%%i=!d%%j!"
      set "d%%j=!temp!"
endlocal&set "d1=%d1%"&set "d2=%d2%"&set "d3=%d3%"&set "d4=%d4%"&set "d5=%d5%"
call :calccard
call :displaycard
echo   Your roll was: %d1%, %d2%, %d3%, %d4%, %d5%
set "choice="
set "var1="
set "var2="
set /p "choice=%BS% Enter the category number: "
if "%choice%"=="1" (
  set "var1=roll1"
  set "var2=score1"
  call :test1
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="2" (
  set "var1=roll2"
  set "var2=score2"
  call :test2
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="3" (
  set "var1=roll3"
  set "var2=score3"
  call :test3
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="4" (
  set "var1=roll4"
  set "var2=score4"
  call :test4
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="5" (
  set "var1=roll5"
  set "var2=score5"
  call :test5
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="6" (
  set "var1=roll6"
  set "var2=score6"
  call :test6
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="7" (
  set "var1=roll7"
  set "var2=score7"
  call :testThreeOAK
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="8" (
  set "var1=roll8"
  set "var2=score8"
  call :testFourOAK
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="9" (
  set "var1=roll9"
  set "var2=score9"
  call :testFullHouse
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="10" (
  set "var1=roll10"
  set "var2=score10"
  call :testSStraight
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="11" (
  set "var1=roll11"
  set "var2=score11"
  call :testLStraight
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="12" (
  set "var1=roll12"
  set "var2=score12"
  call :testYahtzee
  goto forward
if "%choice%"=="13" (
  set "var1=roll13"
  set "var2=score13"
  call :testChance
  goto forward
goto :loop2
set "choice="
if %return%==F (
  set /p "=%BS% This category is disabled. "
  goto loop2
if %return%==0 (
  echo  You'll get no score points!
  set /p "choice=%BS% Are you really sure? (y/n) "
) else (
  set "choice=y"
if /i "%choice%"=="y" (
  set "%var1%=%d1%, %d2%, %d3%, %d4%, %d5%"
  set "%var2%=%return%"
  call :calccard
  call :displaycard
) else (
  goto :loop2
pause>nul|set /p "=%BS% Continue ... "
if %rolls% lss 13 goto start
set "xtime=%time::=.%"
>>"%~0" echo *:%grandtotal%:%date% %xtime:~,5%:%name%
echo   Final Score: %grandtotal%
pause>nul|set /p "=%BS% Display Ranking ... "
cls&color 4e
for /f "delims=: tokens=1,3,4*" %%a in ('findstr /b /l /c:"*:" "%~0"^|findstr /n .') do (
  set "LScore%%a=%%b"
  set "LTime%%a=%%c"
  set "LName%%a=%%d"
  set /a n=%%a
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /l %%i in (1,1,%n%) do (
  for /l %%j in (1,1,%n%) do (
    if !LScore%%i! gtr !LScore%%j! (
      set "tScore=!LScore%%i!"
      set "LScore%%i=!LScore%%j!"
      set "LScore%%j=!tScore!"
      set "tTime=!LTime%%i!"
      set "LTime%%i=!LTime%%j!"
      set "LTime%%j=!tTime!"
      set "tName=!LName%%i!"
      set "LName%%i=!LName%%j!"
      set "LName%%j=!tName!"
  @echo off
  echo Ranking List
  echo  Place   Score      Date / Time        Name
  for /l %%a in (1,1,%n%) do (
    set "no=     %%a"
    call set "no=%%no:~-6%%"
    call set "LScore%%a=     %%LScore%%a%%"
    call set "LScore%%a=%%LScore%%a:~-6%%"
    call set "LTime%%a=         %%LTime%%a%%"
    call set "LTime%%a=%%LTime%%a:~-20%%"
    call echo %%no%%. %%LScore%%a%% %%LTime%%a%%    %%LName%%a%%
pause>nul|set /p "=%BS%   QUIT YAHTZEE ... "
goto :eof
:: ***************************** end of main **********************************

if %fix1%==0 set /a d1=(%random%)%%6+1
if %fix2%==0 set /a d2=(%random%)%%6+1
if %fix3%==0 set /a d3=(%random%)%%6+1
if %fix4%==0 set /a d4=(%random%)%%6+1
if %fix5%==0 set /a d5=(%random%)%%6+1
echo  ROLL %iteration%
echo     Dice 1       Dice 2       Dice 3       Dice 4       Dice 5
echo.     %safe1%         %safe2%         %safe3%         %safe4%         %safe5%
echo  %top%  %top%  %top%  %top%  %top%
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do call echo  %%[%d1%,%%i]%%  %%[%d2%,%%i]%%  %%[%d3%,%%i]%%  %%[%d4%,%%i]%%  %%[%d5%,%%i]%%
echo  %bottom%  %bottom%  %bottom%  %bottom%  %bottom%
goto :eof

set /a subtotal=%score1%+%score2%+%score3%+%score4%+%score5%+%score6%
if %subtotal% lss 63 (set "bonus=0") else set "bonus=35"
set /a total1=%subtotal%+%bonus%
set /a total2=%score7%+%score8%+%score9%+%score10%+%score11%+%score12%+%score13%
set /a grandtotal=%total1%+%total2%
call :addspaces "%name%" 40 r StrName
call :addspaces "%roll1%" 13 r StrRoll1
call :addspaces "%score1%" 6 l StrScore1
call :addspaces "%roll2%" 13 r StrRoll2
call :addspaces "%score2%" 6 l StrScore2
call :addspaces "%roll3%" 13 r StrRoll3
call :addspaces "%score3%" 6 l StrScore3
call :addspaces "%roll4%" 13 r StrRoll4
call :addspaces "%score4%" 6 l StrScore4
call :addspaces "%roll5%" 13 r StrRoll5
call :addspaces "%score5%" 6 l StrScore5
call :addspaces "%roll6%" 13 r StrRoll6
call :addspaces "%score6%" 6 l StrScore6
call :addspaces "%roll7%" 13 r StrRoll7
call :addspaces "%score7%" 6 l StrScore7
call :addspaces "%roll8%" 13 r StrRoll8
call :addspaces "%score8%" 6 l StrScore8
call :addspaces "%roll9%" 13 r StrRoll9
call :addspaces "%score9%" 6 l StrScore9
call :addspaces "%roll10%" 13 r StrRoll10
call :addspaces "%score10%" 6 l StrScore10
call :addspaces "%roll11%" 13 r StrRoll11
call :addspaces "%score11%" 6 l StrScore11
call :addspaces "%roll12%" 13 r StrRoll12
call :addspaces "%score12%" 6 l StrScore12
call :addspaces "%roll13%" 13 r StrRoll13
call :addspaces "%score13%" 6 l StrScore13
call :addspaces "%subtotal%" 6 l StrSubtotal
call :addspaces "%bonus%" 6 l StrBonus
call :addspaces "%total1%" 6 l StrTotal1
call :addspaces "%total2%" 6 l StrTotal2
call :addspaces "%grandtotal%" 6 l StrGrandtotal
goto :eof

