Alternate method to get TAB, Carriage return and possibly all others

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Re: Alternate method to get TAB, Carriage return and possibly all others

#31 Post by sst » 19 Aug 2018 07:47

Another variant for getting CR using pipe. both method in separate functions below

Code: Select all

@echo off
call :getCR.FullBuffer CR1
call :getCR.Pipe CR2

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo(      World!CR1!Hello&
echo(      World!CR2!Hello&
exit /b

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1"=="" (set "ret=CR") else set "ret=%~1"
for /F %%Z in ('
    @"%COMSPEC%" /e:on /v:on /q /d /c
    set "line= "^^^&
    (for /L %%Z in (1 1 12^) do set "line=!line!!line!"^)^^^&
') do (
    set "%ret%=%%Z"

if "%~1"=="" (set "ret=CR") else set "ret=%~1"
set "CR="
for /F %%Z in ('
    set CR^=^^!^&
    "%COMSPEC%" /u /d /c "echo(&echo(("^|
    "%COMSPEC%" /e:on /v:on /d /c "set CR= &set /p CR=&echo(%%CR%%CR%%CR%%"
') do (
    set "%ret%=%%Z"
endlocal & goto %0
I forgot about the problem of CMD AutoRun registry settings. with FOR /F CMD will not disable processing of AuroRun commands by passing the /D switch to the child instance, so if any thing there outputs a single character, not only the above functions will fail, but the whole batch code will be in an unpredictable state, and most probably will be terminated, depending on the depth of the call stack and the amount of output lines by the AutoRun command(s).

I don't understand why the folks coding the CMD didn't consider this, they did this for pipes so why not for FOR /F ? And this can break many batch codes out there, for instance Dave's getPID routine. Surely the practice of putting something in AutoRun is not common, but peaple do crazy things when they made aware of some feature, without knowing the possible consequences of doing so.

OK, complaining doesn't solve any thing, this is the replacement code, fortunately, for this case the workaround is simple.

Code: Select all

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1"=="" (set "ret=CR") else set "ret=%~1"
for /F %%Z in ('
    @"%COMSPEC%" /e:on /v:on /q /d /c
    set "line= "^^^&
    (for /L %%Z in (1 1 12^) do set "line=!line!!line!"^)^^^&
') do set "CR=%%Z"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%Z in ("!CR!") do (
    set "%ret%=%%~Z"

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1"=="" (set "ret=CR") else set "ret=%~1"
set "CR="
for /F %%Z in ('
    set CR^=^^!^&
    "%COMSPEC%" /u /d /c "echo(&echo(("^|
    "%COMSPEC%" /e:on /v:on /d /c "set CR=#&set /p CR=&echo(%%CR%%CR%%CR%%"
') do set "CR=%%Z"
if "!CR!"=="#" endlocal & goto %0
for %%Z in ("!CR!") do (
    set "%ret%=%%~Z"

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Location: Germany, Bochum

Re: Alternate method to get TAB, Carriage return and possibly all others

#32 Post by jeb » 28 Aug 2018 07:15

Hi sst,

clever way to use the buffer overflow without a temporary file.

I never thought of your pipe solution.
But still it has a bad taste to use a buffer overflow, I'm not convinced that there aren't some nasty side effects.

Code: Select all

@echo off
call :CreateCR
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo 12345!CR!#
exit /b

::: CR should  be used only with DelayedExpansion
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions
set "X=."
for /L %%c in (1,1,13) DO set "X=!X:~0,4093!!X:~0,4093!"

> %temp%\cr.tmp (
(echo !X!    )

for /f "tokens=2 usebackq" %%a in ("%temp%\cr.tmp") do (
   set "cr=%%a"
   rem set x=
   goto :eof
goto :eof

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Joined: 12 Apr 2018 23:45

Re: Alternate method to get TAB, Carriage return and possibly all others

#33 Post by sst » 29 Aug 2018 02:04

Hi jeb,

I don't see any buffer overflow, I believe it's just an exhausted buffer, nothing will be written beyond. If we can cause buffer overflow this easy, then the side effects of getting CR this way would be the least our worries.

But to be sure I've traced the relevant parts of cmd code in debugger, and I couldn't find any evidence of buffer overflow being occured. In this particular case the only place that is susceptible to cause overflow is where 'echo ' tries to append CRLF to the passed argument.

Let's see:

Code: Select all

echo(!line!!line:~0^,-2! ---> '(' + <4096> + <4094> = 8191
So far so good.

The rest is self explanatory

pseudo code (Windows 7 CMD):

Code: Select all

int eEcho (struct *s)
    ret = OnOffCheck(s->argptr, 0);
    switch (ret)
        case 2:
            // Print echo on/off message based on current echo state.
        case 3:
            cmd_printf("%s\r\n", s->argptr+1) //skip over the first character then print
    return 0;

void cmd_printf(wchar *format, ...)
    va_list argList;
    // Win7 CMD calls StringCchVPrintfW which internally calls vsnwprintf but WinXP CMD directly calls vsnwprintf
    // format="%s\r\n"
    StringCchVPrintfW(Dest, 8192, format, argList); // No overflow.
    CmdPutChars(Dest, len);

int CmdPutChars(wchar *Buffer, unsigned int CharsToWrite)
    if ( FileIsConsole(stdout) ) {
        //Error handling
    } else {
       //Error handling
    return ret;

Disassembly listings (Win7 CMD 32bit module v6.1.7601.23403)

