Moderator: DosItHelp
i have two issue, the 1st it hangs. continuous loop?, need ^c to break.
2nd, when i execute the string now commented out, it wont do the char strip bit. is there a way to format better?
ECHO +-----------------------------------------+
ECHO :Rogue 'n' orphan stacked file mover v1.00:
ECHO :A NFO2DIR2 companion (c)2013, 'Strokeman':
ECHO +-----------------------------------------+
if "%1" == "" (goto nocl) else goto bypass
echo None, or incorrect commandlines given. . .exiting with no changes. .
echo Syntax:clean stackseparator eg. "clean -cd1", "clean disk1"
echo Rerun for 2nd or 3rd part eg. "clean -cd2", "clean disk2"
echo If orphaned files remain, you may need to manually move
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do md "%%~na" & move /y "%%~na.*" "%%~na" & move /y "%%~na-fanart.*" "%%~na" & move /y "%
%~na-poster.*" "%%~na" & move /y "%%~na-thumb.*" "%%~na"
exit /B
set a=%1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set b=1
call set c=%%a:~!b!,1%%
if "%c%"=="" goto end
set /a b+=1
goto loop.countChar.2
set end=-%b%
for %%a in (*%1.*) do call :next "%%a"
goto end
set "var=%~n1"
call set "var=%%var:~0,%end%%%"
md "%var%" 2>nul
echo moving %1 to "%var%"
move "%~1" "%var%" 2>nul
echo Completed..directory(s) created and all related files moved...
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
2nd, when i execute the string now commented out, it wont do the char strip bit. is there a way to format better?
ECHO +-----------------------------------------+
ECHO :Rogue 'n' orphan stacked file mover v1.00:
ECHO :A NFO2DIR2 companion (c)2013, 'Strokeman':
ECHO +-----------------------------------------+
if "%1" == "" (goto nocl) else goto bypass
echo None, or incorrect commandlines given. . .exiting with no changes. .
echo Syntax:clean stackseparator eg. "clean -cd1", "clean disk1"
echo Rerun for 2nd or 3rd part eg. "clean -cd2", "clean disk2"
echo If orphaned files remain, you may need to manually move
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do md "%%~na" & move /y "%%~na.*" "%%~na" & move /y "%%~na-fanart.*" "%%~na" & move /y "%
%~na-poster.*" "%%~na" & move /y "%%~na-thumb.*" "%%~na"
exit /B
set a=%1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set b=1
call set c=%%a:~!b!,1%%
if "%c%"=="" goto end
set /a b+=1
goto loop.countChar.2
set end=-%b%
for %%a in (*%1.*) do call :next "%%a"
goto end
set "var=%~n1"
call set "var=%%var:~0,%end%%%"
md "%var%" 2>nul
echo moving %1 to "%var%"
move "%~1" "%var%" 2>nul
echo Completed..directory(s) created and all related files moved...
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
Can you explain what it should be doing ?
About the loop problem, all below labels/functions
About the loop problem, all below labels/functions
They all after the exit command and all must end with "GOTO :EOF" command:bypass
fair comment, ill try to be more specific,
lets assume there r 2 files, named test-cd1.avi and test-cd2.avi
" " " the batch file is clean.bat
so we enter 'clean -cd1' at commandline
we want the for/do loop to md called test, thus trim off the four last digits
& into that dir, move test-cd1.avi and repeat with -cd2 as %1
i.e. one of the subr count the chars in the parsed str, and create a dir test
the %1 could be anything, i.e .disk1, -dvd1 etc
thats about all i can say, purpose is sensitive!
ive gotten in a pickle now, its grown bigger than my abilities!. you know i use to know this, but a severe stroke has left me, how shall i say
not just physically impaired but mentally!
now each time it runs, it creates 2 folders, 1 test, and 1 test-cd1. it would appear it's doing 2 iterations now.
ECHO +-----------------------------------------+
ECHO :Rogue 'n' orphan stacked file mover v1.00:
ECHO :A NFO2DIR2 companion (c)2013, 'Strokeman':
ECHO +-----------------------------------------+
if "%1" == "" (goto nocl) else goto bypass
echo None, or incorrect commandlines given. . .exiting with no changes. .
echo Syntax:clean stackseparator eg. "clean -cd1", "clean disk1"
echo Rerun for 2nd or 3rd part eg. "clean -cd2", "clean disk2"
echo If orphaned files remain, you may need to manually move.
exit /B
for %%a in (*%1.*) do md "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na-fanart.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na-poster.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na-landscape.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na-thumb.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
echo "%%~na"
echo "%%a"
echo "*%1.*"
set a=%1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set b=1
call set c=%%a:~!b!,1%%
if "%c%"=="" goto cutchars
set /a b+=1
goto loop.countChar.2
set end=-%b%
for %%a in (*%1.*) do call :next "%%a"
goto :eof
::set var=
set "var=%~n1"
call set "var=%%var:~0,%end%%%"
md "%var%" 2>nul
echo moving %1 to "%var%"
move /y "%~1" "%var%" 2>nul
echo COMPLETED..Directory(s) created and all related files (IF ANY), moved...