echo  ³Name: %StrName% ³
echo  ³ No.³ Category:       ³ Roll:         ³ Score: ³
echo  ³  1 ³           Ones: ³ %StrRoll1% ³ %StrScore1% ³
echo  ³  2 ³           Twos: ³ %StrRoll2% ³ %StrScore2% ³
echo  ³  3 ³         Threes: ³ %StrRoll3% ³ %StrScore3% ³
echo  ³  4 ³          Fours: ³ %StrRoll4% ³ %StrScore4% ³
echo  ³  5 ³          Fives: ³ %StrRoll5% ³ %StrScore5% ³
echo  ³  6 ³          Sixes: ³ %StrRoll6% ³ %StrScore6% ³
echo  ³ -------------------------- SUBTOTAL: ³ %StrSubtotal% ³
echo  ³ ----------------------------- BONUS: ³ %StrBonus% ³
echo  ³ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOTAL 1: ³ %StrTotal1% ³
echo  ³  7 ³    3 Of A Kind: ³ %StrRoll7% ³ %StrScore7% ³
echo  ³  8 ³    4 Of A Kind: ³ %StrRoll8% ³ %StrScore8% ³
echo  ³  9 ³     Full House: ³ %StrRoll9% ³ %StrScore9% ³
echo  ³ 10 ³ Small Straight: ³ %StrRoll10% ³ %StrScore10% ³
echo  ³ 11 ³ Large Straight: ³ %StrRoll11% ³ %StrScore11% ³
echo  ³ 12 ³        Yahtzee: ³ %StrRoll12% ³ %StrScore12% ³
echo  ³ 13 ³         Chance: ³ %StrRoll13% ³ %StrScore13% ³
echo  ³ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOTAL 2: ³ %StrTotal2% ³
echo  ³                                      ³        ³
echo  ³ *********************** GRAND TOTAL: ³ %StrGrandtotal% ³
echo  ³                                      ³        ³
goto :eof

set /p "fixed=%BS% Enter the dices you want to save (1,2,3,4,5): "
if not defined fixed goto :eof
set fixed=%fixed: =%
if not defined fixed goto :eof
set fixed=%fixed:,=%
if not defined fixed goto :eof
set "fixed1=%fixed:~,1%
set "fixed2=%fixed:~1,1%
set "fixed3=%fixed:~2,1%
set "fixed4=%fixed:~3,1%
set "fixed5=%fixed:~4,1%
if defined fixed1 (set "fix%fixed1%=1"&set "safe%fixed1%=SAFE")
if defined fixed2 (set "fix%fixed2%=1"&set "safe%fixed2%=SAFE")
if defined fixed3 (set "fix%fixed3%=1"&set "safe%fixed3%=SAFE")
if defined fixed4 (set "fix%fixed4%=1"&set "safe%fixed4%=SAFE")
if defined fixed5 (set "fix%fixed5%=1"&set "safe%fixed5%=SAFE")
set /a fixsum=%fix1%+%fix2%+%fix3%+%fix4%+%fix5%
if %fixsum%==5 set /a iteration=3
goto :eof

if "%roll1%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a one=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
  if !d%%i!==1 set /a one+=1
endlocal&set "return=%one%"
goto :eof

if "%roll2%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a two=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
  if !d%%i!==2 set /a two+=2
endlocal&set "return=%two%"
goto :eof

if "%roll3%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a three=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
  if !d%%i!==3 set /a three+=3
endlocal&set "return=%three%"
goto :eof

if "%roll4%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a four=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
  if !d%%i!==4 set /a four+=4
endlocal&set "return=%four%"
goto :eof

if "%roll5%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a five=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
  if !d%%i!==5 set /a five+=5
endlocal&set "return=%five%"
goto :eof

if "%roll6%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a six=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,5) do (
  if !d%%i!==6 set /a six+=6
endlocal&set "return=%six%"
goto :eof

if "%roll7%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
set /a ThreeOAK=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,6) do (
  echo %d1%%d2%%d3%%d4%%d5%|findstr /c:"%%i%%i%%i">nul&&set /a ThreeOAK=%d1%+%d2%+%d3%+%d4%+%d5%
endlocal&set "return=%ThreeOAK%"
goto :eof

if "%roll8%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
set /a FourOAK=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,6) do (
  echo %d1%%d2%%d3%%d4%%d5%|findstr /c:"%%i%%i%%i%%i">nul&&set /a FourOAK=%d1%+%d2%+%d3%+%d4%+%d5%
endlocal&set "return=%FourOAK%"
goto :eof

if "%roll9%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
set /a FullHouse=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,6) do (
  for /l %%j in (%%i,1,6) do (
    echo %d1%%d2%%d3%%d4%%d5%|findstr "%%i%%i%%i%%j%%j %%i%%i%%j%%j%%j">nul&&(
      set "return=25"
      goto :eof
endlocal&set "return=%FullHouse%"
goto :eof

if "%roll10%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a SStraight=0
set "test=%d1%%d2%%d3%%d4%%d5%"
for /l %%i in (1,1,6) do (
  set "test=!test:%%i%%i=%%i!"
echo %test%|findstr "1234 2345 3456">nul&&set /a SStraight=30
endlocal&set "return=%SStraight%"
goto :eof

if "%roll11%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
set /a LStraight=0
echo %d1%%d2%%d3%%d4%%d5%|findstr "12345 23456">nul&&set /a LStraight=40
endlocal&set "return=%LStraight%"
goto :eof

if "%roll12%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
set /a Yahtzee=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,6) do (
  echo %d1%%d2%%d3%%d4%%d5%|findstr /c:"%%i%%i%%i%%i%%i">nul&&set /a Yahtzee=60
endlocal&set "return=%Yahtzee%"
goto :eof

if "%roll13%" neq " " (set "return=F"&goto :eof)
set /a return=%d1%+%d2%+%d3%+%d4%+%d5%
goto :eof

set "spaces=                                        "
if "%~3"=="r" (
  set "string=%~1%spaces%"
  call set "string=%%string:~,%~2%%
) else (
  set "string=%spaces%%~1"
  call set "string=%%string:~-%~2%%
endlocal&set "%~4=%string%"
goto :eof

Make sure the last line is a blank line.