Code: Select all

CPU Disasm
Address   Hex dump          Command                                  Comments
4A07598D      8BFF          MOV EDI,EDI
4A07598F  /.  55            PUSH EBP
4A075990  |.  8BEC          MOV EBP,ESP
4A075992  |.  56            PUSH ESI
4A075993  |.  8B75 08       MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
4A075996  |.  57            PUSH EDI
4A075997  |.  33FF          XOR EDI,EDI
4A075999  |.  57            PUSH EDI                                 ; /Arg2
4A07599A  |.  FF76 3C       PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+3C]               ; |Arg1
4A07599D  |.  E8 30000000   CALL _OnOffCheck@8                       ; \cmd._OnOffCheck@8
4A0759A2  |.  8BC8          MOV ECX,EAX
4A0759A4  |.  49            DEC ECX                                  ; Switch (cases 2..3, 3 exits)
4A0759A5  |.  49            DEC ECX
4A0759A6  |.- 0F84 15E60000 JZ 4A083FC1
4A0759AC  |.  49            DEC ECX
4A0759AD  |.- 0F85 5CFCFFFF JNZ 4A07560F
4A0759B3  |.  8B46 3C       MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+3C]            ; Case 3 of switch cmd.4A0759A4
4A0759B6  |.  40            INC EAX
4A0759B7  |.  40            INC EAX
4A0759B8  |.  50            PUSH EAX                                 ; /<%s>
4A0759B9  |.  68 A846094A   PUSH OFFSET _Fmt17                       ; |Format = "%s\r\n"
4A0759BE  |.  E8 30FFFFFF   CALL _cmd_printf                         ; \cmd._cmd_printf
4A0759C3  |>  59            POP ECX
4A0759C4  |.  59            POP ECX
4A0759C5  |>  5F            POP EDI                                  ; Default case of switch cmd.4A0759A4
4A0759C6  |.  33C0          XOR EAX,EAX
4A0759C8  |.  5E            POP ESI
4A0759C9  |.  5D            POP EBP
4A0759CA  \.  C2 0400       RETN 4

Code: Select all

CPU Disasm
Address   Hex dump          Command                                  Comments
4A0758F3  /$  8BFF          MOV EDI,EDI                              ; cmd._cmd_printf(guessed Format...)
4A0758F5  |.  55            PUSH EBP
4A0758F6  |.  8BEC          MOV EBP,ESP
4A0758F8  |.  56            PUSH ESI
4A0758F9  |.  8D45 0C       LEA EAX,[EBP+0C]
4A0758FC  |.  50            PUSH EAX                                 ; /Arg4
4A0758FD  |.  FF75 08       PUSH DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]                ; |Arg3
4A075900  |.  BE 40460A4A   MOV ESI,OFFSET _MsgBuf                   ; |
4A075905  |.  68 00200000   PUSH 2000                                ; |Arg2 = 2000
4A07590A  |.  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; |Arg1
4A07590B  |.  E8 80FFFFFF   CALL _StringCchVPrintfW@16               ; \cmd._StringCchVPrintfW@16
4A075910  |.  8BC6          MOV EAX,ESI
4A075912  |.  8D48 02       LEA ECX,[EAX+2]
4A075915  |>  66:8B10       /MOV DX,WORD PTR DS:[EAX]
4A075918  |.  40            |INC EAX
4A075919  |.  40            |INC EAX
4A07591A  |.  66:85D2       |TEST DX,DX
4A07591D  |.- 75 F6         \JNZ SHORT 4A075915
4A07591F  |.  2BC1          SUB EAX,ECX
4A075921  |.  D1F8          SAR EAX,1
4A075923  |.  50            PUSH EAX                                 ; /Arg2
4A075924  |.  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; |Arg1
4A075925  |.  E8 08000000   CALL _CmdPutChars@8                      ; \cmd._CmdPutChars@8
4A07592A  |.  5E            POP ESI
4A07592B  |.  5D            POP EBP
4A07592C  \.  C3            RETN

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Re: Alternate method to get TAB, Carriage return and possibly all others

#34 Post by aschipfl » 21 Nov 2020 14:51

seems nobody has yet mentioned the FORFILES command with its nice 0xHH hex code feature. :idea:
I use it for getting the TAB character, but it works for almost all characters except CR and LF:

Code: Select all

for /F "delims=" %%T in ('forfiles /P "%~dp0." /M "%~nx0" /C "cmd /C echo/0x09"') do set "TAB=%%T"
I think I remember that FORFILES was first included in the standard installation of Windows Vista.


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Re: New Universal method to get TAB, Carriage return and possibly all others

#35 Post by aschipfl » 21 Nov 2020 16:14

carlos wrote:
21 Apr 2018 17:23
For the get the CR I not found this excellent:

Code: Select all

for /F %%Z in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%Z"
Because it fails if the batch script have the readonly attribute. More details here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4741&start=90#p40757
This is a very interesting finding. Also the hidden and system attributes cause this method to fail with a file-not-found message.
carlos wrote:
21 Apr 2018 17:23
I prefer this instead:

Code: Select all

set "CR=" &For /F "skip=1" %%a in (
'"echo(|replace.exe ? . /u /w"'
) do if not defined CR set "CR=%%a"
Great approach! Can you please tell me what IF DEFINED CR is intended for? Could REPLACE output more than the piped-in key-press? I cound not find such a situation, not even when there is a file that matches the wildcard "?".

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Re: Alternate method to get TAB, Carriage return and possibly all others

#36 Post by Squashman » 21 Nov 2020 18:32

aschipfl wrote:
21 Nov 2020 14:51
seems nobody has yet mentioned the FORFILES command with its nice 0xHH hex code feature. :idea:
I use it for getting the TAB character, but it works for almost all characters except CR and LF:
You mean this thread: Generate nearly any character, including TAB, from batch

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