::ping localhost -n 5 >nul
goto :eof
lets assume there r 2 files, named test-cd1.avi and test-cd2.avi
" " " the batch file is clean.bat
so we enter 'clean -cd1' at commandline
we want the for/do loop to md called test, thus trim off the four last digits
& into that dir, move test-cd1.avi and repeat with -cd2 as %1
i.e. one of the subr count the chars in the parsed str, and create a dir test
the %1 could be anything, i.e .disk1, -dvd1 etc
thats about all i can say, purpose is sensitive!
ive gotten in a pickle now, its grown bigger than my abilities!. you know i use to know this, but a severe stroke has left me, how shall i say
not just physically impaired but mentally!
now each time it runs, it creates 2 folders, 1 test, and 1 test-cd1. it would appear it's doing 2 iterations now.
ECHO +-----------------------------------------+
ECHO :Rogue 'n' orphan stacked file mover v1.00:
ECHO :A NFO2DIR2 companion (c)2013, 'Strokeman':
ECHO +-----------------------------------------+
if "%1" == "" (goto nocl) else goto bypass
echo None, or incorrect commandlines given. . .exiting with no changes. .
echo Syntax:clean stackseparator eg. "clean -cd1", "clean disk1"
echo Rerun for 2nd or 3rd part eg. "clean -cd2", "clean disk2"
echo If orphaned files remain, you may need to manually move.
exit /B
for %%a in (*%1.*) do md "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na-fanart.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na-poster.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na-landscape.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
::for %%a in (*%1.*) do move /y "%%~na-thumb.*" "%%~na" 2>nul
echo "%%~na"
echo "%%a"
echo "*%1.*"
set a=%1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set b=1
call set c=%%a:~!b!,1%%
if "%c%"=="" goto cutchars
set /a b+=1
goto loop.countChar.2
set end=-%b%
for %%a in (*%1.*) do call :next "%%a"
goto :eof
::set var=
set "var=%~n1"
call set "var=%%var:~0,%end%%%"
md "%var%" 2>nul
echo moving %1 to "%var%"
move /y "%~1" "%var%" 2>nul
echo COMPLETED..Directory(s) created and all related files (IF ANY), moved...
::ping localhost -n 5 >nul
goto :eof
Could you please put your script between code tags for better reading?
1) is it will always be 2 files in the folder?
2) does these files always have the same name format, ZZZ-cd1.xxx and YYY-cd2.xxx?
and final, from your description, I get that the whole operation is to rename and move to new folder, is that right?
2) does these files always have the same name format, ZZZ-cd1.xxx and YYY-cd2.xxx?
and final, from your description, I get that the whole operation is to rename and move to new folder, is that right?
The Following code is based on this:
You have two part of a cd ( 1 & 2 ).
You want to take each one and create a folder of it's name ( without the -cdX.ext ) and move part 1 & 2 to that folder along with the other files belong to it.
Your input must be like this "-cd1",
If you Entered -cd1, it assumes the other cd will be -cd2, if you entered -cd2, the other will be -cd3, and so .
Test it on sample files first
You have two part of a cd ( 1 & 2 ).
You want to take each one and create a folder of it's name ( without the -cdX.ext ) and move part 1 & 2 to that folder along with the other files belong to it.
Your input must be like this "-cd1",
If you Entered -cd1, it assumes the other cd will be -cd2, if you entered -cd2, the other will be -cd3, and so .
Code: Select all
@Echo OFF
Color 1E
REM Part of the file name, will be replaced with %~1 to take input from cmd
SET "InFilePartName=cd1"
Echo +-------------------------------------------+
Echo : Rogue 'n' orphan stacked file mover v1.00 :
Echo : A NFO2DIR2 companion (c)2013, 'Strokeman' :
Echo +-----------------------------------=-------+
REM Check for user input
IF "%~1" == "" Goto :Error
Rem The Following is executed when there is input from user
SET "PartName=%InFilePartName:~0,-1%"
SET "PartNum1=%InFilePartName:~-1%"
SET /A PartNum2 = PartNum1 + 1
For %%A In ( %PartNum1% %PartNum2% ) Do (
CALL :ProcessFiles "%PartName%" "%%A"
REM After It finish it will Display the following and exit
Echo COMPLETED..Directory(s) created and all related files (IF ANY), moved...