Posts: 6031
Joined: 10 Feb 2012 02:20

Re: Batch Games

#8 Post by foxidrive » 18 May 2012 09:20

I enjoy Yahtzee. Nice work.

Posts: 2
Joined: 17 May 2012 00:15

Re: Batch Games

#9 Post by SmartGenius » 18 May 2012 20:28

I have created a Pastebin account just for sharing codes with you, you can see there some of my Old creations in the Batch Game world like Pacman, sokoban, arkanoid, naval battle, minesweeper, space invaders, Pong, F1 Cars, Memory, Labyrint...Etc.

Get Codes here -->>

Also see Youtube channel with videos of all the Batch Games and some other stuff -->>

This is Tetris.bat

Code: Select all

@Echo off
@title Tetris v 1
@mode con cols=28 lines=24

:: Batch Game - Tetris v 1
:: Proof Of Concept
:: Coded by SmartGenius
:: SmartGenius, Corp. 2010

Choice /N /T:Y,1 >Nul 2>&1
If "%Errorlevel%"=="9009" (Echo. CHOICE command not found&Pause&Exit)

Set "Game=%0"

Call :Logo

Echo. Tetris v 1 by SmartGenius
Echo. ³1.³ ³Play TETRIS ³
Echo. ³2.³ ³How to Play ³
Echo. ³3.³ ³Exit Game   ³
CHOICE /C:123 /N >nul
If "%errorlevel%"=="1" (Goto :Load)
If "%errorlevel%"=="2" (Goto :Help)
If "%errorlevel%"=="3" (Goto :End)
Goto :Menu

Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set /a "LimX=18","LimY=16","TBound=1","LBound=0","Turn=1","Points=0"
Set /a "RBound=%LimX%","BBound=%LimY%"

For /l %%a in (0,1,%LimX%) do (
For /l %%b in (0,1,%LimY%) do (
Set "X%%aY%%b= "))
Set "Bound=Û"
Set "Bound2=²"

Set /a "L=(%Random% %% 7)+1"
Call :Figure%L%
Call :Graphic
Goto :Main

If "%New_F%"=="True" (
Call :Solid
Set "New_F=False"
Goto :Eof
Call :Clear
Echo.  Tetris v 1 by SmartGenius
Echo.   Points:%Points%
For /l %%f in (0,1,%LimY%) do (Echo.   º!Lin_%%f!º)
Call :Move
Goto :Graphic

:: Normal CHOICE (provided into ZIP package)
:: Windows 7 or x64 system CHOICE (uncomment)
If "%errorlevel%"=="1" (Call :Down)
If "%errorlevel%"=="2" (Call :Left)
If "%errorlevel%"=="3" (Call :Rigth)
If "%errorlevel%"=="4" (Call :Rotate)
If "%errorlevel%"=="5" (Goto :Menu)
If "%errorlevel%"=="6" (Call :MovCR)
::Descomentar para doble movimiento
REM Call :Down
Call :CheckL2
Goto :Eof

For %%a in (%Table%) do (Set "%%a=%Bound2%")
Goto :Eof

Set "TmpTB="
If "%XToken%"=="11" (Set "XToken=10")
If "%YToken%"=="15" (Set "XToken=14")
Set /a "NextRotate=(%RotateLevel% %% 4)+1"
Set "TmpTable=!Figure%CurFig%_Pos%NextRotate%!
For %%R in (%TmpTable%) do (
Call :MovR "%YToken%" "%XToken%" "%%R" "Val"
Call Set "TmpTB=!TmpTB!,!Val!"
For %%c in (%TmpTB:~1%) do (
If "!%%c!"=="%Bound2%" (
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Goto :Eof
For %%a in (%Table%) do (Set "%%a= ")
Set "Table=%TmpTB:~1%"
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Set /a "RotateLevel+=1"
Goto :Eof

For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~3") do (
Set /a MovY=%%q+%~1
Set /a MovX=%%p+%~2
Set "%~4=X!MovX!Y!MovY!"
Set "%~3= ")
Goto :Eof

Set "TmpTB="
Set "TmpTable=%Table%"
For %%a in (%TmpTable%) do (
Echo.!TmpTable!|Find "Y%BBound%">nul
If !Errorlevel! EQU 0 (Set "New_F=True"&Goto :Eof)
Call :MovYR "1" "%%a" "Val"
Call Set "TmpTB=!TmpTB!,!Val!"
For %%c in (%TmpTB:~1%) do (
If "!%%c!"=="%Bound2%" (
Set "New_F=True"
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Goto :Eof
Set "Table=%TmpTB:~1%"
For %%d in (%Table%) do (Set "%%d=%Bound%")
Set /a "YToken+=1"
Goto :Eof

For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~2") do (
Set /a MovY=%%q+%~1
Set "%~3=X%%pY!MovY!"
Set "%~2= ")
Goto :Eof

Call :L2 "Goto :Eof"
For /f "tokens=2 skip=3" %%c in ('find "::_0" %Game%') do (
Set "Tmp_Var=%%c"
Call :Key.A Tmp_Var
Echo. !Tmp_Var!
Pause >nul
Goto :Eof

Set "TmpTB="
Set "TmpTable=%Table%"
For %%a in (%TmpTable%) do (
Echo.!TmpTable!|Find "X%RBound%">nul
If !Errorlevel! EQU 0 (Goto :Eof)
Call :MovXR "+1" "%%a" "Val"
Call Set "TmpTB=!TmpTB!,!Val!"
For %%c in (%TmpTB:~1%) do (
If "!%%c!"=="%Bound2%" (
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Goto :Eof
Set "Table=%TmpTB:~1%"
For %%d in (%Table%) do (Set "%%d=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken+=1"
Goto :Eof

