How does this colour Batch script work?

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How does this colour Batch script work?

#1 Post by Grapefruits » 27 May 2018 11:54

Sorry for the broad question. I was browsing Dostips when I came across this code in viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6839&p=56613&hilit=batch+rgb#p56613

Code: Select all

@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

mode 90,60

for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E^| cmd') do set "ESC=%%a"

Set /a s=10000, v1=10000

For /L %%h in (0,15,360) do ( 
	For /L %%v in (10000,-400,0) do call :plot_HSL_RGB %%h !s! %%v
	if !v1! geq 0 (   <nul set /p "=%esc%[38;2;0;0;0mÛ"
		<nul set /p "=%esc%[38;2;0;0;0mÛ"
        For /L %%l in (0,8,360) do call :plot_HSL_RGB %%l !s! !v1!
        set /a v1=v1-500

exit /b


	rem H=0..360 S=0..10000 L=0..10000

	set /a H=%1, S=%2, L=%3

	rem When 0 <= H < 360, 0 <= S <= 1 and 0 <= L <= 1:

	if !H! equ 360 set /a H=0

	if !H! lss 0 echo ERROR! & goto :EOF

	set /a va=2*L-10000
	if !va! lss 0 set /a va=-va

	set /a C=(10000-va)*S/10000

	set /a "h1=h*10000/60, mm = (h1 %% 20000) - 10000"

	if !mm! lss 0 set /a mm=-mm

	set /a X = C *(10000 - mm)/10000 , m = L - C/2

	rem (R,G,B) = (R'+m, G'+m, B'+m)

	if !H! lss 60 (set /a R=C+m, G=X+m, B=0+m) else (
	   if !H! lss 120 (set /a R=X+m, G=C+m, B=0+m) else (
		  if !H! lss 180 (set /a R=0+m, G=C+m, B=X+m) else (
			 if !H! lss 240 (set /a R=0+m, G=X+m, B=C+m) else (
				if !H! lss 300 (set /a R=X+m, G=0+m, B=C+m) else (
				   if !H! lss 360 (set /a R=C+m, G=0+m, B=X+m) else (echo ERROR!)

	set /a R=R*255/10000, G=G*255/10000, B=B*255/10000

	<nul set /p "=%esc%[38;2;!R!;!G!;!B!mÛ"

goto :eof
And it produces :


I looked and pondered over the code, but I can't wrap my head around how it works. I read more and it seems like something to do with Vt100 escape sequences, but after a good Google I still don't get how that script works. Can anyone please explain how the code gets all those colours? Thanks a lot :)

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Re: How does this colour Batch script work?

#2 Post by einstein1969 » 27 May 2018 16:33

The new windows version 10 include more color using VT100 escape sequences
The code iterate in HSL colors and convert to RGB and put a color char using escape sequence

this code show more colors, use raster fonts 4x6 to get in full screen

Code: Select all

@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

mode 260,92

for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E^| cmd') do set "ESC=%%a"

Set /a s=10000, v1=10000

For /L %%h in (0,4,360) do ( 
	For /L %%v in (10000,-50,0) do call :plot_HSL_RGB %%h !s! %%v
	if !v1! geq 0 (   <nul set /p "=%esc%[38;2;0;0;0mÛ"
		<nul set /p "=%esc%[38;2;0;0;0mÛ"
        For /L %%l in (0,8,360) do call :plot_HSL_RGB %%l !s! !v1!
        set /a v1=v1-500

exit /b


	rem H=0..360 S=0..10000 L=0..10000

	set /a H=%1, S=%2, L=%3

	rem When 0 <= H < 360, 0 <= S <= 1 and 0 <= L <= 1:

	if !H! equ 360 set /a H=0

	if !H! lss 0 echo ERROR! & goto :EOF

	set /a va=2*L-10000
	if !va! lss 0 set /a va=-va

	set /a C=(10000-va)*S/10000

	set /a "h1=h*10000/60, mm = (h1 %% 20000) - 10000"

	if !mm! lss 0 set /a mm=-mm

	set /a X = C *(10000 - mm)/10000 , m = L - C/2

	rem (R,G,B) = (R'+m, G'+m, B'+m)

	if !H! lss 60 (set /a R=C+m, G=X+m, B=0+m) else (
	   if !H! lss 120 (set /a R=X+m, G=C+m, B=0+m) else (
		  if !H! lss 180 (set /a R=0+m, G=C+m, B=X+m) else (
			 if !H! lss 240 (set /a R=0+m, G=X+m, B=C+m) else (
				if !H! lss 300 (set /a R=X+m, G=0+m, B=C+m) else (
				   if !H! lss 360 (set /a R=C+m, G=0+m, B=X+m) else (echo ERROR!)

	set /a R=R*255/10000, G=G*255/10000, B=B*255/10000

	<nul set /p "=%esc%[38;2;!R!;!G!;!B!mÛ"

goto :eof


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Joined: 27 May 2018 11:43

Re: How does this colour Batch script work?

#3 Post by Grapefruits » 27 May 2018 17:47

Thanks for the reply!
Instead of outputting the whole range of colours, could it output one specific colour?
So say I wanted just rgb(42, 51, 66), how would I invoke that? Sorry if I sound ignorant, I'm just curious on how it works.

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Re: How does this colour Batch script work?

#4 Post by ShadowThief » 27 May 2018 23:33

Code: Select all

<nul set /p "=%esc%[38;2;!R!;!G!;!B!mÛ"
where !R! is red, !G! is green, and !B! is blue

Û is a solid rectangle in code page 437.

Posts: 7
Joined: 27 May 2018 11:43

Re: How does this colour Batch script work?

#5 Post by Grapefruits » 28 May 2018 11:03

Thanks so much!

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