Ping localhost -n 5 >nul
SET "InputName=%~1"
SET "InputNum=%~2"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "delims=" %%A In (' DIR /B /A:-D "*%InputName%%InputNum%.*" ') Do (
IF Exist "%%A" (
SET "FName=%%~nA"
SET "FNameExt=%%~nxA"
SET "FullFName=%%~dpnxA"
SET "DirName=!FName:~0,-4!"
IF NOT EXIST "!DirName!" MD "!DirName!" >NUL
IF EXIST "!FullFName!" MOVE "!FullFName!" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
) Else (
Echo No Files Match
Echo None, or incorrect commandlines given. . .exiting with no changes. .
Echo Syntax:clean stackseparator eg. "clean -cd1", "clean disk1"
Echo Rerun for 2nd or 3rd part eg. "clean -cd2", "clean disk2"
Echo If orphaned files remain, you may need to manually move.
Test it on sample files first
abc0502 wrote:1) is it will always be 2 files in the folder?
2) does these files always have the same name format, ZZZ-cd1.xxx and YYY-cd2.xxx?
and final, from your description, I get that the whole operation is to rename and move to new folder, is that right?
not quite. files will differ, eg ZZZ.disk1.xxx, ZZZ-dvd1.xxx etc, then yyy2, yyy3, etc will follow convention.
the logic is to md named just ZZZ, and move file unmodified into it, as well as ancillary files defined by snippet below into it.
so while the format between the parts is same, %1 will vary. hth, thnx
IF EXIST "!FullFName!" MOVE "!FullFName!" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\"
abc0502 wrote:The Following code is based on this:
You have two part of a cd ( 1 & 2 ).
You want to take each one and create a folder of it's name ( without the -cdX.ext ) and move part 1 & 2 to that folder along with the other files belong to it..[cut]
thanx for ur effort, works gr8 for *cd1, 2 etc
didnt seem to process *%1.* ancillary files?
plse see my prev post about varying %1.
Ok, so it's not just 2 parts it could be many. the one i made is just processing 2 parts.
But could there be a missing parts like 1,2 and 4 ( no 3 )?
Note: it couldn't take input from you becasue i forgot to change the variable in line 5 to:
try it again and it will work on any files names beside the -cd1, but it will just handle two parts ONLY.
I will fix that
One more question, will it always start with number 1? like in -cd1, -disk1, etc..
But could there be a missing parts like 1,2 and 4 ( no 3 )?
Note: it couldn't take input from you becasue i forgot to change the variable in line 5 to:
Code: Select all
SET "InFilePartName=%~1"
I will fix that
One more question, will it always start with number 1? like in -cd1, -disk1, etc..
abc0502 wrote:Ok, so it's not just 2 parts it could be many. the one i made is just processing 2 parts.
But could there be a missing parts like 1,2 and 4 ( no 3 )?
Note: it couldn't take input from you becasue i forgot to change the variable in line 5 to:try it again and it will work on any files names beside the -cd1, but it will just handle two parts ONLY.Code: Select all
SET "InFilePartName=%~1"
I will fix that
One more question, will it always start with number 1? like in -cd1, -disk1, etc..
thnx, gr8 minds think alike, tried. but theres issues here SET "DirName=!FName:~0,-4!"
cant i just borrow this subr fm orig script?
set a=%1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set b=1
call set c=%%a:~!b!,1%%
if "%c%"=="" goto ProcessFiles
set /a b+=1
goto loop.countChar
prob is, i forget how to format b var.! %b%?
nothing written in stone but you can make that assumption about numbering, yes.
if it can process 4 parts, b gr8.
Try This batch, it should be used like this:
The "-disk1" : is the part of the file, like "-cd1" etc...
The "20" : is the number of the parts that exist and has the same name part, the default is 10, so if there is more than 10 parts, you must enter the number like "20", if they less you don't have to enter the number and it should be like:
Clean.bat [ Updated Code]
It should work for any part name as long as it ends with the number ( start number should be 1 ).
Code: Select all
Clean.bat "-disk1" "20"
The "-disk1" : is the part of the file, like "-cd1" etc...