Set "TmpTB="
Set "TmpTable=%Table%"
For %%a in (%TmpTable%) do (
Echo.!TmpTable!|Find "X%LBound%">nul
If !Errorlevel! EQU 0 (Goto :Eof)
Call :MovXR "-1" "%%a" "Val"
Call Set "TmpTB=!TmpTB!,!Val!"
For %%c in (%TmpTB:~1%) do (
If "!%%c!"=="%Bound2%" (
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Goto :Eof
Set "Table=%TmpTB:~1%"
For %%d in (%Table%) do (Set "%%d=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken-=1"
Goto :Eof

For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=X,Y" %%p in ("%~2") do (
Set /a MovX=%%p%~1
Set "%~3=X!MovX!Y%%q"
Set "%~2= ")
Goto :Eof


If "!Lin_1!"=="²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²" (Goto :Lost)
If "!Lin_%LimY%!"=="²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²" (
Call :Clear
For /l %%x in (0,1,%LimX%) do (
For /l %%y in (%LimY%,-1,1) do (
Set /a "UpLine=%%y-1"
Call Set "X%%xY%%y=%%X%%xY!UpLine!%%"
Set /a "Points+=100"
For /l %%d in (0,1,%LimX%) do (Set "X%%dY0= ")
Goto :CheckL2
Goto :Eof


If not defined %1 Goto:Eof
Set "c="
Set "d=0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz =/\()[]{}_-.:,;* @#"
Set "chr=!%1:~,1!"
For /l %%l in (0 1 80) do if "!chr!" equ "!d:~%%l,1!" (
  set /a "x=%%l^5"
  call set "c=!c!%%d:~!x!,1%%"
Set "%1=!%1:~1!"
If defined %1 goto:Key.B
Set "%1=!c!"
Goto :Eof

For /l %%m in (0,1,%LimY%) do (Set Lin_%%m=)
For /l %%d in (0,1,%LimY%) do (
For /l %%e in (0,1,%LimX%) do (
Set Lin_%%d=!Lin_%%d!!X%%eY%%d!))
Goto :Eof

Echo.  Tetris v 1 by SmartGenius
Echo.     Points:%Points%
Echo.        Perdiste !
Goto :End

Echo.  Tetris v 1 by SmartGenius
Echo.     Points:%Points%
Echo.      Has Ganado !
Goto :End

Echo.     Gracias por Jugar
Echo.  Tetris v1 by SmartGenius
Ping -n 3 localhost >nul

Set Figure1_Pos1=X6Y2,X6Y1,X7Y1,X7Y0
Set Figure1_Pos2=X7Y1,X8Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0
Set Figure1_Pos3=X6Y2,X6Y1,X7Y1,X7Y0
Set Figure1_Pos4=X7Y1,X8Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0
Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
Set Table=!Figure1_Pos%R%!
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=1","RotateLevel=%R%"
Goto :Eof

Set Figure2_Pos1=X7Y2,X6Y1,X7Y1,X6Y0
Set Figure2_Pos2=X6Y1,X7Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set Figure2_Pos3=X7Y2,X6Y1,X7Y1,X6Y0
Set Figure2_Pos4=X6Y1,X7Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
Set Table=!Figure2_Pos%R%!
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=2","RotateLevel=%R%"
Goto :Eof

Set Figure3_Pos1=X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set Figure3_Pos2=X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set Figure3_Pos3=X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set Figure3_Pos4=X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
Set "Table=!Figure3_Pos%R%!"
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=3","RotateLevel=%R%"
Goto :Eof

Set Figure4_Pos1=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1
Set Figure4_Pos2=X7Y2,X7Y1,X7Y0
Set Figure4_Pos3=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1
Set Figure4_Pos4=X7Y2,X7Y1,X7Y0
Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
Set Table=!Figure4_Pos%R%!
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=4","RotateLevel=%R%"
Goto :Eof

Set Figure5_Pos1=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0
Set Figure5_Pos2=X7Y2,X7Y1,X8Y1,X7Y0
Set Figure5_Pos3=X7Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set Figure5_Pos4=X8Y2,X7Y1,X8Y1,X8Y0
Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
Set Table=!Figure5_Pos%R%!
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=5","RotateLevel=%R%"
Goto :Eof

Set Figure6_Pos1=X6Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set Figure6_Pos2=X8Y2,X8Y1,X8Y0,X7Y0
Set Figure6_Pos3=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1,X8Y0
Set Figure6_Pos4=X6Y2,X7Y2,X6Y1,X6Y0
Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
Set Table=!Figure6_Pos%R%!
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=6","RotateLevel=%R%"
Goto :Eof

Set Figure7_Pos1=X8Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0,X8Y0
Set Figure7_Pos2=X7Y2,X8Y2,X8Y1,X8Y0
Set Figure7_Pos3=X6Y1,X7Y1,X8Y1,X6Y0
Set Figure7_Pos4=X6Y2,X6Y1,X6Y0,X7Y0
Set /a "R=(%Random% %% 4)+1"
Set Table=!Figure7_Pos%R%!
For %%b in (%Table%) do (Set "%%b=%Bound%")
Set /a "XToken=0","YToken=0","CurFig=7","RotateLevel=%R%"
Goto :Eof

::_0 xx9tYjYxWvxPrXmoLjqfzpxx
::_0 xxxxxXhXxLBINRPFGBaxxxxxx
::_0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
::_0 xxxxx8jYfZXojYxOtxJvxxxxx
::_0 EjXzofizgxLfmgimfjqYx9GVJ
::_0 xxxJvx8XmgfqlxNxGtyjxRxxx
::_0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
::_0 xPrXmoLjqfzpx9tms-x7545xxx

Call :L2 "Goto :Eof"
Echo. How to Play Batch Tetris ?
Echo. Use keys A,S,D,R,X
Echo. A = Move Shape Left
Echo. S = Move Shape Down
Echo. D = Move Shape Rigth
Echo. R = Rotate Shape
Echo. X = Back to Menu Game
Pause >nul
Goto :Menu

Color 0b
Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Echo. °°ÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛ°ÛÛ°°Û°°ÛÛ°°°
Echo. °°°Û°°Û°°°°Û°°Û°Û°Û°Û°°°°°
Echo. °°°Û°°ÛÛÛ°°Û°°ÛÛ°°Û°°Û°°°°
Echo. °°°Û°°Û°°°°Û°°Û°Û°Û°°°Û°°°
Echo. °°°Û°°ÛÛÛ°°Û°°Û°Û°Û°ÛÛ°°°°
Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Echo. °°±°°°°°°°°°²°°°°°°°°°°±°°
Echo. °°±°²°°°²²°°²²°°°²²²°°°±°°
Echo. °°±°²²°°°²°°²°°°°°°°°°°±°°
Echo. °°±°°²°°°²°°°°°°²²°°°°°±°°
Echo. °°±°°°°°°°°°°°°°°²²°°°°±°°
Echo. °°±°°°°°°°°²°°°°°°°°°°°±°°
Echo. °°±²°°°°°°°²²²°°°°°°°°°±°°
Echo. °°±²°°²²°°°°°°°²°°°°°°²±°°
Echo. °°±²°°²²°°°°°°²²²°°°²²²±°°
Echo. °°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°°
Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Echo. °°°°°: SmartGenius :°°°°°°
Echo. °°°°°  Corp.  2010  °°°°°°
Echo. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Ping -n 3 >nul
Goto :Eof

All codes are the original one, some of them needs to be updated and some bug fixes, i coded them a few years ago while learning batch scripting, also i maded a batch game programming tutorial, but all of those codes are in spanish hack forums because is my native language.

Hope you like it, and any comments and suggestions are welcome ;)

PS: Press "C" during playig Tetris ;)

Posts: 4487
Joined: 23 Dec 2011 13:59

Re: Batch Games

#10 Post by Squashman » 18 May 2012 21:22

Arkanoid is my favorite game of all time. I was real close to buying a console a few years ago.

Posts: 6031
Joined: 10 Feb 2012 02:20

Re: Batch Games

#11 Post by foxidrive » 18 May 2012 21:39

SmartGenius wrote:I have created a Pastebin account just for sharing codes with you, you can see there some of my Old creations in the Batch Game world like Pacman, sokoban, arkanoid, naval battle, minesweeper, space invaders, Pong, F1 Cars, Memory, Labyrint...Etc.

Get Codes here -->>

Also see Youtube channel with videos of all the Batch Games and some other stuff -->>

That's a lot of coding... is it possible to put them all in a zip file for downloading, please? It would save a lot of cut/paste and typing and clicking.

Posts: 1
Joined: 03 Oct 2017 21:58

Re: Batch Games

#12 Post by Jman0209 » 03 Oct 2017 22:03

I guess this post is really old but I'll still post mine.

Jim W.
Posts: 8
Joined: 28 May 2017 20:46

Re: Batch Games

#13 Post by Jim W. » 24 Sep 2020 01:12

Cat wrote:
25 Apr 2012 19:15
Coded this a LONG time ago. Horrible coding, but it's too big for me to really redo.
Hope you don't mind, I made a few changes and added some code. Now it's a clickable text messagebox game with speech prompts. I wasn't sure it had a name so I call it '4 Get It?' I kept the underlying game code logic as it was. This may be a novel approach to the problem of using a mouse in a batch program. It needs a few supporting programs to run:

MacroCMD-x64.exe (the critical component)
the next 2 are not critical to running the game:
all the above are by Fatih Kodak.

WinMsg.exe by Bill Stewart
(or, you could use a VBS messagebox for example.)

You can find all these by poking around a little bit.
It also uses Windows TaskKill.exe

Anyone who wants to convert a batch program to have clickable 'buttons' or menu could use the code I added as the foundation for it.
For instance, the UI could be a web graphic that, to the user, would appear clickable. Might even fool a few people into thinking it really is.
Well, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, who's to say it's not a duck, except the programmer who made the hologram?

Btw, anybody know what happened to Fatih Kodak? Seems like he fell into a black hole in the Dark Web or something; no sign of him anywhere, but his CMD apps are still widely available.