The "20" : is the number of the parts that exist and has the same name part, the default is 10, so if there is more than 10 parts, you must enter the number like "20", if they less you don't have to enter the number and it should be like:
Code: Select all
Clean.bat "-disk1"
Clean.bat [ Updated Code]
Code: Select all
@Echo OFF
Color 1E
REM Part of the file name, will be replaced with %~1 to take input from cmd
SET "InFilePartName=%~1"
SET "MaxFiles=%~2" // Default Max Files in sequence is 10
Echo +-------------------------------------------+
Echo : Rogue 'n' orphan stacked file mover v1.00 :
Echo : A NFO2DIR2 companion (c)2013, 'Strokeman' :
Echo +-----------------------------------=-------+
REM Check for user input
IF "%~1" == "" Goto :Error
IF "%~2" == "" SET "MaxFiles=10" // Default max files will be set to 10 if no input was found
Rem The Following is executed when there is input from user
SET "PartName=%InFilePartName:~0,-1%" // This is the name without the last number
SET "PartNum1=%InFilePartName:~-1%" // Remove This Line if The parts always start with number 1
For /L %%A In ( 1 1 %MaxFiles% ) Do (
IF Exist "*%PartName%%%A*" (
CALL :ProcessFiles "%PartName%" "%%A"
REM After It finish it will Display the following and exit
Echo COMPLETED..Directory(s) created and all related files (IF ANY), moved...
Ping localhost -n 5 >nul
SET "InputName=%~1"
SET "InputNum=%~2"
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "delims=" %%A In (' DIR /B /A:-D "*%InputName%%InputNum%.*" ') Do (
IF Exist "%%A" (
SET "FName=%%~nA"
SET "FNameExt=%%~nxA"
SET "FullFName=%%~dpnxA"
For /F "tokens=1 delims=-" %%z In ( "!FName!" ) Do SET "DirName=%%z"
IF NOT EXIST "!DirName!" MD "!DirName!" >NUL
IF EXIST "!FullFName!" MOVE "!FullFName!" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-fanart.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-fanart.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-poster.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-poster.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-thumb.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-thumb.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-landscape.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-landscape.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
) Else (
Echo No Files Match
Echo None, or incorrect commandlines given. . .exiting with no changes. .
Echo Syntax:clean stackseparator eg. "clean -cd1", "clean disk1"
Echo Rerun for 2nd or 3rd part eg. "clean -cd2", "clean disk2"
Echo If orphaned files remain, you may need to manually move.
It should work for any part name as long as it ends with the number ( start number should be 1 ).
Last edited by abc0502 on 05 May 2013 06:58, edited 1 time in total.
wow, so close now.thanx, hang in there!
issue still with SET "DirName=!FName:~0,-4!"
is assuming %1 will always be 4 chars, what about say -disk1, which is 6?
hence my routine that counted chars parsed.
also this block [processfiles] a nogo
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
have created a blank file called aaa-cd1-fanart.jpg, and one called aaa-cd1.mkv
it mds aaa correctly and moves aaa-cd1.mkv to it. but leaves the jpg where it is?
go on, copy con a few dummy files.
issue still with SET "DirName=!FName:~0,-4!"
is assuming %1 will always be 4 chars, what about say -disk1, which is 6?
hence my routine that counted chars parsed.
also this block [processfiles] a nogo
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
have created a blank file called aaa-cd1-fanart.jpg, and one called aaa-cd1.mkv
it mds aaa correctly and moves aaa-cd1.mkv to it. but leaves the jpg where it is?
go on, copy con a few dummy files.
Oh!, now I see what you mean. This is easy to fix.wow, so close now.thanx, hang in there!
issue still with SET "DirName=!FName:~0,-4!"
is assuming %1 will always be 4 chars, what about say -disk1, which is 6?
hence my routine that counted chars parsed.
Code: Select all
SET "DirName=!FName:~0,-4!"
Code: Select all
For /F "tokens=1 delims=-" %%z In ( "!FName!" ) Do SET "DirName=%%z"
The Other Part fix is like this:
Code: Select all
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-fanart.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-poster.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-thumb.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-landscape.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
Code: Select all
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-fanart.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-fanart.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-poster.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-poster.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-thumb.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-thumb.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-landscape.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-landscape.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
updated Previous code with all these fixes
perfect, ur the man.
all i did was add 1/2doz probable delimiters, and wildcards to that block.
thanks for your help abc0502
all i did was add 1/2doz probable delimiters, and wildcards to that block.
thanks for your help abc0502
You may replace this code:
With this one:
Code: Select all
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-fanart.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-fanart.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-poster.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-poster.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-thumb.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-thumb.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-landscape.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-landscape.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL
Code: Select all
for %%b in (fanart poster thumb landscape) do (
IF EXIST "%%~dpA!DirName!*-%%b.*" MOVE "%%~dpA!DirName!-*-%%b.*" "%%~dpA!DirName!\" >NUL