Code: Select all

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set PATH=%PATH%;%~dp0
Speak-x64.exe -t "4 .. get it"
call :calibrate
set a1=..&set a2=..&set a3=..&set a4=..&set b1=..&set b2=..&set b3=..&set b4=..&set c1=..&set c2=..&set c3=..&set c4=..
set d3=..&set d4=..&set e1=..&set e2=..&set e3=..&set e4=..&set f1=..&set f2=..&set f3=..&set f4=..&set d1=..&set d2=..
set moves=0&set AC=1&set BC=1&set CC=1&set DC=1&set FC=1&set EC=1
Taskkill.exe /F /IM WinMsg.exe
call :board
call :player
call :winlist
goto :computer
Taskkill.exe /F /IM WinMsg.exe
set /a moves= %moves% + 1
if %moves%==12 goto tie
goto START
Taskkill.exe /F /IM WinMsg.exe
call :board
Speak-x64.exe -t "GO"
call :TextBoxMonitor
if %P1%==1 set P1=A
if %P1%==2 set P1=B
if %P1%==3 set P1=C
if %P1%==4 set P1=D
if %P1%==5 set P1=E
if %P1%==6 set P1=F
if /i %p1%%AC%==A1 set A1=X&Set /a AC= %AC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%AC%==A2 set A2=X&Set /a AC= %AC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%AC%==A3 set A3=X&Set /a AC= %AC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%AC%==A4 set A4=X&Set /a AC= %AC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%BC%==B1 set B1=X&set /a BC= %BC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%BC%==B2 set B2=X&set /a BC= %BC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%BC%==B3 set B3=X&set /a BC= %BC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%BC%==B4 set B4=X&set /a BC= %BC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%CC%==C1 set C1=X&set /a CC= %CC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%CC%==C2 set C2=X&set /a CC= %CC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%CC%==C3 set C3=X&set /a CC= %CC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%CC%==C4 set C4=X&set /a CC= %CC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%DC%==D1 set D1=X&set /a DC= %DC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%DC%==D2 set D2=X&set /a DC= %DC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%DC%==D3 set D3=X&set /a DC= %DC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%DC%==D4 set D4=X&set /a DC= %DC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%EC%==E1 set E1=X&set /a EC= %EC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%EC%==E2 set E2=X&set /a EC= %EC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%EC%==E3 set E3=X&set /a EC= %EC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%EC%==E4 set E4=X&set /a EC= %EC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%FC%==F1 set F1=X&set /a FC= %FC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%FC%==F2 set F2=X&set /a FC= %FC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%FC%==F3 set F3=X&set /a FC= %FC%+1&exit /B
if /i %p1%%FC%==F4 set F4=X&set /a FC= %FC%+1&exit /B
goto START
ping -n 2
Taskkill.exe /F /IM WinMsg.exe
set /a N=%random% %% 6 
IF %N%%AC%==05 goto randomerror
IF %N%%BC%==15 goto randomerror
IF %N%%CC%==25 goto randomerror
IF %N%%DC%==35 goto randomerror
IF %N%%EC%==45 goto randomerror
IF %N%%FC%==55 goto randomerror
IF %N%==0 SET A%AC%=0&SET /A AC= %AC%+1
IF %N%==1 SET B%BC%=0&SET /A BC= %BC%+1
IF %N%==2 SET C%CC%=0&SET /A CC= %CC%+1
IF %N%==3 SET D%DC%=0&SET /A DC= %DC%+1
IF %N%==4 SET E%EC%=0&SET /A EC= %EC%+1
IF %N%==5 SET F%FC%=0&SET /A FC= %FC%+1
call :board
goto AFTER
Speak-x64.exe -t "i won"
set message="\n       I WON\n\n      It's OK to quit"
WinMsg.exe -t "4get it? Game" -m %message% -c OK,SystemModal -w 3
if %errorlevel%==1 goto :Goodbye
call :board
goto s
Speak-x64.exe -t "we tied"
set message="\n        WE TIED\n\n      It's OK to quit"
WinMsg.exe -t "4get it? Game" -m %message% -c OK,SystemModal -w 3
if %errorlevel%==1 goto :Goodbye
call :board
goto s
Speak-x64.exe -t "you won"
set message="\n        YOU WON\n\n      It's OK to quit"
WinMsg.exe -t "4get it? Game" -m %message% -c OK,SystemModal -w 3
if %errorlevel%==1 goto :Goodbye
call :board
goto s
set message="        YOUR TURN\n      click a column\n\n       %A4%  %B4%  %C4%  %D4%  %E4%  %F4%\n       %A3%  %B3%  %C3%  %D3%  %E3%  %F3%\n       %A2%  %B2%  %C2%  %D2%  %E2%  %F2%\n       %A1%  %B1%  %C1%  %D1%  %E1%  %F1%"
call start WinMsg.exe -t "4get it? Game" -m %message% -c SystemModal
if %errorlevel%==1 goto :Goodbye
exit /b
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==XXX.. set A4=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==XX..X set A3=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==X..XX set A2=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==..XXX set A1=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==XXX.. set B4=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==XX..X set B3=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==X..XX set B2=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==..XXX set B1=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==XXX.. set C4=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==XX..X set C3=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==X..XX set C2=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==..XXX set C1=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==XXX.. set D4=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==XX..X set D3=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==X..XX set D2=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==..XXX set D1=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==XXX.. set E4=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==XX..X set E3=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==X..XX set E2=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==..XXX set E1=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==XXX.. set F4=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==XX..X set F3=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==X..XX set F2=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==..XXX set F1=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==XXX.. if not %d3%==.. set d4=0&Set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==XX..X if not %d3%==.. set c4=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==X..XX if not %d3%==.. set b4=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==..XXX if not %d3%==.. set A4=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==XXX.. if not %d2%==.. set d3=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==XX..X if not %c2%==.. set c3=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==X..XX if not %b2%==.. set b3=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==..XXX if not %a2%==.. set A3=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==XXX.. if not %d1%==.. set d2=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==XX..X if not %c1%==.. set c2=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==X..XX if not %b1%==.. set b2=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==..XXX if not %a1%==.. set A2=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==XXX.. set d1=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==XX..X set c1=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==X..XX set b1=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==..XXX set A1=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==XXX.. if not %e3%==.. set e3=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==XX..X if not %d3%==.. set d3=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==X..XX if not %c3%==.. set c3=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==..XXX if not %b3%==.. set b3=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==XXX.. if not %e2%==.. set e2=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==XX..X if not %d2%==.. set d2=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==X..XX if not %c2%==.. set c3=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==..XXX if not %b2%==.. set b3=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==XXX.. if not %e1%==.. set e2=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==XX..X if not %d1%==.. set d2=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==X..XX if not %c1%==.. set c2=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==..XXX if not %b1%==.. set b2=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==XXX.. set e1=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==XX..X set d1=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==X..XX set c1=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==..XXX set b1=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==XXX.. if not %f3%==.. set F4=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==XX..X if not %e3%==.. set E4=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==X..XX if not %d3%==.. set D4=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==..XXX if not %c3%==.. set C4=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==XXX.. if not %f2%==.. set F3=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==XX..X if not %e2%==.. set E3=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==X..XX if not %d2%==.. set D3=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==..XXX if not %c2%==.. set C3=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==XXX.. if not %f1%==.. set F2=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==XX..X if not %e1%==.. set E2=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==X..XX if not %d1%==.. set D2=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==..XXX if not %c1%==.. set C2=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==XXX.. set F1=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==XX..X set E1=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==X..XX set D1=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==..XXX set C1=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==XXX.. if not %d4%==.. set d4=0&set /a DC= %DC%+ 1& goto AFTER
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==XX..X if not %c3%==.. set C3=0&set /a CC= %CC%+ 1& goto AFTER
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==X..XX if not %b2%==.. set B2=0&set /a BC= %BC%+ 1& goto AFTER
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==..XXX set A1=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==XXX.. set D1=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==XX..X if not %c1%==.. set C2=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==X..XX if not %b2%==.. set B3=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==..XXX if not %a3%==.. set A4=0&set /a AC= %AC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==XXX.. if not %e3%==.. set E4=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==XX..X if not %d2%==.. set D3=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==X..XX if not %c1%==.. set C2=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==..XXX set B1=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==XXX.. set E1=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==XX..X if not %d1%==.. set D2=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==X..XX if not %c2%==.. set C3=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==..XXX if not %b3%==.. set B4=0&set /a BC= %BC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==XXX.. if not %f3%==.. set F4=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==XX..X if not %e2%==.. set E3=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==X..XX if not %d1%==.. set D2=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==..XXX set C1=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==XXX.. set F1=0&set /a FC= %FC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==XX..X if not %e1%==.. set E2=0&set /a EC= %EC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==X..XX if not %d2%==.. set D3=0&set /a DC= %DC%+1& goto AFTER
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==..XXX if not %c3%==.. set C4=0&set /a CC= %CC%+1& goto AFTER
exit /b
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==000.. if not %A3%==.. set A4=0& goto lose
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==00..0 if not %A2%==.. set A3=0& goto lose
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==0..00 if not %A1%==.. set A2=0& goto lose
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==..000 set A1=0& goto lose
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==000.. if not %B3%==.. set B4=0& goto lose
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==00..0 if not %B2%==.. set B3=0& goto lose
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==0..00 if not %B1%==.. set B2=0& goto lose
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==..000 set B1=0& goto lose
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==000.. if not %c3%==.. set C4=0& goto lose
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==00..0 if not %c2%==.. set C3=0& goto lose
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==0..00 if not %c1%==.. set C2=0& goto lose
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==..000 set C1=0& goto lose
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==000.. if not %d3%==.. set D4=0& goto lose
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==00..0 if not %d2%==.. set D3=0& goto lose
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==0..00 if not %d1%==.. set D2=0& goto lose
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==..000 set D1=0& goto lose
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==000.. if not %e3%==.. set E4=0& goto lose
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==00..0 if not %e2%==.. set E3=0& goto lose
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==0..00 if not %d1%==.. set E2=0& goto lose
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==..000  set E1=0& goto lose
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==000.. if not %f3%==.. set F4=0& goto lose
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==00..0 if not %f2%==.. set F3=0& goto lose
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==0..00 if not %f1%==.. set F2=0& goto lose
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==..000 set F1=0& goto lose
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==000.. if not %d3%==.. set d4=0& goto lose
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==00..0 if not %c3%==.. set c4=0& goto lose
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==0..00 if not %b3%==.. set b4=0& goto lose
if %A4%%b4%%c4%%d4%==..000 if not %a3%==.. set A4=0& goto lose
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==000.. if not %d2%==.. set d3=0& goto lose
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==00..0 if not %c2%==.. set c3=0& goto lose
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==0..00 if not %b2%==.. set b3=0& goto lose
if %A3%%b3%%c3%%d3%==..000 if not %a2%==.. set A3=0& goto lose
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==000.. if not %d1%==.. set d2=0& goto lose
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==00..0 if not %c1%==.. set c2=0& goto lose
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==0..00 if not %b1%==.. set b2=0& goto lose
if %A2%%b2%%c2%%d2%==..000 if not %a1%==.. set A2=0& goto lose
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==000.. set d1=0& goto lose
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==00..0 set c1=0& goto lose
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==0..00 set b1=0& goto lose
if %A1%%b1%%c1%%d1%==..000 set A1=0& goto lose
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==000.. if not %e3%==.. set e4=0& goto lose
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==00..0 if not %d3%==.. set d4=0& goto lose
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==0..00 if not %c3%==.. set c4=0& goto lose
if %b4%%c4%%d4%%e4%==..000 if not %b3%==.. set b4=0& goto lose
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==000.. if not %e2%==.. set e3=0& goto lose
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==00..0 if not %d2%==.. set d3=0& goto lose
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==0..00 if not %c2%==.. set c3=0& goto lose
if %b3%%c3%%d3%%e3%==..000 if not %b2%==.. set b3=0& goto lose
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==000.. if not %e1%==.. set e2=0& goto lose
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==00..0 if not %d1%==.. set d2=0& goto lose
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==0..00 if not %c1%==.. set c2=0& goto lose
if %b2%%c2%%d2%%e2%==..000 if not %b1%==.. set b2=0& goto lose
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==000.. set e1=0& goto lose
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==00..0 set d1=0& goto lose
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==0..00 set c1=0& goto lose
if %b1%%c1%%d1%%e1%==..000 set b1=0& goto lose
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==000.. if not %f3%==.. set F4=0& goto lose
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==00..0 if not %e3%==.. set E4=0& goto lose
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==0..00 if not %d3%==.. set D4=0& goto lose
if %c4%%d4%%e4%%f4%==..000 if not %c3%==.. set C4=0& goto lose
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==000.. if not %f2%==.. set F3=0& goto lose
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==00..0 if not %e2%==.. set E3=0& goto lose
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==0..00 if not %d2%==.. set D3=0& goto lose
if %c3%%d3%%e3%%f3%==..000 if not %c2%==.. set C3=0& goto lose
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==000.. if not %f1%==.. set F2=0& goto lose
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==00..0 if not %e1%==.. set E2=0& goto lose
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==0..00 if not %d1%==.. set D2=0& goto lose
if %c2%%d2%%e2%%f2%==..000 if not %c1%==.. set C2=0& goto lose
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==000.. set F1=0& goto lose
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==00..0 set E1=0& goto lose
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==0..00 set D1=0& goto lose
if %c1%%d1%%e1%%f1%==..000 set C1=0& goto lose
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==000.. if not %d3%==.. set d4=0& goto lose
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==00..0 if not %c2%==.. set C3=0& goto lose
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==0..00 if not %b1%==.. set B2=0& goto lose
if %a1%%b2%%c3%%d4%==..000 set A1=0& goto lose
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==000.. set D1=0& goto lose
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==00..0 if not %c1%==.. set C2=0& goto lose
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==0..00 if not %b2%==.. set B3=0& goto lose
if %a4%%b3%%c2%%d1%==..000 if not %a3%==.. set A4=0& goto lose
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==000.. if not %e3%==.. set E4=0& goto lose
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==00..0 if not %d2%==.. set D3=0& goto lose
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==0..00 if not %c1%==.. set C2=0& goto lose
if %b1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==..000 set B1=0& goto lose
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==000.. set E1=0& goto lose
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==00..0 if not %d1%==.. set D2=0& goto lose
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==0..00 if not %c2%==.. set C3=0& goto lose
if %b4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==..000 if not %b3%==.. set B4=0& goto lose
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==000.. if not %f3%==.. set F4=0& goto lose
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==00..0 if not %e3%==.. set E3=0& goto lose
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==0..00 if not %d1%==.. set D2=0& goto lose
if %c1%%d2%%e3%%f4%==..000 set C1=0& goto lose
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==000.. set F1=0& goto lose
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==00..0 if not %e1%==.. set E2=0& goto lose
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==0..00 if not %d2%==.. set D3=0& goto lose
if %c4%%d3%%e2%%f1%==..000 if not %c3%==.. set C4=0& goto lose
exit /b
call :board
if %A1%%A2%%A3%%A4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %B1%%B2%%B3%%B4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %C1%%C2%%C3%%C4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %D1%%D2%%D3%%D4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %E1%%E2%%E3%%E4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %F1%%F2%%F3%%F4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %A4%%B4%%C4%%D4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %A3%%B3%%C3%%D3%==XXXX goto WIN
if %A2%%B2%%C2%%D2%==XXXX goto WIN
if %A1%%B1%%C1%%D1%==XXXX goto WIN
if %B4%%C4%%D4%%E4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %B3%%C3%%D3%%E3%==XXXX goto WIN
if %B2%%C2%%D2%%E2%==XXXX goto WIN
if %B1%%C1%%D1%%E1%==XXXX goto WIN
if %C4%%D4%%E4%%F4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %C3%%D3%%E3%%F3%==XXXX goto WIN
if %C2%%D2%%E2%%F2%==XXXX goto WIN
if %C1%%D1%%F1%%E1%==XXXX goto WIN
if %C1%%D1%%e1%%f1%==XXXX goto WIN
if %A1%%B2%%C3%%D4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %A4%%B3%%C2%%D1%==XXXX goto WIN
if %B1%%C2%%D3%%E4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %B4%%C3%%D2%%E1%==XXXX goto WIN
if %C1%%D2%%E3%%F4%==XXXX goto WIN
if %C4%%D3%%E2%%F1%==XXXX goto WIN
exit /B
call start WinMsg.exe -t "4get it? Game" -m "           4 get it?\n             Game\n\n          Calibrate\n            Mouse\n\n       1  2  3  4  5  6" -c SystemModal
Speak-x64.exe -t "click 1"
call :WhenClickGetxY
set /a TextColumn1=!x!
call :MouseTwerk
Speak-x64.exe -t "click 6"
call :WhenClickGetxY
set TextColumn6=!x!
call :MouseTwerk
set /a widthtotal=%TextColumn6%-%TextColumn1%
set /a widthcolumn=%widthtotal%/5
set /a gridmin=%TextColumn1%-(%widthcolumn%/2)
set /a gridmax=%TextColumn6%+(%widthcolumn%/2)
exit /b
call MacroCMD-x64.exe /r /m /d:1 /s |findstr "LB"|findstr "LB"
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto :WhenClickGetxY
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('MacroCMD-x64.exe /r /m /d:63 /s ^|findstr "x"')do set xystring=%%A
for /F "tokens=2,3 delims= " %%A IN ("!xystring!") do (
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%D IN ("%%A") do set /a x=%%E
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%D IN ("%%B") do set /a y=%%E)
exit /b
set P=
for %%A IN ( 15 -15 10 -10 8 -7 6 -5 4 0 ) do (
set /a P+=1
set /a EPx!P!=!x!+%%A)
for /L %%A IN (1,1,10) do (
call setcursorposition-x64.exe !EPx%%A! !y!)
exit /b
set /a P+=1
MacroCMD-x64.exe /r /m /d:11 /s |findstr "LB"|findstr "LB"
if %errorlevel%==0 goto :TextBoxMonitor2
MacroCMD-x64.exe /r /m /d:11 /s |findstr "LB"|findstr "LB"
if %P% EQU 200 goto :TextBoxMonitor
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto :TextBoxMonitor
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('MacroCMD-x64.exe /r /m /d:63 /s ^|findstr "x"' ) do set xystring=%%A
for /F "tokens=2,3 delims= " %%A IN ("!xystring!") do (
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%D IN ("%%A") do set /a x=%%E
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%D IN ("%%B") do set /a y=%%E)
if %x% LSS %gridmin% goto :TextBoxMonitor
if %x% GTR %gridmax% goto :TextBoxMonitor
call :MouseTwerk
set /a selected=(%x%-%gridmin%)/%widthcolumn%+1
set P1=%selected%
Taskkill.exe /F /IM WinMsg.exe
exit /b
Speak-x64.exe -t "Goodbye"

Posts: 475
Joined: 02 May 2016 18:20

Re: Batch Games

#14 Post by misol101 » 25 Sep 2020 11:25

Well, here's a decent enough place to list mine, in order of download popularity (all made around 2015-2016, some were updated later):

(open links in separate tab)

A 3d action game with music, available in both text and pixel versions. Also possible to play fullscreen (Ctrl-Enter, for all versions except cmdrunner.bat). Batch/JS hybrid. Control with cursor keys.
Image ...

A Blockout (3d Tetris) clone. Also has 2 player mode over network. Control with cursor keys and a bunch of other keys.
Image ...

A 2d parallax side scroller. Control with cursor keys (make sure to run/jump backwards once the game gets faster or you won't last long).
Image ...

Pong 3D
Pong in 3d, with sound effects. 1 player only, 3 difficulty modes. Control with mouse (easier), or cursor keys (harder).
Image ...

Solitaire 3-pack
Includes Klondike, Freecell, and Golf solitaire. Control with keys. (Bonus: In Klondike, press A (shift-a) to make AI play by itself)
Image ...

Kings of steam
A ridiculous text-based adventure game, Zork style. Easily the game that took the longest to make.
Image ...

Also, the Gotoxy/Cmdwiz archive has the following games in the gotoxy-examples folder (try running games.bat for a game menu):
Snake.bat (control with z/x)
World.bat (A "Zelda clone" (well...), unfinished. Control with cursor keys+Ctrl)
Yatzy.bat (Yahtzee clone)
Mastermind.bat (a Mastermind clone)
Flappy.bat (a kind of crappy Flappy Birds-clone). Control by holding down/releasing Ctrl key. ...
Last edited by misol101 on 30 Sep 2020 03:38, edited 4 times in total.

Posts: 29
Joined: 14 Apr 2019 17:22

Re: Batch Games

#15 Post by Lowsun » 25 Sep 2020 15:17

I have also made lots of pure Batch games like platformers, rogue-likes, and other stuff. They're are all here

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